
World for the Fittest

Grilledmushroom · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

How it Started

"Congratulations on leveling up."

Two days have elapsed since the last time I leveled up. As expected, I received the usual notification congratulating me on my achievement. However, I couldn't help but notice that the scent of goblin blood is rather peculiar—it has a fish-like odor that I find unpleasant. Personally, I've never been fond of the smell of fish.

Currently, I am at level 6, but the competition in this realm is fierce. Many challengers are tirelessly searching for valuable experience by hunting monsters. Given my current abilities and strength, I am unable to take on stronger creatures like the white wolves or orcs. For now, I will continue to target the goblins until I am capable enough to face more formidable adversaries.

I have already slain a staggering 10,123 goblins. Initially, it was quite challenging to locate their hideouts, but I was fortunate enough to stumble upon a cave that served as their den. What surprises me is that despite having killed such a large number, more goblins continue to emerge from the depths. The cave's depth measures precisely 3,160 feet, and I have descended to a depth of 1,967 feet. I have been hunting them relentlessly for two days and a night, opting not to rest and instead delve deeper into the mysteries of the goblin den.

Leveling up requires a substantial amount of experience points. Since I have only been slaying regular goblins and have yet to encounter any superior ones, I earn a mere 2 XP points per kill. Achieving this feat demands tremendous effort. After accumulating a total of 20,246 XP points, I reached level 6. From now on, I will level up every time I accumulate an additional 5,000 XP points.

Furthermore, due to my accomplishments, I have acquired a new title—Flawless Goblin Slayer.


==Flawless Goblin Slayer==

==Special Title==

- Earned by silently eliminating 10,000 or more Goblins without detection.

- Passive Effect: Instills fear in the hearts of Goblins, causing them to freeze when in close proximity.

The title I obtained has significantly facilitated the process of dispatching Goblins. With their inability to sense my presence, they become frozen in fear when they enter my radar. It has become effortless for me to swing my knife and swiftly eliminate them. However, this ease has left me with a sense of regret. There is no excitement or thrill in killing creatures without the challenge. I am unable to gain genuine combat experience due to the nature of these encounters.

Name: Lucius Gray Health Points [HP]: 2000

Race: Partially Human Experience Points [XP]: 20,246

Level: 6 Mana Points [MP]: 200

Title: The Ignored One

- make the presence cannot be noticed when not seen directly by eyes.

Flawless Goblin Slayer

- make goblins fear the terror of their race, they get stunned when you are close to them.

Skills: Gatherer

- improve gathering skills on materials and give you an extra 50% of inventory space.

Advance map- grants you to see an advanced map style either 2D or 3D style.







"Never mind, what matters is the benefit I gain from it." There's nothing I can do but accept the situation. It seems like I've lost interest in slaying regular Goblins. "I haven't reached the lowest depth yet, which means there could be even stronger creatures than the ordinary Goblins." This realization fills me with excitement, fueling my desire to venture further down.


In an abandoned town, if one looks closely, they will spot a man wandering as if in search of something. His path leads him to an abandoned inn, larger than the average house. It appears that he has found the location he was seeking.

He enters the inn, finding a dusty interior covered in spiderwebs. It has clearly been abandoned for a decade or more, devoid of any signs of life. Undeterred, he continues his exploration, heading towards another room. His focus shifts to finding the entrance to a hidden panic room beneath the inn.

"Ah, here it is," he exclaims with satisfaction as he discovers the door. He searches for a small space to place his fingers and lifts the door. Upon opening it, a set of sturdy wooden stairs comes into view, still intact after decades of neglect.

This man possesses the striking looks of a model, his appearance captivating with handsome features. His face boasts a defined jawline, pointed nose, long eyelashes, and captivating dark blue eyes that shine when in direct sunlight. His skin carries a desirable combination of tan and fair tones, making him appealing to the eyes of women.

He retrieves an orb-shaped light to illuminate his path, showing that he is well aware of what he should and shouldn't do. The path he follows offers only one direction, leading him to a breathtaking necklace adorned with cerulean and black stones, displaying a unique design and inscriptions.

"They say this necklace once belonged to a fallen witch who became cursed," he murmurs, his gaze fixed upon it as if reminiscing. "According to the tale, the witch was cursed out of jealousy, as the man they loved had wholeheartedly chosen another woman." What a complete fabrication. They twisted the story to blame the witch, but in truth, each of them met their own demise due to their own greed. "The cursed witch was once a gentle white witch, living in harmony in this very town with the man she loved. Legend has it that the heart of a white witch holds immense power. At that time, the town was ravaged by relentless waves of monster attacks."

"They conspired to exploit the power of the white witch, sacrificing their lover to render the witch powerless by stealing away their only love. Yet, when they killed the witch and sought her heart, they were met with disappointment. Instead of what they expected, they found nothing more than an ordinary heart." All of them deserved the consequences of their foolish actions. His face contorts with anger, unable to conceal his emotions in that moment.

"It is because of them that this town is in its current state," he muses, harboring an unexplained grudge against the town. When a white witch is slain and dies with great resentment, they become cursed by darkness. White witches pose no threat to humans, and for good reason, they should never be trifled with. In comparison, black witches keep their distance from human settlements. The fate that befell this abandoned town serves as a testament to what can happen when one meddles with a white witch.

He composes himself and walks away, leaving the inn behind. "You must be pleased now that our love is restored. I will cherish this forever. All that remains is to retrieve your essence, my love," he declares, driven by a resolute determination to reclaim what he has lost.


==Vowed Necklace==

- A necklace imbued with the enchantment of a white witch, symbolizing their eternal love and unwavering loyalty towards their beloved.

-No Effect


Afterwards, the man ventured back into the dark forest, seeking his next prey to hunt.


Now, I find myself in the deepest part of the cave, where a delightful surprise awaits me. The ground is teeming with superior goblins, ready to engage in a thrilling encounter.

"It appears that these creatures are alive and vibrant, offering me a fervent reception." With a mysterious smile adorning my face, I can sense their struggle to move in my presence, especially the smaller ones. But it's the larger and more lively superior goblin that captures my attention. I'm certain I'll find ample entertainment in this confrontation, which is precisely why I ventured here.

The cavernous room provides ample space for us to fully savor the moment. An exhilarating rush course through my body as I swiftly maneuver, paying no mind to the feeble small goblins who are rendered immobile. My primary targets are the ones at the rear, baring their teeth and fixating a deadly gaze upon me.

As I advance, a ball of fire hurtles past my head at a staggering speed. My heart races with unimaginable intensity, pumping an increased surge of adrenaline through my veins. Fortunately, I managed to evade the fiery assault, further heightening my excitement. My heart pounds with a fervor I've never experienced before.

"Yes, this is how a fight should be," I exclaim, my face is beaming with delight. I can't conceal my expression, as this is the first time I've felt such an irresistible urge for more. "Goblin mage, where are you... ah, there you are!" I sprint towards the goblin mage responsible for the spellcasting. To my surprise, it wields a wooden staff, distinguishing it from the others.

The scene resembles a coronation, with the goblins kneeling in submission. The hundred superior goblins realize my target and take up a defensive stance to protect their precious spellcaster, aiming to inflict damage upon me. I chuckle softly as they approach, knowing that unlike their counterparts, this superior goblin possesses the ability to withstand suppression, albeit with some limitations. At the very least, they are capable of launching an attack.

While most wield swords, some opt for bare-handed combat. The first goblin to reach me swings its sword, attempting a vertical slash to cleave me in half. Its movements are predictably discernible, and with a simple change in direction, I evade the attack unscathed.

Without allowing it a moment to recover, I swiftly strike its neck from behind with my orb knife, delivering a devastating blow that swiftly dispatches the monster. Before I can settle into a comfortable rhythm, four fireballs converge on my position once again. A foreboding sensation electrifies my body as I instinctively execute a triple backflip to evade the onslaught.

The spellcaster requires time to cast another spell, so I immerse myself in a relentless onslaught from the remaining goblins. It's an intensely gratifying experience as they attempt to buy time for their magical attacker. The outcome of this battle is undoubtedly in my favor. As I eliminate the final meat shield, the last mage goblin acknowledges their defeat. With a final act of desperation, it musters its remaining strength to launch an attack. Seizing the vulnerable opportunity, I deliver a merciless and unrelenting stabbing, ending its existence.

The sensation of plunging my blade into warm flesh fills me with euphoria. Such open displays of violence were never permissible on Earth, making life there unbearably dull.

===================== ====================


 You have acquired a unique item known as the Goblin Horn, a small horn-shaped artifact capable of compelling goblins to submit.


"Is it just my luck? I seem to be receiving special items consecutively." I can't help but wonder if the system is favoring me with these blessings.

With my title's power to suppress goblins and now this artifact that can make them submit, it feels like overkill.

However, there's no need to get too excited over something that's not particularly useful. Goblins are considered weak monsters, their only advantage being their numbers.

In terms of combat, they are easily defeated. That's why they are a favorite target for hunters to gain valuable experience points.

Surprisingly, I have leveled up to 7. Those hundred superior goblins provided more XP points than the regular ones, and the Mage goblin was especially generous, granting me a thousand points.

Name: Lucius Gray Health Points [HP]: 2500

Race: Partially Human Experience Points [XP]: 25,316

Level: 7 Mana Points [MP]: 250

Title: The Ignored One

-make the presence cannot be noticed when not seen directly by eyes.

Flawless Goblin Slayer

- make goblins fear the terror of their race, they get stunned when you are close to them.

Skills: Gatherer

-improve gathering skills on materials and give you an extra 50% of inventory space.

Advance map- grants you to see an advanced map style either 2D or 3D style.







The increase in my attribute points was minimal, only by one point. "Now my hypothesis is confirmed: if I exert myself in fighting monsters, I can earn more XP points. But if I defeat them easily, like I did with those 10,000 goblins, it only grants me a small number of points." I realized this because normally, monsters are supposed to give a minimum of 20 XP per kill, but I was only receiving 10% of that value.

It seems that my skills are actually hindering my progress in leveling up faster.

Someone is deliberately playing games with me, disguising a curse as a blessing. "Well, you've made me angry now." I concluded, making connections and understanding what is happening to me. I have never felt anger before, but this situation disgusts me. Being controlled is sickening.

In response, I used the artifact to control all the goblins inside the cave.

I commanded them to kill each other. It was surprising to witness their emotions during this macabre spectacle.

They cried while carrying out the act of killing their own kind.

I watched this melodrama unfold, discovering a side of goblins I had never anticipated.

The show concluded with one survivor, its face filled with madness. Approaching it carelessly would result in a bite, and there was no point in wasting my time killing it. Instead, I left it alive and instructed it to go berserk outside the cave, targeting anything it came across regardless of strength.

The fifth night was approaching, and it was crucial for us humans to stay within the protected zone due to the release of cursed miasma. It required a strong repellent to prevent its effects from reaching us, which is where the orb mountain's natural attributes came in handy.

Upon checking my map, I noticed that there were only 45,101 challengers who had survived and were still breathing. They had done an exceptional job to make it this far, and they deserved praise for their accomplishments.

"I should seek a different kind of challenge to entertain myself," I thought. I planned to encounter the fast-clawed monsters and, if I were lucky, to face even stronger opponents.

After leaving the cave and seeing my mad goblin successfully tearing flesh apart, it was clear that it still possessed a vibrant energy.

I walked eastward towards the territory of the white wolves, waiting for nightfall. As usual, I avoided encountering other monsters to reach my destination more quickly.

Walking became a tedious task, and I remembered that I could purchase skills from the market. I had 303 gold coins with me, obtained as treasure drops from killing a goblin family.

"Let's go shopping," I murmured to myself, feeling a sense of nostalgia. The market offered a wide range of skills, including various offensive and defensive magic, attack and defensive skills, and other beneficial abilities.

Two skills caught my attention: "Marker" and "Switch." What intrigued me further was the fact that they were both on sale, at an 80% discount. The original price for these skills was 250 gold coins each, but now they were available for only 50 gold coins.

Without hesitation, I made the purchase. It would be a waste not to seize the opportunity when it was right in front of me. This left me with 203 gold coins, and I scrolled down to explore other skill options. I then noticed a "Transport" skill, also at a 50% discount. Caught up in the moment, I made another impulsive purchase.

Curious to find out, I pondered with excitement about the capabilities of these new skills. I opened the window to see the list of skills I had just acquired.



+ - Can mark things

+ - Can switch things as long as they are marked.

+ - Can transport


As I read through the description, I was left speechless. It seemed like a total scam.

"Well, this is my own fault," I sighed. I realized that I had been too hasty and fell for the temptation without thinking it through. There was nothing I could do about it now.

Initially, I had thought the transport skill was useless, but upon understanding its purpose, I couldn't help but feel happy. By combining it with the map skill, I could instantly transport myself to any location. It made transportation much easier.

"I can't believe I didn't realize it earlier. Transport, as the name suggests, is meant for this purpose. How silly of me," I chuckled, scratching my head in realization of my own stupidity.

Using the map and the transport skill, I made my way towards the territory of the white wolves. However, I knew I couldn't simply throw myself into their midst. I would become their feast if I did that. I needed to prepare beforehand.

"I'll mark my surroundings in case things go wrong. That way, I can use the switch skill as an escape tool," I thought to myself. With the reliable map in front of me, I could mark the goblins and even the wolves just by seeing them on the map. Compared to transport, the switch skill was much better for evading death since it could be used instantly, unlike the five-second activation time of transport.

Carefully mapping out the area, I marked all the goblins scattered throughout the forest. To ensure a smooth execution of my plan, I also marked each and every one of the wolves. Being cautious can provide you with a second chance at life, after all.

No matter what the situation, I never felt fear. However, I also understood that being fearless didn't guarantee my survival. With this mindset, I proceeded with my plan. I began by switching the positions of one of the wolves and a goblin. Caught off guard, they were stunned by the sudden appearance of the helpless goblin before them. True to their instincts as natural forest hunters, the wolves devoured the goblin in an instant, leaving no trace of its body behind.

An average white wolf measures around 2.2 meters in length and 1.3 meters in height. If it's an alpha white wolf, it can be twice as large. Fortunately, the leader wolf I was facing was not in its prime. That worked in my favor because prime white wolves require A+ attributes to defeat. At my current level, I couldn't take on such a formidable opponent, so it was preferable that it wasn't too big.

I was certain that the alpha wolf sensed my presence and might have considered me weak enough for its fellow wolves to handle. "Ignore me all you want, but that will be your mistake," I thought, contemplating the fact that I could kill them if I exerted more power.

The show began as I switched places with another wolf, giving me a distance of 200 meters from where I was previously. However, before I could even get settled, an attack came at me. Its claws were as sharp as swords, easily can slice through my flesh. Thankfully, my quick reflexes allowed me to see it coming, and just before it struck me, I was able to switch with another wolf, redirecting the attack and causing the wolf to suffer from its own critical blow.

"One down," I muttered, keeping count of the wolves I had managed to kill. Since it wasn't nighttime, they were all in their hideout, preferring to hunt under the cover of darkness. These wolves moved carelessly, witnessing one of their own die so easily. Fortunately, my eyes had been blessed since childhood, allowing me to track their movements even at high speeds, although not to the extent of following the speed of light.

Utilizing the switch skill in this manner made it incredibly powerful. I could evade attacks that were sure to hit me and dodge others with ease. Whenever I had the opportunity, I would slash and stab, showcasing my skills as if I were a seasoned hunter. The way I chose which wolf to switch with wasn't entirely calculated; I simply grabbed the best chance that presented itself.

Then, a rare opportunity arose. One of the wolves positioned itself above another, intending to bite my head. Seizing the moment, I switched places with it while we were both airborne. Prepared in advance, I swiftly attacked the wolf from above, driving my blade into its head. Engaging in close combat like this caused my heart to race faster and faster. The feeling was exhilarating, and I couldn't get enough of it. My body trembled, but I reveled in the sensation.

One by one, I killed the wolves, leaving only ten remaining, including their leader. Regret would be the only emotion the leader would feel as they watched their comrades die in vain, a consequence of overconfidence and underestimating the enemy's power.

The leader, sensing an opportunity, targeted one of its own kind, anticipating that I would switch with it. It unleashed a powerful ice attack just before I landed, catching me off guard. I hadn't seen it coming. The impact sent me flying through the trees, with the icy spikes piercing vital organs and breaking numerous ribs upon impact.

Coughing up blood, I couldn't help but laugh hysterically. "Hahahaha, now you're finally moving." Instead of succumbing to fear and screaming in pain, I laughed joyfully. Desperately, I yearned for more pain, but I knew that another attack could cost me my life.

The large alpha wolf was incredibly fast. Within seconds, it reached me, ready to slash and behead me with its claws. Just in time, I switched with a monster known as the devil purple slime. This creature behaved like a vulture, devouring any rotting body until nothing was left. It would then assume the appearance of its last meal. The danger it posed lay not in its ability to attack living beings, but rather in the acidic properties of its fluid-like body. It possessed a potent acid that could dissolve anything it came into contact with.

A while ago, I stumbled upon a remarkable discovery. It was a testament to my cleverness, as I had anticipated even the most impossible of situations. Slicing through the claws of the slime and plunging my blade into its body, I realized that the slime's size was sufficient to engulf one of its own kind. The end had come for the wolf, all thanks to this extraordinary encounter.

I switched back to observe the aftermath, and what I witnessed was a massive wolf missing its mouth and one of its hands. Clearly, direct contact with the slime had caused it to melt away. The wolf's defeat must have been unimaginable, and now it lay there, awaiting its demise.

"I would love to relish in watching you die, but I must end this now," I muttered. It brought me both joy and sadness, as I would not witness the complete dissolution of its entire body. The other wolves were closing in, so I had to swiftly eliminate it. It would be a waste if someone else stole the kill from me.

Helpless and immobilized due to its melting body, the wolf lay prostrate on the ground. I readied my knife, driving it into the wolf's heart, putting an end to its pitiful existence. Just before the other wolf could arrive, I consumed the only health potion I had. It worked wonders, instantly restoring my health, mending all my wounds and broken bones as if they were never there.

The remaining wolves, witnessing the demise of their leader, halted their pursuit and slinked away with their tails between their legs. Having witnessed firsthand the melting body, I realized the immense danger posed by those slimes.

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