
World Dragon survival system 2:The beginning of the progenitor.

Life genuinely is amazing, especially when you have amazing powers to back, Godlike powers! Daneel awakens from a 200 year slumber to find his world is shumbles and haunted by danger, this Dragon shall eradicate all threats, even at the cost of his life. ... Book has prequel, however that was written by me under the name Crimson_Evolver and though it wouldn't matter cuz you'd still understand the story. ... Other tags : Overpowered, Eastern , Cultivation, noharem , webnovel. Completed

Empyreanskys · Fantaisie
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48 Chs

The Battle Bond :For the Sake of what we cherish

As the battle raged on, the clash of magic and steel reverberated through the air, each strike a testament to our unwavering resolve. Despite the overwhelming odds, we fought with a determination fueled by the bonds of friendship and the desire to protect those we held dear.

Amidst the chaos, I caught glimpses of Nightgale, weaving through the ranks of demons with a grace and skill that left me in awe. Despite her allegiance to the dark forces, there was a flicker of something more within her—a glimmer of doubt that hinted at a deeper struggle within her soul.

With each passing moment, the battlefield grew more chaotic, the lines between friend and foe blurring amidst the chaos of battle. But amidst the darkness, there remained a spark of hope—a beacon of light that guided us through the darkest of times.

As the battle reached its crescendo, I found myself face to face with Milly, her eyes burning with a fierce intensity that sent shivers down my spine. In that moment, I knew that our confrontation would decide the fate of Empyrean, and perhaps even the world itself.

With a final surge of determination, I charged forward, my blade flashing in the dim light of the battlefield. As our weapons clashed, I felt a surge of power coursing through my veins, the echoes of my past guiding my every move.

In the end, it was not the strength of our weapons or the power of our magic that decided the outcome, but the strength of our bonds—the unbreakable ties that bound us together as allies and friends.

And as we stood amidst the ruins of the battlefield, I knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, we would face them together, our hearts united in a bond that could never be broken.

Amidst the chaos of battle, I could feel the weight of responsibility pressing down on me, the burden of protecting those I held dear driving me forward with unwavering determination.

With each swing of my blade, I carved through the ranks of demons, my movements fueled by the echoes of my past and the strength of my resolve.

Beside me, Lucian fought with a fierce intensity, his every strike a testament to his skill and determination. Together, we formed a formidable team, our bond as father and son strengthening with each passing moment.

But even as we fought, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. Milly's presence loomed over the battlefield like a shadow, her dark powers threatening to overwhelm us at every turn.

As the battle raged on, I spared a moment to glance at my allies, taking solace in their unwavering resolve. Hana's brush danced across the canvas of the battlefield, her artistry weaving spells of protection and healing. Rei's fiery spirit blazed bright, driving back the tide of darkness with her unyielding determination. And Yuki, though quiet and reserved, fought with a strength and courage that belied her gentle nature.

Together, we stood as a beacon of hope amidst the chaos, our hearts united in a common cause. Though the road ahead was fraught with danger, I knew that as long as we stood together, we would emerge victorious.

And so, with renewed determination, I plunged back into the fray, my blade singing as it cut through the ranks of demons. For in the heart of battle, amidst the clash of steel and the roar of magic, I found not fear, but a sense of purpose—a purpose that would drive me forward until victory was ours.

The 4 hoods glared at the battlefield that had no life any more as they snorted .

"I kill you myself." Mara moved fast , shadows extending from her body , trying to destroy me .

"Who are you ." I asked wanting to know this being who wanted to kill me so desperately.

"World of Dragon Monarch Muldu, Mara ." It responded still dashing furiously down .

"Die ." Dualt and Mara combined their armtRevised version:

As the four hoods glared at the battlefield, their expressions twisted with malice, I stood firm, ready to face whatever they threw at me. Mara, with her dark energy swirling around her, moved with unnatural speed, her shadowy tendrils reaching out to ensnare me in their grasp.

"Who are you?" I demanded, my voice echoing with determination despite the chaos around us.

"I am Mara, World of Dragon Monarch Muldu," she hissed, her voice dripping with venom as she continued her relentless assault.

In response, Dualt and Mara launched a coordinated attack, their powers combining in a chaotic display of strength. Mara's Heavenhood Visage loomed behind her, a massive green world pulsating with dark energy, while Dualt summoned two towering Pristine Dove Visages to aid in the onslaught.

But even as their combined might bore down upon me, I remained resolute, channeling the echoes of my own power to withstand their assault. As Milly attempted to take advantage of my weakened state, I saw through her deception, swiftly countering her attack with a feint of my own.

"It's a trick!" Agatha's warning came too late for Milly, her life force draining away as I absorbed the energy and cultivation from her body using Life Drain and Devouring Extraction.With a hollow thud, Milly collapsed to the ground, her once formidable presence reduced to nothing more than an empty shell.

Realizing Agatha's potential threat, I turned my attention towards her, unleashing a torrent of sacred fire to drive her back. With a terrified retreat, Agatha narrowly avoided the flames, her fear palpable as she realized the extent of my power.

Meanwhile, Dualt and Mara, seeing their plan unraveling, redoubled their efforts, launching another barrage of attacks in a desperate attempt to distract me. But as their powers clashed against mine, it became clear that no amount of brute force could stand against the echoes of my heart.

Sorry for the inconveniences.

ChatGPt again..sigh..

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