
World Breaker: Maximizing Efficiency Gave Me Broken Stats!

What will you do if the world suddenly gets turned into a game? In a situation where Levels and special powers exist, there are even monsters and mutated animals to fight. Most gamers would probably rejoice, but what about normal people? A world where mutated monsters took over the vast majority of lands. A mysterious system made by the combined consciousness of nanomachines. An all-powerful entity deeming Earth as Open for invasions! Chaos and death. Defending from invasions or counter-invading the other side... How about you? In this situation, what would you do?

SeraphWedd · Fantaisie
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72 Chs

Stealing My Achievement? In Your Dreams!

Boss monsters usually match the scene where they are staying. It wasn't that they chose to stay there because it fit them, though; it was the other way around. Boss monsters born in a certain area would take on the properties of that area.

The boss monster before me right now was supposedly a bull, but it was definitely not something that would be present in the middle of the city, with no zoo or bullfighting arena nearby.

"It's definitely a roamer!" I smiled with excitement.

On the net, a special type of Boss monster was discovered. It was one that kept on moving around from one hunting ground to another, almost breaking the ecosystem of the other monsters living there. This bull was definitely such. However, this also means that the bull's level wouldn't match this hunting ground's.

It could be at a higher or lower level, but it was hard to know. Judging from the fact that the previous group was able to run away, it should still be near the average level of this place, though.

"Here it comes!"

As the bull finally approached the last 100 meters or so, I stood straight, sword raised, and pointed forward, waiting for the bull to approach.


It bellowed as it lowered its head, with horns curved and pointed forward, which were as thick as my body. Honestly, it was scary when looking at something this big charging straight for you, but it was its size that would become its undoing.

Fifty meters, thirty, twenty, ten, five, now!

With perfect timing, I jumped up and grabbed one of the bull's horns. Of course, it didn't stay still, and upon realizing where I was, it quickly shook its head all around to drop me down.

"Uwoah!" I could only flail around, tightening my embrace on its horns. I haven't experienced a rodeo before, but I guess this is how it feels.

After a while of shaking its head and realizing that I was still grabbing one of its horns, the boss changed its plan. Turning to one of the buildings around, which was still standing strong, it ran.

What it wanted to do was obvious at a glance: it would smash against the walls of the building and hope that I got squished between the concrete to get rid of me. Well, it was a fair idea coming from a bull, but it should've just smashed me against the ground or something. The building was too far away, giving me enough time to do my thing.

Using the thick black fur covering its entire body, each strand about half as long as I was tall, I made my way to the back of the neck. The only weapon I have right now is a flimsy iron sword, and although I did set a few traps around, it wouldn't even help slow down this beast. In short, I have limited ways of inflicting damage on it.

"But I do know of a pretty easily discoverable weak point for you!"

From the position at the back of its neck, I turned around and faced forward. From there, I did a short run before jumping down toward its face. The bull was surprised to see me, for sure, since I was right before one of its eyes.

"Take this!" Using the sword, I pierced the eyeball with great force.

However, since I was in midair without a foothold to push against, the force was greatly reduced. Fortunately, it was still enough to embed the sword, effectively blinding one part of the bull's vision.

I pulled the handle, using the counterforce to land my feet on top of the beast's snout. However, the boss was flailing around in pain, and I unfortunately couldn't stabilize myself in time and fell off.

I landed on the rubble, able to correct my stance at the last moment before impact, and stared at the boss that was still rampaging around. In one of its eyes, my borrowed sword was still embedded. I lost my weapon!

Impatiently, I looked around for anything that I could use. I found a stop sign that had fallen to the side nearby. Without hesitation, I grabbed it and slammed the red hexagonal head against the ground, destroying its clasps and removing it from the long pole.

The other end of it was still connected to a block of concrete, so it was pretty heavy. "But rather, this is better!"

I held the long shaft with my hands about a meter apart, balancing the heavy end as I waved it around as a test. After I got the feel of the new weapon, I noticed that the Boss was already on its way toward me again. This time, it was several times angrier than before.

I doubt a few kilograms worth of weapons would be able to inflict significant damage on a monster that was literally as large as a building. To make my attack effective, I need to make sure it hits a vulnerable spot, similar to the eyes.


As it entered my range, I swung the heavy pole and smashed the concrete end into a specific spot. My plain sword, which was still embedded in the eye of the boss.


A high-pitched sound echoed as I landed a clean hit. The sword, which had been halfway in previously, vanished completely as it got embedded deeper into the eye cavity. The raging bull suddenly had its legs straightened up as it crashed forward, rolling like a rampaging wheel.

I was safe, though, as I dodged underneath the bull right after I smacked its face. I turned around, looking at its large frame and twitching lightly.

"... I did it!"

I wouldn't do the "Did I kill it?" flag, where the enemy's resurrection would be ensured. I just claimed the win before even completely checking if the enemy was dead.

Carefully, I approached the bull and tried to smash one of its toes... No reaction. I turned to its chest and smashed it again. Oh, it twitched lightly! This bastard's still alive!

"But not for long!" I ran to the eyes once more and dug into the mushy eyeball with only the sword's hilt visible.


Blood scattered, and I pulled out the sword, staining my bulletproof vest all red. My uniform... I better run by a laundromat before going home, or I'll get an earful from Mother.

With random thoughts running through my head, I placed the sword before the other eye and stabbed it halfway. The boss visibly twitched after I did so, proof that it was still alive.

With the sword in place, I raised the concrete part of the post in the air. And like swinging a golf club, I hit the hilt with the full power of my strength and the acceleration from gravity. Without much fanfare, the sword entered deep; even the hilt vanished into the eye socket as it reached the brain.

Before I could even wonder if it was dead, a notification popped up.


You have slain Lv. 10 Raging Bull (Field Boss)!

You earned 50,000 experience!

You have leveled up to level 8!

All stats have been increased by 2 (+3)!

You have gained 20 free stat points.

You earned the skill Critical Strike Lv. 1!

Each attack gains an additional 5% chance of landing a critical hit!

Blunt Weapons Mastery was upgraded to Lv. 8!

Your swing is now 100% faster!

Your damage when using blunt weapons is increased by 160%!

Smash was upgraded to Lv. 9!

You have completely dominated a boss monster above your level!

You have earned the "David and Goliath" Badge!

You have earned the "Miracle" Badge!


"D*mn, just with one boss kill, my skills and level jumped up!" It was a very unexpected but welcome reward. "And I even got two new badges!"

Although I couldn't see my face right now, it was probably showing a sleazy grin. After all, that's two levels in a row! Without further ado, I added all the free points to endurance, trying to increase my survivability for the future.

Just as I was finishing up, staring at the gigantic carcass of the boss monster, a voice echoed from behind.

"It's here, it's here! W-We were the ones who killed it!" A familiar voice excitedly echoed, making me raise my brows.

"You what?" I turned around, raised my voice, and asked.

Just as I expected, it was the same group of four from before. They were covered in sweat and panting, with a dozen or so armed military personnel in tow.

"Huh? You're that crazy brat from before. You! Don't touch our trophy! Go away!"


Is he brain-dead or something? I feel like I'm losing brain cells just listening to his voice.

Completely ignoring the one who was claiming to be the one who killed the boss, one of the military personnel approached me. He had a gun in hand, and on top of his head flashed the cool name "Bubble Head". Well, it fits him perfectly; that's all I can say... But his level was astounding.

'A Gunslinger! Third advancement, level 6!'

It was by far the highest I've seen. Even higher than Sir Andrew with a second advancement class and level 8 or my sister, who was similarly a second advancement class and level 8.

The bald head, I mean, Mr. Bubble Head, pointed his gun downward and away from me before asking. "They are claiming to have killed the boss, but looking at things, it should be your deed."

His eyes narrowed before he continued his words.

"Do you have proof that it was you who killed it?"