
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime et bandes dessinées
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61 Chs

Chapter 45

Sara looks at her shoe, which is covered in weird fluid, and rubs it over a carpet.

When a situation is over and the pervert is pacified, she takes a few breaths to cleanse her mind.

This technique doesn't work as intended. Her eyes are still watery, and sometimes a lone tear runs across her cheeks. However, when she sees a child looking at her sobbing, a weird feeling builds up in her.

She can't show any weakness to the world, as when she does, the world will strike back at her.

Sara wipes off traces of tears using her forearm and presses her eyes to get rid of the last bit of moisture.

Then she inspects Sonia.

All of this time, the girl looks at her with dead, bright red eyes. When she does move, the pupils of a girl unrelentingly track her, like a hunter a pray. It has a creepy feel to it.

"What does this creep do to you?" she says while touching a girl's blonde hair.

Sara was always envious of people with golden hair. While being proud of her heritage, she thought that black hair brought misfortune. Out of five people with black hair, most of them died or lived in torment from their demons of the past.

When Sara doesn't move, the girl does the same. A girl just looks and looks and looks nonstop, as if she would do this all of eternity. All this time, Sara hasn't noticed any blinking of the girl's eyelids. Her breath is shallow, more like nonexistent, and she does only the bare minimum to keep herself alive.

"ehh… I should be more careful and try to talk it out with that swine."

"Yes, it was your guilt, next time, think more "

"Eeek," the girl says, surprised by the sudden voice of her teammate "Lex, you jerk…" She looks behind her and sees a tall man towering over her, then she takes back her hand that held blonde hair

"Why are you sneaking? For how long are you here? "And did you see it?"

"seen what? The fact that you were looking at a girl while holding her hair?"Lex shows off his own golden hair. He grabs all of the strands and points them at her. "If you want, you can touch them, but! Not for long"

Her hand moves by instinct. However, midway through, she stops it, flushes a bit, and takes it back.

"Why would I do that?! Aren't fighters supposed to have short hair so it won't disturb your fight?"

"I'll fight back with a question why do male peacocks have gigantic feathers on their backs?"

She looks troubled by this question, and while the girl doesn't respond, Lex assumes that she doesn't know this animal and continues

"Because they flex with them at their enemy 'Look how much useless weight I'm carrying, it heavily makes my life harder, and you still can't kill me? What a looser'. I don't even mention that it works like a magnet on a females 'Hey Stacy did you see a G-Giant F-feathers of Chad ThunderPeaCock. Y-y-y-yes they make me wet every time I see them'"

Sara's mind was blown away into nothingness. Sheer stupidity overwhelmed her senses, and now she is a zombie that is looking at Lex in great confusion. He still continues with wacky explanations.

"I have come to the conclusion that, to become more agile, I should mimic other things that are more agile than me. Like an assassin duo from Blue Roses, and what do they do all the time? Sneak around. The more I think about it, the more sense it makes. What is sneaking? It's making your steps quieter and blending with the environment. Who is the best expert in this field? Feline. So as a mental shortcut to becoming more agile, I should mimic cats. I'm a fucking genius, don't you think, Sara?"

Both girls nod in a zombie-like manner. Their brains must have been eaten a long time ago.

Lex takes back his long hair, finally stops concentrating on himself, and looks at the girls

Then he sees Sara's dress stained in blood, hands are way worse.

"Wow, Sara, in the future you'll be a great actress in low-budget films about a zombie apocalypse, you even get blood. Is it this day of the month?" After saying it, he changes his voice to a more serious one.

"From where did you get that blood? Never mind, let's hope that he is still alive." He takes out three healing potions, or over half of their supplies. Thanks to his big hand, he is able to hold all of them in one arm.

Then he looks around and sees a man lying under a wall on the broken chair, his face lies on the floor.

There is a trail of blood coming from the last place where he saw a man

He goes to a man with a Sara to mitigate the serious damage. When he sees that man bleeding from his face and groin, a cold arctic wind flows across his back. Every male would be terrified by the sight.

"You really didn't go easy on him"

"It's not my fault. Creep mind-controlled Sonia to choke me, and when the situation got out of his control, he tried to use her to guilt-trip me, telling me that he would make her commit suicide. What's worse, he tried to do it"

"He is a bigger piece of shit than I think, but I still need information from him"

Lex grabs the man on the shoulder, trying to turn him on his back, but yet again instinct tells him 'It is a bad idea. Let him die'

This time, he ignores it. When this guy is on the brink of death, what can go wrong?

At the moment of turning a man's shoulder, instinct screams in his head 'DON'T DO IT!, LEAVE HIM ALONE!'

"Shut the fuck up! I'm master of my own body!"

While he does one last push before seeing the man's deformed face. An inhumane voice reverberates through his head. The voice of a sleeping giant speaks with a force capable of shattering a thousand Suns 'You are not'

Lexes body rebels against his own will. He falls onto his knees and, shortly after, onto his chest. At the moment, he bathes in red blood but still tries to take control.

Seeing the unruliness of a stupid mortal, mysterious entity sends agonising spasms across the body.

In an act to show human where his place is


It is pure physical pain that no one alive is supposed to experience. The closest comparison is a mortal dose of radiation in late-stage radiation poisoning, only achievable thanks to mad doctors using mammoth amounts of drugs. Drugs were used in such large quantities that they could keep your body running long after your death. Because of various chemical reactions, they would be able to literally make your heart beat and pump blood even when the brain died long ago. If an unlucky person's mind somehow doesn't break, he would experience firsthand what it feels like to have your body decompose.

Sara sees the weird actions of Lex, and moves the body of an otaku far away from him. Shortly after, spasms come. Being unable to control his body, he madly slams his arms, legs, and even his head.

She has never seen anyone in such pain, even Creep isn't close. She wants to help him but doesn't have any way to do it. At some point, one of the joints in his leg crashes and dislocates. This joint connects the bones of the right leg in place, called the knee.

This leg bends in an unnatural direction, like in some birds. It bends forward, making her feel the pain of such an action.

One of the spasms is malicious, as it makes Lexes arm hit the floor with unrestricted force. A large chunk of floor breaks, making a pit leading to the lower storey, and he falls through it.