
World Hopping with Gacha

While on a school trip, an 18-year-old falls into a frozen lake and wakes up as a baby. Disclaimer I don’t own any elements used in this fanfic just the Main Character.

_TheWatcher_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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56 Chs

The Case Ends and Catching Up

The investigation had stretched longer than expected. I had been running on fumes, balancing my duties at UA and my role as a detective. But after weeks of chasing down leads, interrogating shady characters, and sifting through dead ends, I was finally closing in on the group of villains responsible for the broker's death.

The tech fragment I'd found was just the beginning. It led me to a network of underground suppliers and dealers who were tied to the broker, all of them working for the same shady organization. This group was bigger than I imagined, operating in secret, supplying dangerous tech to villains across the city. And now, they knew someone was onto them.

I stood in an abandoned warehouse, deep in the industrial district, the perfect place for shady dealings. The group had planned a meeting here, thinking they were safe. They had no idea I was watching.

I activated Kyōka Suigetsu, casting an illusion over the entire building. No one inside would see me coming. Walking through the shadows, I moved silently, slipping past the guards at the entrance. My silent steps were a deadly reminder that I wasn't just a detective, but also an Assassin thanks to John Wick Template, and I was about to bring their entire operation to an end.

Inside, I found them—a dozen villains, gathered around a table, discussing their next move. They were expecting a delivery of more tech, unaware that their plans were about to fall apart.

I quietly pulled out my HK416, its silencer already attached. With a single thought, I summoned the power of the Herrscher of Reason, analyzing every angle, every weakness in the building's structure. I could destroy the entire place in an instant if I wanted to. But for now, I would play this smart.

One of the villains at the table, a tall man with glowing red eyes, stood up. "I told you we need to move faster. The detective is onto us. If he gets any closer—"

"Too late," I muttered, stepping into the light.

All eyes turned toward me, confusion and fear spreading across their faces. They had no idea who I was, but they could sense the danger.

"Who the hell are you?" the leader demanded, stepping forward.

"Blade," I said, my voice cold. "I'm here to shut this operation down."

'I almost had the urge to i'm here to cut you down but that dosen't seem very Hero like does it?'

A few of the villains exchanged nervous glances. They had heard of me, but they weren't prepared. I could see it in their eyes. They thought they were dealing with just another hero. What they didn't realize was that I could end their entire operation in seconds.

The leader smirked, clearly unimpressed. "You think you can take all of us on by yourself?"

I didn't reply. Instead, I lifted my hand, summoning my power. The room grew heavy, gravity bending to my will as I unleashed the full force of Welt Yang's abilities. The villains staggered, trying to fight against the crushing weight, but it was useless.

I flicked my wrist, and a dozen quantum energy blades appeared in the air around me. With a single motion, they shot forward, striking down half of the villains before they could even react.

The rest panicked, scrambling to fight back, but they didn't stand a chance. I moved faster than they could see, my gun silenced as I fired shot after shot, taking them down one by one. The entire warehouse echoed with the soft sounds of suppressed gunfire and the dull thud of bodies hitting the ground.

The leader was the last one standing, his red eyes glowing with rage. He charged at me, but I stopped him in his tracks with a glance, trapping him in an illusion. His mind shattered, lost in an endless loop of fear and confusion, while I calmly approached him.

"Tell me," I said, my voice low, "who are you working for?"

He struggled to speak, his body trembling under the weight of the illusion. "I... I don't know! They don't give us names. Just tech. Orders."

I narrowed my eyes, tightening the illusion. "Lies."

"I swear!" he gasped, falling to his knees. "It's a group... a powerful one. They've been supplying us with weapons, tech... anything we want. But I don't know who they are!"

I released the illusion, letting him collapse to the ground. His mind was too far gone to give me any more useful information. It didn't matter, though. I had what I needed. The operation was done, and I'd stopped their supply line.

As I walked out of the warehouse, the building behind me began to crumble, collapsing under the weight of my power. The villains were done, and their tech would no longer be a threat.

The case was over, and I could finally breathe again.


After the case wrapped up, I finally had a moment to catch my breath. But the moment I sat down in my office, the familiar Ding! of the Multiverse Chat Group echoed in my mind. I'd been absent for a few days, and it was time to catch up.

Opening the interface, I scrolled through the recent messages.

[ @Web_Slinger: Yo, Blade, where've you been? We thought you went rogue or something! ]

[ @Pottah: Yes! You missed all the fun. We were discussing how to cross worlds! ]

[ @Byakugan_Princess: We were worried. Everything okay?]

I chuckled at the messages. They were always lively, and I hadn't even been gone that long. I quickly typed my response.

[ @Blade: Sorry, everyone. I've been busy with a case in my world. Took down a group of villains running an underground tech operation.]

[ @Billionaire_Playboy: Villains, huh? Sounds like my kind of work. What's the damage?]

[ @Blade: Nothing I couldn't handle. Their tech was dangerous, but they didn't expect me to show up.]

I leaned back in my chair, letting the conversations flow naturally. It felt good to be part of this chat group, to connect with others from different worlds who understood what it was like to carry the weight of responsibility.

[ @Web_Slinger: Still, man, that sounds intense. I had to deal with a couple of crazy guys in my world too, but nothing like an underground villain network.]

[ @Pottah: You'll have to tell us the full story sometime, Blade!]

I smiled. The group was curious, and I didn't mind sharing the details. But before I could reply, a new notification appeared.

[ System: New feature unlocked—Multiverse Missions. ]

"What now?" I muttered under my breath, clicking on the notification.

[ System: Missions are now available for group members to participate in. Complete missions to earn rewards and strengthen your abilities. Mission list will appear soon.]

The chat immediately exploded with excitement.

[ @Web_Slinger: Missions? This is just like a video game!]

[ @Pottah: I wonder what kind of missions we'll get.]

[ @Byakugan_Princess: Do we have to work together on these?]

[ @Billionaire_Playboy: I prefer solo missions, but if we're required to work together, I'm ok with it.]

I hesitated for a moment, considering the implications. Missions could mean anything—fighting enemies, solving puzzles, or even exploring new worlds. But it also meant more opportunities to grow stronger, to gain new abilities and resources.

[ @Blade: I'm in. Let's see what this system has in store for us.]

With that, I accepted the mission, wondering what challenges awaited us. My case was over, but now it seemed like a whole new adventure was about to begin.

The chat continued to buzz with anticipation as we prepared for whatever came next.

It was going to be interesting, to say the least.