
Power levels and abilities Explanation

Ranks - The division of ranks is divided by both the amount of energy contain inside the creature and the ability of proficiency of manipulation over it.

Grade - The increase of grade is related to the proficiency over the respected rank's abilities.

Rank 0 - The most basic sentient beings. Beings without control or resistance over any type of energy.

Grade 1 - The first sentient species just evolve from their different species mother.

Grade 5 - The sentient species which has control over one or more type of energy by aid of tools.

Grade 10 - The sentient species which has touch the boundary of advanced species. Can feel the energy in their body or free energy in the air but couldn't control it.

Rank 1 - The most basic control or resistance over energy. Emotions are consider to be a form of energy.

Grade 1 - Can control the movement of energy(speed and direction).

Grade 5 - Can store or dispel a certain amount of energy.(storing or stopping)

Grade 10 - Can control the distribution of energy(accelerating healing or increasing strength,etc)

Rank 2 - The most basic control over release of energy.(Aura)(Those who can release aura but couldn't control doesn't include in this rank.)

Grade 1 - Can control the release of aura base energy manipulation.(aura on and off)

Grade 5 - Can control the range of the aura released.(aura area manipulation)

Grade 10 - Can control the target of the aura inside the range.(selective coercion)

Rank 3 - The control or resistance over at least one kind of energy.(Manipulation of form)(resistance in this ranks is similar to blessing in game)

Grade 1 - Basic attack with one energy or defend over one energy.(strengthening or coating attack or defend with energy)

Grade 5 - Creating simple items with energy(sword,bow,etc for attack and protective shield for resistance)

Grade 10 - Creating complex items with energy(gun,crossbow,etc for attack and body armor for resistance)

Rank 4 - Rank 10 (Will update as the story progress)

Race - include the species and family of a creature.

For example a normal human from this world would be Race - Human(Family - Great apes) as they are humans species evolves from the Great apes. Humans evolves from the cats and dogs will have same species with different families.

Class - indicates the evolution hierarchy of the creature inside the species.

For example a queen bee inside a bee hive.

Title - indicates the fame the creature is known for inside the species.

Bloodline - record the bloodline states of a creature. Example : A lizard with a diluted dragon bloodline.

Talent - highest level skills related to racial class or bloodline.

Ability - high grade skills got by racial traits.

Skill - normal skill got by training or experience.


Ivy's status

Virus - a creature whose entirety is the existence of virus. (virus itself is the creature that taks the form of other being)

Mother class - a creature whose position is the highest inside 'a hive' (Queen bee, Ant queen,etc)

Prototype - the first one of their species. Different from progenitor the species did not descend from nor has absolute obedience towards the prototype.. A prototype just act as a evolutionary template for the species.

Formless Creature - a creature which has no fixed form. They has no vital organs as all of their form is just a mimicry of other creatures.

Shape shifting - ability which can make user changes their shapes.

Devour - ability to consume every biological things. There are additional uses related to the ability ranks.

Biomass storage - ability to store biological masses inside one's body or further uses.

Disguise - ability to pose as someone else.

Super human physique - ability that grants user far more powerful physique than same rank 'humans'.

Durability - ability that grant user far more durable body than their own species.

Adaptability - minor evolution ability that can slowly eliminate user's weakness.

Healing Factor - ability that can speed up normal regeneration. The speed addition relate with ability rank, creature's normal regeneration, and biomass usage.

Infection - exclusive abilities of creatures who own virus bloodline. Can be use to infect the targeted living creatures. The control of the ability(infection at will) and method(infection via blood or wound,etc) relate with ability's rank.

Hive Mind - The ability exclusive to hive creatures. This ability can let the same hive creatures communicate with one another. The queen can get all the thoughts,senses and feelings of other members. Different from subordinate manipulation where the servants will have absolute loyalty towards their master but still fear the creatures with same rank as their master, the hive creatures has absolute loyalty towards their master and would no longer fear any other being if they have order from their master. The queen position inside the hive mind is decided by the highest class of a species.

Fear Induction - can make the target(s) feel fear towards the user. High intensity fear may make the target paralyzed, break their mind or even kill the target. Fear of the target is related to user's rank, race, class, title, appearance, brutality, and ability rank.


Author Note:

First Explanation about abilities and power ranks. Rinko's abilities and information about the world will be in next auxiliary chapter. I don't know if I can update chapter 6 tonight. If I don't finish writing the chapter I will try to update two tomorrow. Writing and editing by myself makes the efficiency really awful.