
World for the Fittest

Grilledmushroom · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

His Death

"Yes, judging by the wounds, it is unlikely that a wild beast, goblins, or orcs caused this. The clean and precise cuts on the bodies indicate a skilled perpetrator," a man with azure hair remarked, suggesting that the killings were executed with expertise.

The manner in which the bodies were cleanly severed would not align with typical monster attacks, as monsters usually resort to devouring or scratching, and their cuts are limited to a few strikes.

"This makes it difficult to identify the culprit. Clearly, none of us are responsible for these killings. It would be nearly impossible for us, given our current levels, to inflict such precise wounds," Tae-hyeong responded to Jake, acknowledging their findings and agreeing that the monsters were not behind the murders.

This revelation left them worried, as it indicated the presence of an elusive and formidable killer that they were unable to defeat.

"This is the 81st body we have discovered so far, and what makes it unique is that all the bodies are scattered in a specific location. Judging by the evidence, it seems they all ventured here in search of monsters, possibly due to a decline in the monster population near our protected zone," Kyra chimed in, reflecting on the puzzling reason why these deceased individuals chose the northeast area despite its association with an unidentified type of monster.

The distance alone would dissuade most people from naturally gravitating towards this location.

"How peculiar," she sighed, taking a deep breath.

"We need to return. We cannot allow the night to gain the upper hand," Tae-hyeong declared, concerned that the night posed a greater threat to their safety if they continued to investigate.

They hurriedly made their way back, as an ominous feeling gripped them all.

I couldn't help but wonder about the sudden deaths occurring in the northeast area, a part of the forest where we rarely ventured for hunting.

This area was known to house B+ level monsters, all characterized by their incredible speed. It was also peculiar that they had disappeared so swiftly, and it begged the question of what could have driven them away from their habitat.

Yet, what unsettled me the most was that my enhanced senses failed to detect the presence of whatever it was. It reminded me that my advanced map could display monsters ranging from low-level creatures to A+ level threats, and I had never encountered anything stronger than that.

"Could it be possible that there is a creature surpassing even the power of an A+ level boss?" I pondered, for it would be illogical for such a sudden change in behavior to occur without a reason.

Once again, the original storyline from the game seemed to deviate, leading us to face the challenge of confronting two boss-level adversaries.

It is plausible to believe that their intention is to eliminate us or leave only a few survivors in this tutorial quest. Given the drastic events unfolding, with a staggering 99.98% of the initial 100,000 participants dying within just seven days, it becomes apparent that only a small fraction, perhaps 10-20 individuals out of the entire group, will survive.

Alternatively, it is even possible that they never intended for us to live in the first place. However, the reason behind their motives remains elusive, and despite racking my brain, I cannot fathom a plausible explanation.

"I must uncover the identity of those residing in the north," I thought, hopeful that I might stumble upon valuable information that could shed light on the situation.

As I scrutinized the map once again, I noticed three challengers cornered by a single monster. To my surprise, the creature they faced was none other than my evolved goblin, growing stronger with each passing day.

What struck me was the transformation it underwent, evolving from a mindless beast into a skilled swordsman. It moved with a grace akin to a human, wielding its two swords deftly.

Instead of tearing bodies apart and devouring them, it behaved like a human, killing its opponents with human-like precision. Furthermore, its evolution granted its skills akin to our own.

Uncertain of the implications, but intrigued by the development, I decided it would add an interesting twist to the current situation.

I resolved to observe further to witness what other evolutions and transformations might occur.

"Damn... This is an infuriating stroke of bad luck," muttered a young man, his forehead drenched in sweat.

Little did he know the formidable opponent they were about to face. "I'll play the bait role just this once... Okay, the two of you run for your lives," he said to his comrades behind him, his determination evident as he prepared to sacrifice himself for their sake.

"What? No way! How can we leave you here?" responded the other man, worried etched on his face, a testament to the strong bond they shared.

Their camaraderie ran deep, prompting one of them to willingly lay down his life for the others.

"We have survived this far because of you. It would be shameful to abandon you. I'd rather die by your side," he declared, overflowing with gratitude for the man before him, the one who had ensured their survival and believed in him despite his weak disposition in such dire circumstances.

The words struck a chord within him, realizing that he had found a true friend, someone he could depend on. Tears welled up in their eyes as they all understood the depth of their love for one another.

With unwavering resolve, they gripped their weapons tightly, ready to defend their lives with unwavering courage.

"I know we cannot defeat this monster. Its level far surpasses our own, standing ten levels higher than us. This puts us at a severe disadvantage, and its attributes are likely superior to ours, evident from the aura it emits," he pondered, desperately searching for a way out, knowing that time was running short and death was closing in on them, leaving them with little to no options.

"Let us unleash our most powerful attacks. Regardless of the outcome, I am grateful to have met both of you in this place," he added, his voice unwavering as he instructed them to prepare for their strongest moves.

Within their group, one was a skilled mage, while their leader wielded a sword and the other member brandished a spear. They synchronized their movements, initiating their ultimate attack. The mage channeled all of their mana into enchanting their most potent spell.

"Corrosive Fireball!" he shouted, conjuring a massive ball of fire that could scorch a human being. The projectile was aimed directly at the goblin. Simultaneously, the weapon-wielding comrade executed a combination attack known as "Heavy Piercing," a swift and forceful strike capable of piercing even through solid stones due to its sheer weight.

They followed it up with "Heavy Cross Slash," infusing their attack with energy in the form of a cross-shaped pattern. Their combined assault struck the goblin head-on.

However, upon witnessing the outcome of their powerful assault, their faces filled with shock and disbelief. Despite unleashing their strongest attacks, the inflicted wounds on the goblin were merely scratches. This revelation shattered their spirits, and as they looked at each other, they reluctantly accepted their impending fate.

The goblin's eyes blazed with its characteristic crimson hue, its actions resembling that of an automatic killing machine. Without mercy, it swiftly employed a unique skill at its disposal, executing a move known as "Diagonal Haze." With a single swift motion, the bodies of the three men were sliced diagonally, severing their lives in an instant. The goblin then continued its relentless pursuit, searching for other living beings to eliminate.


"I witnessed the brutal killings perpetrated by a B+ level evolved goblin within the depths of the forest.

It sent shivers down my spine as this goblin was vastly different from the ones we typically dispatched with ease.

It was larger in size and displayed human-like behavior, wielding two swords.

Even a powerful onslaught from three skilled individuals only managed to leave a minor wound on its body." Kyle, a man with green hair, recounted to his three companions, fear etched across their faces.

Kyle possessed the skill of tracking, enabling him to deploy a bird-like tracker that could traverse great distances and transmit its observations back to him.

"An evolved goblin at the B+ level, capable of effortlessly slaying three challengers of B level, and exhibiting such unusual traits," Franz responded, his voice filled with curiosity.

The existence of such an evolved goblin seemed to explain the disappearances of those who ventured into the forest and never returned.

"In that case, if the four of us were to confront and defeat it, do we stand a chance?" Kyle inquired, seeking to assess their likelihood of success. He believed it imperative to eliminate the threat before the evolved goblin grew even stronger, ensuring they wouldn't miss their opportunity to vanquish it.

"While the four of us may be able to triumph over this creature, based on what I observed, we would need to utilize every resource at our disposal. It has been a while since our last level up," Kyle responded, cautioning his comrades about the challenges they might face.

"Why should we fear a single monster when there are four of us? We can dispatch it with ease," one of the men declared, showcasing his impulsive nature, acting without considering the consequences. It became evident that he was the type of person who acted on instinct, devoid of rational thought.

"Yes, I agree. It should be a simple task for us," chimed in with another individual who seemed to share the same lack of discernment.

"Why did I agree to accompany these fools?" Franz silently lamented, disappointment evident on his face. Kyle, too, echoed this sentiment.

However, they couldn't afford to be selective given their current circumstances. They needed all the manpower they could get, and despite their shortcomings, these individuals obediently followed orders without question, making them valuable assets.

Thus, they resolved to embark on their hunt for the evolved goblin the following day.


The atmosphere within the forest of the mountain orb had drastically changed from the liveliness of previous days. It now resembles our initial arrival, serene and tranquil.

However, the once bustling environment had turned cold, akin to a winter breeze carrying the scent of decayed bodies. The gruesome scene forced the remaining survivors to flee from the place of the massacre.

"Hey there, handsome man. We've finally discovered the reason behind the countless deaths outside," Franz initiated the conversation with Tae-hyeong, deliberately paying a visit to their location. Their intention was to persuade them into forming an alliance, united in their goal to eliminate what they believed to be the killer responsible for the disappearances.

"What do you mean you've found the reason?" Tae-hyeong inquired, his attention immediately captured by Franz's words. He wondered if the man standing before him truly possessed valuable information.

"Don't complicate things. You know exactly what I'm talking about," Franz replied, his face displaying annoyance at Tae-hyeong's response.

"Well then, enlighten me about who is behind these killings," Tae-hyeong calmly responded, carefully observing Franz's demeanor to gauge the veracity of his claims.

"My brother here witnessed an evolved goblin effortlessly slaughtering three challengers with swift and lethal moves. And don't question how we came across this information. I gain nothing from lying," Franz asserted, providing detailed accounts of what they had discovered. The information seemed believable.

"It appears he's not lying. However, this could be a trap, and he may have ulterior motives. I must exercise caution in situations like this. I won't fully believe it until I see it for myself. But for now, I'll go along with his plan," Tae-hyeong contemplated, understanding the importance of preparedness.

He exchanged glances with his two comrades, silently conveying their mutual understanding and determination.

"What's taking you so long to decide?" Franz impatiently questioned, his anticipation growing as Tae-hyeong took his time to respond.

"Alright, I'll trust your words. But if this turns out to be a prank, I won't let it slide," Tae-hyeong warned sternly, his expression serious as his eyes emitted a warning.

"I'm not foolish enough to play such games," Franz retorted, taken aback by the intensity of Tae-hyeong's gaze. Afterward, he shared all the pertinent details about the goblin, strategically weaving in small lies to ensure their cooperation.

"If what you say is true, why did you choose us instead of seeking help from others?" Kyra, the girl accompanying Tae-hyeong, inquired, her voice filled with curiosity.

"I know that they wouldn't entirely bluff. I sense that he isn't revealing everything he knows. I agreed because this could be a golden opportunity for us if the goblin they saw is indeed the culprit," Tae-hyeong responded, gently brushing a stray leaf from Kyra's hair, his eyes filled with concern.

There was much to gain from this alliance, as it could potentially uncover more information about the mysterious evolved goblin. Its dangerous nature warranted their collective efforts to eliminate it, even if it meant assisting Franz's party.

"It's hard to believe they agreed to join forces with us," Kyle remarked, his curiosity getting the better of him as they made their way toward their brawny comrade.

"They will, I'm certain. That's why we need to prepare as I instructed our two allies," Franz answered, a smile playing on his lips, hinting at an underlying plan beyond what he had shared with them.

The night had already descended upon the land, its arrival evident by the time displayed on the clock, signaling 9 o'clock. Despite the early hour, the luminous moon adorned the sky, casting its enchanting light upon the surroundings. However, an inexplicable sense of foreboding lingered in the air, hinting at the imminent occurrence of something ominous. The map I consulted displayed no alterations or peculiar movements among the monsters, yet the feeling of impending danger within the protected zone persisted. Apart from the slimes and large rabbits, there were no signs or traces of higher-level monsters venturing beyond the confines of the protected area.

"I've noticed an S-level monster heading towards this location. Its arrival tonight will spell doom for all of us, as we stand no chance against its might," a haunting idea echoed in my mind. Even the cursed boss, known for its ferocity, had retreated to the safety of its lair, cowering in fear and resorting to protective enchantments to shield its domain. Clearly, this new threat must have posed a far greater danger, causing even the cursed boss to yield and prioritize its own survival.

Moreover, my goblin companion had ceased its usual movements, opting to remain still within its cave. This behavior signaled the presence of an even more perilous entity, one that instilled such fear in their instincts that they sought refuge in the safest possible place. Yet, I remained clueless as to the whereabouts of this elusive monster. Was it not intending to unleash its claws upon us in this very moment? I had to devise a plan swiftly, for I could not allow the others to perish if we were to have any hope of defeating this formidable adversary.

Doubts clouded my mind, pondering whether the passive effect of my title would have any influence on the situation at hand.

The uncertainty of my own safety loomed, prompting me to focus on the map and locate all the surviving challengers who needed to be kept out of harm's way. Any change within the map would indicate their proximity to danger.

Time ticked away relentlessly, and yet there was no trace of the monstrous presence. According to the map, the others remained safe and alive, their steady breathing serving as proof that they had not succumbed to the perils surrounding them.

Suddenly, an overwhelming sense of fear gripped me, paralyzing my body and rendering me unable to move. My trembling form tilted my head to catch a glimpse of the figure lurking behind me, intensifying the terror coursing through my veins. But as my eyes met its visage, a chill coursed through my entire being.

"A demon!" I thought, the only word that came to mind as I beheld the creature's horned head, pallid dark skin, and eyes brimming with malice. Its presence carried a weight that pressed upon my very being, suffocating me.

What sent shivers down my spine was the inscription visible within its aura, which read 'Duke Demon'. Those two words infiltrated my thoughts, revealing that this entity was not just any demon, but a high-ranking duke.

The designation of 'duke' implied a strength far surpassing my wildest imagination. In the game's storyline, a duke demon occupied the third layer of the pyramid, ranking below only the second and first layers.

This revelation exacerbated the already dire situation, diminishing our chances of vanquishing this formidable foe. It seemed that our journey was reaching its end.

As the first target it had sought out, I realized that the demon could sense my presence and, with that knowledge alone, possessed the power to snuff out my life in an instant.

"So, you're the weakest among all the living beings in this vicinity who have been lurking here. How amusing that

you managed to survive until now. Alas, your life ends here," the voice of a powerful demon taunted, reducing my existence to mere trampled dust, as even its voice alone carried such a profound impact.

As I witnessed the demon gesturing with its hand, the last words that reached my ears were, "Die." In that moment, a surge of black energy struck my chest at the speed of light, piercing through me and leaving behind a gaping hole.

I crumpled, falling onto the comforting trunk of a nearby tree, as my eyelids closed, extinguishing the final breath I could muster.