
Draka & Kaz the Shrieker

By the time she's gotten the human and goblin back to camp, Draka is thinking a bit more clearly. It's not that she's forgotten her moment of wanton desire, it's just that she's able to look back at it and wonder where the hell it was coming from. Oh, don't get her wrong, now that she's seen the human mage's cock, she's very intrigued by it. He's much larger down there then he should be given his average human sized body. He's easily comparable to an orc, even bigger than some orc males Draka has known.

But at the same time, she is Durotan's mate, and once she's out of that clearing and back to her camp, it's much easier to think with a clear head. She's not just going to… leap into bed with Harry, no matter how big or thick or fat his phallus is. After all, they have more important things to be doing.

With the scent of sex no longer permeating her nostrils, Draka is able to unknowingly ignore the dark whispers in her mind much easier. Not even realizing they're there, she calms her momentarily raging libido and focuses instead on the task at hand… getting Harry and the goblin she'd found him with back to fighting shape so that she could in turn recruit them to help her with her work. That was all that mattered in the end. Stopping the Iron Horde and protecting the Frostwolf Clan was what mattered… nothing else.


Needless to say, Harry wasn't expecting a half-pint like Penny Clobberbottom to tucker him out so much. Sure, the drugs played a substantial part in the inevitable crash, but once he was all healed up, Harry was pretty sure that he'd also been practically asking for it. Ever since he'd arrived on Draenor, he'd been going from one situation to another, fighting battles, fucking hoes, and in all of that… not really getting enough sleep.

As such, when he and Penny had crashed, they'd crashed hard, him most of all. Luckily, before he and Penny had gotten down to business, he'd cast a spell that kept anyone with ill intent from entering the clearing and attacking them. But also luckily, someone who did NOT mean him, or his goblin playmate harm had shown up before that spell had worn off, because in the end Harry had been out for over half a day, and the charm he'd used would not have lasted that long. He and Penny would have been left defenseless and unconscious in the middle of the Gorgrond Wilds for a fair bit if Draka hadn't come along when she did.

Luckily, it seemed that the orc didn't want much for her help… just to conscript them in her current quest… that is, recruiting Kaz the Shrieker from the Laughing Skulls into their ranks so that they could get into some serious mayhem and deal some blows against both the Iron Horde AND the botani that made Gorgrond their home.

Finding Kaz wasn't difficult. The Laughing Skull Chieftainess (or at least, that's what Harry eventually assumed she was from numerous context clues) was very active in Gorgrond. An arsonist, Kaz the Shrieker had been VERY easy to locate. It was pinning her down and actually getting her to listen that was harder.

Needless to say, as much as Harry found himself intrigued and interested in the somewhat crazy masked orc, hers and Draka's relationship got off to an… incredibly rocky start. Kaz refused to do anything regarding the Iron Horde until she was able to search out more of her people in the jungles to the south. And so, to the southern jungles they'd gone, with Draka insisting on following after the other orc to safeguard against betrayal.

Harry liked to think it was a little easier for Draka to accept Kaz starting when they discovered what the botani were doing to the Laughing Skull prisoners they'd managed to gather. The Infested Orcs had been startling for even Harry to see but given this was neither his race nor his world, he was a fair bit disconnected. Draka though… Draka had been horrified by what they'd found of Kaz's people, what had been done to them.

It made sense, to be fair. Draka, for all that she was a strong independent female and a great and powerful warrior, had only ever lived in Frostfire Ridge all her life. And that wasn't to say that Frostfire wasn't a very dangerous, very tough place to grow up and survive in. It was a testament to the Frostwolf Clan in general and Draka in particular that they and she not only survived in Frostfire Ridge but thrived there.

However, the snowy tundra dotted with lava flows and volcanic mounds that was Frostfire Ridge was a different sort of dangerous when compared to Gorgrond. Gorgrond wasn't just dangerous, it was horrifying in many ways. The jungles of Gorgrond wouldn't just try to kill and eat you… it would spit you back out and corrupt you, it would turn you into something you weren't for its own ends.

Draka had said it herself, when they'd come across the Infested orcs, putting it quite… succinctly.

"These creatures… were not what I expected to see. I always knew Gorgrond was a dangerous place, but I never could have guessed how vile its inhabitants truly were…"

And indeed, the botani made even the Iron Horde look nicer. Or perhaps not nicer, but at least preferable. All the Iron Horde could do was kill you, either with explosions or more up close and personal with smithed metal. But the botani could do so much worse, and they had done so much worse to a good portion of the Laughing Skull Clan.

As an outsider looking in, Harry felt like he could pinpoint the true turn in Draka and Kaz's relationship. It was undeniably when the Shrieker had him go out looking for a few select members of her clan, only for each and every one of them to be dead. When he'd reported this back to Kaz within earshot of Draka, the Laughing Skull Chieftainess' anguish was palpable as she mournfully and angrily explained that one of the three bodies he'd found was her mate… who she'd borne a son for. A son that was still missing.

Needless to say, Harry had gone out and located Kaz's son, Cutter. From there, he and the little bloodthirsty orc boy had set about righting some wrongs and correcting some errors in the order of things. Cutter had showed Harry how to burn the bodies, and together they'd made sure that the young orc got back to his mother.

There was no denying that saving her son had won Harry some substantial brownie points with Kaz the Shrieker. The Laughing Skull shaman had been most… appreciative at the time. But they were still in the midst of a battle if not quite a war, and there was no time for anything frivolous. Instead, with Kaz and Draka developing a new understanding and the latter seeing the former in a new light, they'd pushed onwards.

All of this had culminated in Iyu, a massive genesaur that the botani of Gorgrond worshipped as a deity, attacking the outpost when part of their fighting against the botani resulted in them gaining custody of one of its artifacts.

Needless to say, there were no negotiations, only battle, and in the end the genesaur was felled. It was there that Kaz called Draka sister, and there that Draka reciprocated the Laughing Skull chieftainess' feelings. A very touching moment to be sure… but with Iyu the genesaur defeated, the botani of Gorgrond were at the very least beaten back for the time being, leaving everything much calmer than it was before.

And Harry… well, Harry was all for celebrating a victory when one deserved to be celebrated. A small grin graces his face as he feels a certain orcish woman approaching his private tent from the outside. Just as she enters, he casts a spell that will make sure not a single sound escapes the confines of the tent. And then he rises to meet her.


Draka really had disliked Kaz at first. Not just because of who Kaz was… but because of how she looked at Harry. It was strange, despite never laying with the human, despite never once coupling with him, Draka felt like she was already possessive of him. She did, of course, have her own mate back home. And the Frostwolf Orc did love her mate Durotan most deeply, truly she did.

But… orcs were not the sort of people who mated exclusively. They were a primal, bestial people who let their emotions and desires take control at times, who allowed their instincts to run rampant. Durotan would not consider it a betrayal if Draka laid with Harry, just as she would not consider it a betrayal if Durotan laid with any of the females in their clan.

So then why did Draka feel this strange sort of possessiveness towards Harry despite them not being mated? It was almost like Kaz the Shrieker's mere presence was… challenging her. Dark whispers continued to cling to Draka's mind from the initial scene of debauched fornication she'd stumbled upon in that clearing. Whatever had happened between Harry and that goblin, Draka barely even comprehended. She was… unaware of how she was being influenced, and as muted as the whispers had become, they were still there.

Still, not even they could keep Draka from being herself. And at the end of the day, the Frostwolf Orc's initial recalcitrance towards Kaz could not stand the test of time. Not when the Laughing Skull shaman continued to show more and more of her hidden depths, not when it became easier and easier to not quite pity, but certainly relate to Kaz's struggles and her losses. Their world was not a kind place… but Gorgrond was even less kind than most.

The Laughing Skull Clan had always been seen as a little crazy, as a little unstable. They were looked down upon for not being all there. But now that Draka had seen what horrors Gorgrond had to offer, now that she'd witnessed firsthand the hardships that the Laughing Skull Clan had to go through, and fought beside them against their monsters, she understood them better than ever.

Draka was, quite frankly, proud to call Kaz sister and to be called sister in turn by the other female orc.

Of course, now that they'd put down Iyu, the botani would be on the backfoot for QUITE some time, possibly even years. But the Iron Horde were just getting started and the fight in Gorgrond was far from over… in fact, it was just beginning. With that said, Draka intended to stay with the Laughing Skull for a little while longer in order to strengthen ties between their two clans and help her new bond sister in securing her people's gains.

But that meant someone else would have to go back to Durotan and tell him what had happened here, someone else would have to continue on with the Frostwolf Clan and the Horde's combined plans against the Iron Horde. And obviously, that someone should be Harry. As much as Draka found herself yearning to stay by his side for some strange reason, as much as she desired him, deep down she knew that it would be better if they were… separated. Whatever was going on with her was strange to say the least, and she wanted some distance so that she could properly assess what was happening.

Not to mention, Harry would be needed on the frontline of whatever conflict across the face of Draenor that those in charge thought him best suited for. The human mage was a one-man army-buster from what Draka had seen so far. Perhaps that was part of why she was so attracted to him. Not only was his cock sizable and desirable, but he himself was so very strong and powerful. There was a lot to be liked there…

But no… no! She wasn't going to his tent in order to fuck him, she was going to his tent in order to send him off. That was IT. As she approaches said tent, Draka straightens her back, squares her shoulders, and sets her jaw. She has to… she has to remain strong. Just a little while longer, and then he'd be out of her hair.

Except, when Draka pushes into the tent, she's immediately hit with a wave of sound and scent that assaults her senses all at the same time.

"Yes! Yes, human! Fuck me harder! Don't stop! HOW CAN SUCH A SMALL BODY PACK SO MUCH POWER?!"

Harry just chuckles and grunts… as Kaz the Shrieker shrieks quite loudly while bouncing up and down on his dick quite rapidly. Draka stiffens and freezes in place as she watches and listens to the scene in front of her. Harry might be small in stature, but where it counts, he has a massive bitch breaker of a cock and the physical strength to back it up, it would seem.

His hands on Kaz's thicc, brown, muscular thighs, he's raising the Laughing Skull shaman up off of his cock and then dropping her back down again and again and again. His massive, meaty pole looks like it's buried quite deeply inside of her if the ever so slight bulge in Kaz's visible six pack is any indication. Harry seems to be positively wrecking her despite being on the bottom.

Draka, meanwhile, is finding it difficult to stay on her feet. Her legs quake and her knees knock together a bit as the powerfully built orcish female finds herself opening and closing her mouth soundlessly. Her eyes wide, her pupils dilated, her nostrils flaring… she doesn't know what to do. She had such a straightforward and simple plan before coming in here. And it likely would have worked too, if Harry had been alone and… unattended. If he hadn't been in the throes of ecstasy with her new bond sister, perhaps she'd have been able to just give him his next quest and then leave.

Instead, it's just like back in the clearing with the goblin, but easily ten times worth. Draka breathes in the heady sex of Harry's musk and him fornicating with another female and the dark whispers she doesn't even realize are in her head raise in volume to a breaking point. She wants him. She wants that cock inside of her. She wants to be fucked so damn bad that it's not even funny. But at the same time, she's trying desperately to fight it, remaining locked in her current position, still stood on her own two feet at least as she stands there just inside of Harry's tent.

On his back as he is, Harry doesn't notice her at first. Instead, that honor falls to Kaz the Shrieker, who eventually stops her shrieking and orgasming long enough to open her eyes and realize Draka has walked in on them. Far from being upset by this invasion of privacy, Kaz lets out a cheerful howl and abruptly pulls off of Harry's cock.

"Bond sister! Come, come! Join us!"

Stumbling forward, her own powerful orcish legs nevertheless turned to jelly by Harry's massive bitch breaker, Kaz grabs Draka by the arms, a look of pure, unadulterated, somewhat crazed delight on her face as she smiles ferally.

It's being invited that ultimately causes Draka to finally collapse, her legs giving out on her. Kaz follows her down to the ground, the two orc women kneeling there in the middle of the tent… while Harry rises up from his position on his back, standing and striding over with an amused look in his emerald green eyes. Smirking slightly, he holds his cock by the base and casually slaps the massive meaty thing down onto their faces, both Draka and Kaz turning their gazes upwards to look at him as guttural moans exit the mouths of the orc women.

"You wanna join in then, Draka? You certainly can… but if you want this inside of you, you have to earn it."

The whispers are so loud now that they're audible, even comprehensible. Draka hears them but doesn't quite understand that they're not from her own mind. She thinks them to be her own thoughts… which to be fair, her own thoughts aren't far off from what they're telling her.

"Give in… take it, take his cock. Worship him. Worship our herald. Worship him."

With a loud, bestial groan, Draka finally stops fighting it as Kaz hugs her from the side and is already in the process of stripping her down. Draka's tits are already exposed and being toyed with by her new bond sister when she leans forward and opens her mouth wide, taking Harry's massive cock, pink and strange but no less tantalizing, between her lips. Keeping both tusk and tooth out of the way of his huge dick is tricky but doable, even as he slides his hands through her lush braided black hair and begins to thrust forward, groaning himself in enjoyment.

"That's it… fuck you've got a gorgeous mouth, Draka. Put that tongue of yours to use."

Yes… yes, her tongue. She has to use her tongue. Draka does so, keeping her eyes fixed on Harry's face as he smiles down at her approvingly. Having him look at her like that, like she's doing well… it's strange how much satisfaction it brings her. Meanwhile, Kaz certainly isn't helping. For all that she's known as the Shrieker, the Laughing Skull Chieftainess has lowered her voice to a murmur as she fondles Draka's bust and toys with her body while whispering in her ear.

"He's quite full of himself, isn't he sister? But at the same time, it's quite deserved is it not? I can't help but think my mate, if he were still with us, would understand. There's just something undeniably tempting about this gorgeous human and his big… fat… cock."

Draka shivers as Kaz's final words hit her ears one after the other. She's right, of course. There is something about Harry… something that's driving Draka absolutely insane. Before she even knows what she's doing, she's all but throwing herself forward onto Harry's massive member, impaling her throat on his fat dick and feeling it bend slightly as it descends down her esophagus and into her gullet.

"Gagkh! Gaaaagggkhk! Glluuuuggghk!!"

She chokes mightily as a result, of course, gurgling and gagging as her throat convulses around his impossibly large phallus. His hands curl in her hair more tightly as he lets out a heartfelt groan, and he begins to skull fuck her properly himself, her provocation causing him to treat her mouth like a cunt, his thrusts rapidly increasing in both speed and intensity as Draka feels involuntary tears begin leaking from her eyes, as her saliva, spit, and drool all coalescing onto her lower lip only to dribble off of her chin and onto her bouncing brown bust.

The musclebound orc female has never been so… casually manhandled before, truth be told. While she and Durotan certainly fuck like animals, oral sex has always been a gift… not a conquest like Harry is visiting upon her now. She would lick up and down Durotan's cock enticingly until he was eventually provoked into pinning her down and taking her, and then she would fight him for supremacy and dominance all the way through.

This here and now, it was dominance made manifest through oral sex instead of regular intercourse. Harry was fucking her face with reckless abandon, leaving Draka to just kneel there and do her best to worship his cock with her writhing tongue. She would slide her tongue around his cockhead whenever he was pulled almost all the way back, only to revert to wiggling it along the underside of his shaft whenever he was buried in her throat.

The abuse of her mouth and throat felt endless, but also strangely satisfying in a way that her foreplay with her actual mate never had been before. She was getting almost as much pleasure out of choking on Harry's cock as she could expect to get from being properly fucked by Durotan. If that really was the case, then how exactly would it feel when Harry finally got to her cunt? How would it feel to be dominated by the human in such a way?

"You're hogging him, sister. I demand a turn!"

Abruptly, Kaz enters the fray, changing things up significantly. Dazed and beleaguered as she already is from the skull fucking she's received, Draka is in no position to fight Kaz for Harry's cock. The other female orc easily pulls her back off of the human's magnificent member, while Harry watches on in amusement as Kaz dives down his length next. Soon enough, the Laughing Skull chieftainess is gurgling and gagging around Harry's length just as Draka was, face fucking herself on his shaft and worshipping his dick with all the ferocity that Draka had come to expect from her bond sister.

"Glughk! Gagkh! Glughk!"

Meanwhile, Draka is given a chance to recover… but all this does is make her more and more horny, all it does is incense her libido even further. She has her hands buried between her thighs at this point, vigorously and fervently playing with herself as she watches Kaz deep-throat Harry's giant member. But it's not enough. Her fingers simply aren't enough to get Draka off, despite them always being just fine as a stand-in before.

Desperate to be involved again, needing more of this human male in front of her, Draka leans forward and dips her head downwards. As Kaz continues to worship Harry's cock, Draka debases herself by settling for his massive swinging ball sack. Throbbing and pulsating, his nuts slip right into her mouth and onto her tongue as she goes to work sucking and slobbering all over them. Moaning up a storm, Draka lets out another guttural groan as she gets a taste for ball sucking, loving the salt, loving the musky scent that fills her nostrils even more as she buries her nose against his taint and just breathes in deeply.

This is where she belongs. This is where her and Kaz belong. On their knees, worshipping this human with their mouths. Except… isn't there more to be had? Draka wants more. She NEEDS more.

"Fuuuck, you two sluts are driving me wild… are you ready? Here it comes!"

His hands come down atop their heads and he grabs tightly at both of their hair, pulling them back at the same time. This results in Draka's face being pressed up against her bond sister's as she and Kaz moan wantonly. Frankly, there's no place she'd rather be then cheek-to-cheek with Kaz the Shrieker as Harry tosses his head back, groaning as he begins to let loose all over their faces.

The amount of cum that spills forth from his cock is just plain unnatural… but not at all undesired. Draka and Kaz end up painted from head to bust in his seed, the two of them finding their brown skin quickly and rapidly coated in white, hot jizz. The spunk that Harry releases ends up dripping down their faces, onto their tongues, into their mouths, and the moment they get a taste… well, for Draka at least, the whispers once again increase tenfold.

She's beginning to understand that these whispers… they aren't actually her inner voice. But with understanding also comes acceptance. As Draka takes Harry's seed into her, as she imbibes it… the corruption becomes rooted within her. There's no escaping it now, in a way she's as infected as if she'd been captured and turned by the botani. Both she and Kaz are. They're just infected from something not of this world… something that Harry unknowingly brought with him when he came to Draenor.

The two suddenly ravenous orc women turn upon one another immediately and begin to lick and slurp and practically eat Harry's thick, viscous cum off of each other. Hell, they even bite one another in some places, gnawing at the other's tough brown skin even as their tongues swirl and suck and slurp up the delicious treat that is Harry's cum between them.

It's in this moment that Harry acts, using a bit of his magic to go ahead and position the two orcish women how he wants them. Draka ends up on top while Kaz ends up on bottom as the two embrace one another, the bond sisters sharing a moment of entirely nonplatonic love. But at the end of the day, they are bound by more than just sisterhood. They are bound by a shared desire for a certain human mage's impossibly large cock.

Something Harry was more than willing to give them. With their gushing wet cunts grinding together, with the two of them laid out atop one another before him, Harry takes up his position behind Draka and grabs her by her hips, RAMMING his cock into her tight, muscled cunt. The orc woman shrieks in pleasure, only for Kaz to swallow up her voice in a deep, tongue-filled, ravenous kiss.

Not that it matters, really. Draka's eyes roll back in her head, and she moans and squeals and screams out as loud as she likes, knowing from experience that no sound was leaving the tent. After all, Kaz was getting fucked when she came in, and shrieking quite a lot. Draka hadn't heard a word until AFTER she'd entered the tent.

With that in mind, Draka happily loses herself in the pleasure of Harry's mind-numbing bitch breaker of a cock. She's already given in to the whispers. She can't… she needs it, she needs it so bad that she'll do anything for more of it. It's a madness, of sorts, and it's driving her wild. It's bringing all of her worst instincts to the forefront, and it's doing the same with Kaz.

Before they were orcs, they were something more bestial and primal. Everything comes from something else, and the orcish race was young and thus closer to their animalistic roots then a lot of other intelligent species. As such, it's so easy to just… be Harry's bitch. To get fucked like the beast she is, to get taken from behind while writhing atop her bond sister. Kaz holds her tightly and looks into Draka's eyes with an understanding that makes it clear she knows exactly what Draka is going through.

And of course she does, she'd already had a taste of Harry's cock. She gets another taste now, when he suddenly pulls out of Draka and slams home into Kaz's waiting quim once more. Then, it's Draka's turn to watch as the Laughing Skull Chieftainess loses herself in the pleasure, as her eyes roll up in her skull, as she shrieks and howls in ecstasy, her tongue lolling out of her mouth.

It's an incredibly embarrassing visage that greets her as she stares down at her bond sister getting fucked beneath her. But Draka imagines that the look on her own face really isn't much better when moments later, Harry once again swaps back to her. Fucking in and out of each of them faster and faster, it's not long before both orc women are cumming their brains out, their eyes each rolled back in their heads, their cunts spasming and squirting pussy juices all over Harry's cock, each other, and the floor.

In the end, when his release finally arrives, it's inside of Kaz. He fills her with his seed, and her wanton moans and his loud groans fill Draka's ears and leave her nearly seeing red with rage… right up until he shoves his massive member back inside of her and begins to give her the fucking of her orcish life. It's hard to be mad that he creampied Kaz first when he proceeds to devote all of his attention to fucking her to completion next as well.

Howling, roaring, her muscular body pulsating and tensing and flexing in all the best ways, Draka shudders as she's dominated wholesale. Both physically and mentally, she's never felt more out of control, never felt more… submissive. It feels right, being beneath Harry, being used by him. It feels right being subjugated by the human mage.

More than that, it feels right when he cums inside of her just like he did Kaz. It doesn't seem possible that he could impregnate the two of them, after all he's not an orc. But somehow, Draka almost feels certain that he HAS bred them both. That he's knocked her and Kaz up right there on the spot, making them his bitches and his breeding sows in one fell swoop.

However, where most females would slump forward in a pleasure coma after being thoroughly plowed silly and then creampied by Harry… Draka and Kaz are not most females. The Frostwolf Orc and Laughing Skull Chieftainess are not most females at all, and as Harry pulls back away from them both, as he pulls out of Draka's gushing creampied cunt, she lifts herself up off of her bond sister, only for Kaz to lift herself up as well.

And then they both turn to face Harry, lust in their eyes, need in their faces as they let out matching guttural growls… and begin prowling towards the human mage. They're FAR from done.


When he finally gets out of there some hours later, Harry is grateful just to be walking in all honesty. While he'd had tentative control over the encounter the entire time, it was unlike anything he'd ever experienced. Draka of the Frostwolf Clan and Kaz the Shrieker of the Laughing Skull Clan… it was like they were possessed by some insatiable lust spirit that had pushed them both to in turn push HIM to his limits.

Only by constantly surprising them had he been able to keep control over the situation. Like riding a bucking bronco, it was all about positioning. In that way, Harry had kept one step ahead. When Draka had all but tried to suck his soul out of him via his cock, he'd gone and pinned the gorgeous muscular brown orc down and fucked her ass. When Kaz had tried to ride him raw and bloody, he'd skull fucked her into submission.

Their lust was insatiable and undeniable, but at the same time, it was like they were just waiting for him to put them in their place. They constantly tested him, they constantly stretched boundaries to see what he would do to them, but every time Harry was able to respond in kind and continue to keep them down.

By the time he left them to their own devices, they were both covered and filled in his seed. He'd fucked their cunts and asses at least three times apiece, to say nothing of leaving nice thick loads in their bellies as nutritious meals to keep them going. Would anything come of him filling their wombs to the absolute brim with his seed?

Harry didn't know. He wasn't sure how orc and human breeding even worked if he was being honest. It had felt good to creampie Draka and Kaz though, he knew that much. More than good, it had felt RIGHT.

But alas, all good things had to come to an end eventually. Having survived a near 'death by snu snu' treatment at the hands of the two incredibly horny orc females, Harry knew he was needed back in Alliance territory to continue aiding them in the conflict. He'd done what he could for the Horde side of things, helping to stabilize Frostfire Ridge and giving them a nice solid beachhead here in Gorgrond in the form of their new Laughing Skull allies.

From this point on, it would be up to the Frostwolf Clan as well as Lady Liadrin and her little Horde Outpost, to keep things on this side of Draenor working towards their inevitable mutual goal. Harry couldn't afford to leave the Alliance side of things over in Shadowmoon Valley unattended any longer.

No matter how much he enjoyed the average orcish female and putting them in their place, he wasn't on Draenor just to fuck and plow his way through the planet's female population, even as much as it felt like it sometimes. No, Harry was here to help the cause, to stop the Iron Horde from invading Azeroth. The Horde and Alliance would have to work together to succeed in that goal. And Harry fully intended on being the bridge between the two forces if that was what was needed.

Even if it was his thick fat cock doing the bridging more than anything else…


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