
Meeting a zombie for the first time!

"That's the continuous room to mine"

There the university woman who had shouted just a little while ago stayed!

It was the woman that Liu Zhang thought was killed by the zombie attack!

Quickly, Liu Zhang ran to the kitchen and started looking for something he could use as a weapon.

Searching among the kitchen utensils, he manages to get 2 small knives that he keeps immediately in the pockets of his pants.

And then there was the broomstick he had in his hand.

Could this help him to kill a zombie?

It will not serve him! It is unlikely that a wooden stick would serve to bring down a zombie.

According to what he remembered of the zombies he saw in video games, there were several types of zombies, but even so, it was almost impossible to kill a zombie with a simple wooden stick that breaks easily.

'But if…'

Liu Zhang laid the wooden stick on the ground and then stepped on the tip and lifted with his hands from the other end.


He broke the tip of the stick, thus leaving a broken wooden tip with a sharp edge, making it look like a wooden halberd now.

'With this, if it is likely that I can kill a zombie, If I nail him the tip of the spear on his head, I'm sure he will not get up again' Liu Zhang thought. while slowly and without causing much noise, he began to move the bed that obstructed the exit door.

Liu Zhang did not know where the courage came from to help the unknown woman, but what he did know was that a defenseless woman was asking for help from him, and he would not disappoint her!

Liu Zhang tightening his grip on the spear species in his hand and slowly opened the door, he noted that the hallway was silent with several doors open showing the interior of the empty rooms. There were also several pools of blood scattered on the floor and characteristics that there had been a kind of struggle and disturbance.

'It seems that many have fled the department' Liu Zhang thought when he saw the several empty rooms where the doors were completely broken as if they had been forced by something.

When advancing, Liu Zhang found a room with the broken door in a corner near his own room, with the plaque showing the number 78 hanging from the broken and barely visible door.

Swallowing cold saliva, Liu Zhang leaned close to the door and peered inside.

In the Inside, the room was in disarray, with clothes scattered on the floor, and some pieces of wood belonging to the broken door lying on the floor.

But what made Liu Zhang's eyes open wide was the silhouette of a person standing in the center of the room.

* Breathing! * * Breathing! *

The person's breathing seemed agitated and with slight traces of savagery, while his body trembled from time to time. The person wore a worn and somewhat torn pajamas, had messy hair, and carried a pack of cigarettes in the small back pocket.

Liu Zhang despite not being able to see his face, recognized him instantly.

That person was the one that Liu Zhang had seen only that very morning, even he had cursed the joke that that person had made to him.

That person was his neighbor who lived in the apartment superior to his.

It was Yen Huan!