
World of Adventure

Ian, the eldest son of a poor family wishes to ease the burden on his overworked parents and bring more money to the household. He sees a golden opportunity when the famous game company Gaming and Entertainment United announces that they are hiring people to play their newest game. The catch? The player must spend the rest of their lives in the game and their new lives will be broadcasted to the world.

Rez62 · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The Basics

When Ian could see again he found himself laying on his back, staring at the canopy of trees above him. Sitting up and looking around he saw that he was in a small clearing, surrounded by a dense forest. The second thing he noticed was the noise, he could hear the slightest of sound clearly and if he concentrated he could focus on the noise coming from a specific direction. It was honestly a bit overwhelming, but he luckily got used to it quickly. 

He appeared to be wearing classic medieval looking attire. Laying beside him, was a simple leather satchel. Ian wasted no time in opening it and found the knife he had chosen in its sheath, and a small leather bound book with his name written on the cover. He opened it to the first page and began to read.

[Hello new Player! As you have probably noticed WoA, unlike traditional RPG games, does not have a true interface or inventory. Instead you have this book. This book is bound to you and is indestructible and impossible to steal, it also shows you all of your Stats, Skills, and Traits. It also telepathically notifies you when you gain a new Skill, Stat, Trait, and when you level up. For your convenience there is also a Help Section in which you may write questions that the book will answer.]

Ian wasted no time in turning to the help page and asking questions. He quickly learned that Intelligence only increases his mana pool, Agility increases flexibility, reaction time, and speed. Strength increases your, well, strength, and Endurance was tied to stamina not durability. The next thing he asked about was the Personal Attribute, something he hadn't heard of before.  

[A Players Personal Attribute is given based on the object they chose during the character creation. A Personal Attribute is based off of a person from history or fiction, and allows the Player to develop Traits and Skills based off of that person. This allows every Player to have access to an arsonal that no other Player could ever have.]

[Personal Attribute: T.R. (Teddy Rosevelt)] 

Now this was interesting, Ian had never before heard of such a game mechanic. Setting down the book he picked up the knife and examined it in a new light. It still looked the same, and he didn't feel anything special whilst holding it. The moment he unsheathed it however he felt something change, It felt like something was invading his mind. It passed as quickly as it had come and he heard a voice in his head. 

{New Skill acquired - Wilderness Survival} 

Hearing this Ian wasted no time in rechecking the book to see what had changed.

[Ian Welmont

 LV: 1

 HP: 100

 SP: 100

 MP: 50

 Race: Beastmen (Rabbit) 

 Class: none

 Personal Attribute: T.R.

 Stats: (5 is considered average)

    INT: 5

    AGI: 8

    STR: 6

    END: 7



    Bunny Ears (racial trait): You can hear as good as most animals

A Rabbit's Physique (racial trait): you are quite fast, have good stamina, and can jump 3x as high as an average human  


    Wilderness Survival (PA Skill): Gives you all the skills to be a wilderness survival expert.

Flee (racial skill): As a prey beast person you are adept at running away, allows for a sudden burst of speed when used, costs 20 stamina, cooldown of 4sec. 


T.R.'s Hunting Knife: A knife embodying the memory of Teddy Rosevelt.

Dam: 9

+3 Dam against beasts 

(will grow with the Player)]

He had a new skill, Wilderness Survival, and as if by magic the moment he thought about it he did know how to survive in the wild. He had basic knowledge on hunting, traps, building shelter, almost everything he could need to know. Ian knew none of this beforehand, he had never even gone camping much less hunting, but now he felt as comfortable in these woods as he would his own home. 

'That enough sitting around' he decided 'time to get to work'. He moved into the woods and immediately started to gather the materials to build a basic snare. After building three different snares at varying locations he went to work setting up some kind of shelter. By time he managed to build himself a primitive shelter it was almost dark. Ian decided that it wouldn't get cold enough to need a fire so he didn't bother, instead building a sort of nest made of brush and dead leaves, and going to sleep.