
Class / Element Explanation (Info Dump and New Poll)

Author here!

The choosing of the class is an important choice so I'm spending another chapter to explain the classes properly as best as I can.

Also, from now on, we will be using a different poll to prevent alts who keep changing votes at the last minute =_= seriously, from 11 to 25 in the last hour....too sus XD

Here is the new poll: https://straw poll.com/4vbo91ggs (Webnovel guys, remove the space in strawpoll)

I also added the Fighter class cause I forgot about it XD.

Now, the details.

Before explaining the details of each class, I need to say something. Classes don't have any kind of restrictions on weapons. Meaning, if one is a swordsman, they can still equip a staff, shield, etc.

What makes the class are their skills which would allow them to better use their class weapons.

Swordsman - Sword / Blade skills and mastery. Can deal high damage and move about on the battlefield depending on the players' speed and agility. A bit too mainstream but they get the job done.

At level 50, they can advance to Swordsmanster or Blademaster. Both have their preferred weapons and skillsets but they aren't too different. There's also other hidden sword classes but that will be a secret.

Knight - Tanks. Has high vitality requirement and strength to wear heavy armors. They have buff and support skills that attract aggro onto themselves and maintains an invulnerable state for a short period of time. Preferred weapons are heavy weapons like greatswords, mace, hammer, axe, and such.

At level 50, they can advance to Paladin, a support tank with a holy attribute that can provide small heals, holy buffs, and holy attacks. They can also choose to be a Sentry which is even more tankier and can be treated as a moving fortress. There are also hidden knight classes for this but that's also a secret.

Mage - Magic user. Preferred weapons are a staff or book that amplifies their magic powers. In the beginning, they can choose various basic and beginner level element magic as well as some non-elemental magic like Haste, Mana Shot, etc.

At level 50, they can choose from the various element branches to advance and gain intermediate to advanced magic of that element. Examples are Fire Mage, Meteor Drop. Water Mage, Tidal Wave. Earth Mage, Earthquake. Wind Mage, Tornado. Light Mage, Sun Glare. Dark Mage, Dark Coffin. You get the point. And yes, there are also hidden advancements for mages but I'm not telling!

Thief - Scouts and damage dealer. Preferred to use daggers and knives but also work well with bow, crossbows, and pistols. They lurk and have higher additional damage on back attacks and sneak attacks. They can also track and scout ahead for enemies with their skills.

At level 50, they can choose to be a Rogue. A higher version of a Thief when it comes to scouting, tracking, and...well, stealing. They also choose to be an Assassin to have better stealth skills and higher damage. There are also hidden class advancements but that's also a secret!

Archer - Marksman. Basically, they deal with medium to long-range attacks using bows, crossbows, or even throwing knives. They have better aim thanks to a passive skill they have and deal higher damage the further away they are.

At level 50, they can become a Hunter and learn a taming skill that they can use to tame a monster to help them hunt in a fight. Hunters are only capable of taming one monster as it is their current limit but who's to say that it will remain that way as they level up? There are hidden archer classes too but also not saying it!

Gunner - Like Archers, but uses guns...they have skills that let them better use and maintain various gun weapons.

At level 50, they turn to Gunmasters and would have better skills to use in a battle. Examples are Fire Bullet, Lightning Bullet, and such. Yes, it does sound like magic but it's a skill that basically enhances their bullets to have more firepower. There are also hidden gun classes...but you know I won't say it.

Healer - Well, they heal. Duh. But aside from healing, they can also use various support skills that can either buff or debuff enemies.

At level 50, they can advance to a Priest which would let them access different Holy magics like Turn Undead or Holy Smite. Or, they can be a Druid, using Nature magic instead to heal and support. Druids also are capable of taming magic like Hunters. Hidden classes are a secret!

Fighter - They either fight with their fists or the use of blunt weapons. Their skills vary from high attack power to personal buffs that strengthen their defense or attack. They can also attract aggro so it is another option for tanking.

At level 50, they can advance to Martial Artists to get more powerful attack moves. Or then can turn to Berserkers which exchanges high attack power for lower health. Now hidden classes!...I'm kidding, but I'm not telling!

And that's all for the classes.

Now, obviously, there will be subclasses as well for crafting such as Blacksmith, Tailor, Fisher, Sculptor, Painter, Alchemist, etc. I haven't decided yet on what subclass(es) he will get so I'll just leave it for vote! I'll explain more later. (Can have more than one)

Let me explain about elements next.

The Six Primary elements are Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light, Dark.

The Five Advanced elements are Lightning, Ice, Nature, Holy, Evil.

The Four Legendary elements are Space, Time, Life, Death.

And no, one cannot simply access the higher elements so easily so don't expect to see them soon...maybe...well, Holy and Nature is something normal as the priests and druids use it. But you get my point.


Info dump is done!

Once again, here is the new poll: https://straw poll.com/4vbo91ggs (Webnovel guys, remove the space in strawpoll)

Sorry webnovel readers. It's getting hard to count and add votes so...I'm just sticking to going whatever is the result of strawpoll. Feel free to still leave +1 paragraph comments for fun tho XD.

One more thing XD

Thanks to The Inheritor for joining my Pat reon! Also thanks to Stormrall, Scott, Unfallen, and Ryu for still sticking to my Pat reon for some reason XD I don't know if you guys are also reading this one but thanks anyway!

My Pat reon doesn't really have anything...no exclusive chapters or whatnot. There's a bunch of tiers but I'm grateful even if you donate for Tier 1 for $1 XD.

So, after thinking a lot...maybe...I've decided to give the rights on deciding Lucas' subclass to them!...If they want to...of course, I will also add my own input but if they have better suggestions or additions, I'd welcome them...just no weird subclass like uhh...sexual stuff...please no. XD

Or you can choose to have an additional 5 votes in your vote for 1(times the number of tier you donated) time(s) only XD. You decide which poll you want it and just let me know. That's right folks. You get to whale for your choice! XD

Or, a special cameo in the story. XD That's it, choose whatever from the three.

If you donate and want to contact me, just hit me up in discord! Just join it already! https://discord.gg/ShchWTYEj7

To those interested in joining my absolutely empty Pat reon: https://www.pat reon.com/imbreak (Webnovel guys, remove the space in pat reon)

DISCLAIMER: You are not obligated to donate at all and even if you do donate, it won't mean more chapters. I merely made one just for the sake of making one in case I get fired from my work or I resign and don't have work. For now, donating comes with no benefits at all other than giving me money...and some exclusives for the story.

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