
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime et bandes dessinées
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61 Chs

Chapter 49

In the meantime, when they are talking with each other, Gramps and his friend come into the room.

Gramps comes first, as he is a burly man. His demeanour completely eclipses that of his friend. His big, wide shoulders blocked the vision of the person following him. If one were not cautious, he wouldn't see a thin man.

When Gramps takes the first steps, he feels anxious. A thick aura leaking from Lex gives him bad vibes.

Reminding him about a most unfortunate mission that he had taken. Trauma from this event manifests in his actions as he subconsciously activates his transformation. His form bulks up, skyrocketing in size.

scaring most people. Thick muscles shred a favourite apron, uncovering a giant scar in the middle of the chest.

From scars leaks steam.

Lex, seeing a transformation, realises that he is still pouring aura. He quickly corrects his mistake. When the aura recedes into his body, the atmosphere in the room becomes neutral.

"I'm sorry, we were training and I forgot to stop"

"training?" Gramps looks at them and sees them sitting, which is strange as his mind is coded to move or do something while exercising.

"If it works for you, then let it be…" He looks at his hand, and while transformed, all of the body parts grow "It's the first time that my body entered battle mode without my allowance. Eh… My favourite apron, Lex could you go away so weird things don't happen?"

A thin, skinny man goes in front of Gramps to observe his unnatural ability. In his eyes is a thirst for any kind of knowledge.

"Grambel…." he says and then looks with black, bloodshot eyes that appear to be miniature black holes, pulling towards them all of the light reflecting off of Gramps bulging muscles "… When I asked you to show off this…" thin man gets even closer, to the distance where a huge man could make a bear hug and break stick of a man in half. His neurotic pupils make many movements, in all directions, as if trying to get a glimpse of forgotten knowledge.

"...This ability, how does it work?" As you said, is it because of a minotaur's flesh? I don't think so there must be a deeper meaning behind it" A thin man with a mage tunic with many pockets and a hood clearly invades personal space. His plain face moves forward, at some point, he opens a mouth and does the same with his tongue, trying to lick the biggest red scar.

Gramps quickly handles this situation by lightly pushing a man and detransforming, as if this situation has happened many times.

The thin man is clearly unhappy with this

"I told you time and time again, don't try to LICK ME!"

Seeing the outrage of his friend, he takes a few steps back. Holding his hands high

"No problem, Grambel you know that I'm not into guys. So one of these girls is the one you talked about?" He sizes them up with his gaze, giving Sara goosebumps.

"This one with golden hair " he says, pointing at a child whose target was to strangle Sara.

The thin man looks at her with bloodshot eyes and comes closer. When he is within reach of his arm, one of his hands moves to one of his many pockets and takes off a prism. At first glance, it's a colourless cone, but when he holds it, it begins to emit a dim white light. He uses it as a lamp to take a better look at a girl.

When a thin man is busy with a girl. Gramps comes to the side of Lex

"This man is a good friend of mine. When he doesn't look like a clear-minded person, he is a guild master of a mages guild Theo Rakheshir"

"Oh, when you told me his name, everything started to fit together. What level of tier magic can he use? "

When Gramps answers, Lex thinks about the weird tick. Of a magician, as licking things reminded him of someone. The same happened when Ainz showed off a crystal that could contain a spell from the 8th tier. A hyped-up man just threw himself at a "powerful" magical artefact and licked it like a dog starving for a bone. At least that's what he remembers.

"He can use spells up to the 4th tier, but he has a few asses up his sleeves"

"Oh 4th tier, it's amazing' he must be a 'powerful' sorcerer," Lex says with sarcasm.

When they talk

Theo ends the inspection of a mind-controlled girl. After a moment, he concentrates on casting one of many spells.

A surge of mana surrounds him, and like a small vortex, he pulls mana in his direction. He has entered a state of deep meditation.

Lex observes with great anticipation, as it is the first time he has seen someone cast a spell. Thanks to his training in mana, he can see the inner workings of magic. When mana moves to a magician, he masterfully guides it to achieve a desirable outcome. The amount of mana that he is wielding is small—really tiny.

The process takes a long time, at first, Lex thought that it should take under five seconds to fire a spell. However, he is wronged, and time passes while a magician is still doing it. After two minutes, it doesn't look like he plans to end it.

"When he-" Before Lex can finish, Gramps covers his mouth with a hand "Shhh" then he whispers

"Be quiet if you interrupt him, he could fail with a spell"

Lex nods, and all of them wait. At some point, Theo sits cross-legged on the floor. Time passes

Now they wait for over five minutes, and something happens. From a few pockets in his blue robe comes light. They expect a spell to be cast at any moment, and they wait even more, but it doesn't come.

Lex gets pissed off, and despite orders from Gramps, he comes closer to Mage and shakes him a bit.

"Ehh?! Yyaa…. Oh, sorry guys, while powering an artefact, I fell asleep. Today I didn't sleep at night. Uncovering the mysteries of the world is more important"

Most of them facepalm.

Theo stands up and grabs one of the artefacts.

This item is a metallic cube, coated in runes, and from them radiates a light. The mage proceeds to launch a spell, and when his weak grip tightens, light emanating from a cube dims until it's gone.

Then the spell activates. [Dispel: Magic] Light from a spell envelopes the young girl, and when it ends, her eyes are still red.

"hmm... Grambel, you said that it's a work of arcane arts, [dispel: magic] should do its job. Let me try something different"

He puts a used cube into one of his many pockets and grabs another one. Then begins to cast another spell.

This one is harder to pull off, as it takes more mana and focus. [Dispel: Ability]

When light envelops a girl. After a moment, light flows to the head.

On Theo's face appears a smirk, he is sure that it will work this time. When it takes its time, the mage speaks

"Like I thought, it wasn't arcane art. 8th tier? You are kidding me. I have never seen or heard of someone using the magic of the gods. Tales like those are only written in old scrolls and tales"

Then he throws his gaze at Gramps "One of the creatures capable of such feats are vampires, some demons like succubus, and s-. "

Before he can end his speech, he is interrupted by the girl's cry. The spell must have ended.

The girl falls to her knees and sobs.

Sara comes to Sonia and hugs her. "Don't worry, no one is going to hurt you."