
WORLD —evolution or death—

Civilization becomes more and more specialized as time goes by, but the risk is to be sharp as a pencil, each time the tip is sharper, but fragile, very, very fragile. Its fall, terrible, leaves a society where survival is the only way to live, at the expense of whatever and whomever. Love has no place where your food could be your victim, it is also hungry, in this world the only thing left is to adapt: Evolve or die

Daoist269830 · Romance
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51 Chs


Humanity looks for something to guide it, it does not imagine 

having to be responsible for its actions 

or their consequences.

21st century thinker



"Enabling linguistic interface, please wait." What was that? Danger? But I'm alive, there can be no danger if I'm not in front of those beasts... but where am I, I wanted to get up but it feels so good here, lying on... "sheets" Sheets? What are sheets? Are this soft covering me? I think it's better than having a man on me, but I didn't have a man. I had one of those horrible demons that merchants use and it cut me here, where my hand feels... "metal." Who's saying that? What is metal? Why is it in my...? "Belly" Whoever you are, stop! I already know who you are: The demon of the factories!... Holy Mother I'm in hell.


I don't know how long I was crying. I spilled my water as if nothing, I don't care. I'm dead! What difference does it make if I stay dry... finally, a little calmer, I get up. I'm covered by something that my head calls a "dress", I don't care, it's comfortable but that's how I know I'm marked, as I remember I must be in the belly of the devil, my punishment I hope is not harsh, I didn't run away to deny them, I would gladly let myself eat if it would save me from this torment "Was being devoured better than being here?" Shut up, horrendous personal demon! You keep correcting me, there is nothing I can say without you trying to put this diabolical meaningless language on me. "Go out to know your destiny." If I do, will you shut up?..."It's a deal."


It's... "aberrant" Silence! This place should not exist, the true faith says that: the mother attacked throughout her life by her most beloved children got tired one day and became angry against the deluded humans who blindly followed their false god of progress, but that demon was prepared. She planned everything about herself and her mother's children attacked her with the fumes from the industries; She poisoned the heavens, her pestilent waste killed her water that was her blood, but the almighty mother took revenge on her children and poured out diseases and violent climates; She destroyed everything industrial, but the effort was such that her body was left lying, her spirit is the one that watches over us and in punishment, the factories were banished to the underworld to receive anyone who despises her sacrifice. Now they both reside in the other world and I am inside a factory, most likely I am doomed. "Keep going here" But everything here is covered in... "Metal"! Blasphemous matter! That is what it is. I don't know if this is a good idea, the floor is cold and I see the demon's eyes in the darkness, his red glow follows me from the corners. "They are infrared cameras." Hellish eyes! The lights follow me, it is a sign that the demons have identified me. "They are motion sensors" Nobody can do that! Only those who watch from the office know who misbehaves. He is the one I must go to, so I will follow the instructions. I will be able to resist everything if I believe in the Mother.


But what is this? Tell me infernal voice why can't I tap? It is so beautiful, just to see that green... "grass", that surrounds those things similar to the wolveskiller, "trees", but the wolveskiller lull those who seek their shade to sleep and you sleep forever... they are the messengers of the goddess to remind us how badly we behaved towards her, but there are people outside, people dressed like me, who don't hunt, they don't fight, none of them try to eat, they just smile and sit in their shadow... I want to go with them but the wall only lets me see. I can't get past it! "It's a crystal" Is this the beginning of my torture? "Keep going, it won't be long." I hope I can talk to him. I would give my body to be outside!


My head says that we haven't walked more than two kilometers, the truth is it feels strange, neither my foot nor my belly hurt. No wind. I breathe well. It's a little cool, everything is quiet and I don't feel anything. He is dead, as the patriarch said, I hear the noises of the terrible machinery where they have everyone subjected, where I will be for not wanting to die. The entrance to the deepest circle of hell, the director's chamber, where they decide how to punish, where they choose our future for the rest of eternity... I need will. I must be one with the flora, one with the wind, life is beyond my existence, when I die my body will be safe and I will be a cloud; I learned that prayer from the village lullabies, it brought me comfort on nights of acid storms and mitigated my pain on the days where the battles for our survival kept us with weapons in our hands and the goddess in our mouths, the wall was moves. "It's a door" What? Don't tell me that the devil lives here...


When my eyes finally get used to the darkness I see a block of that metal that the voice says. I was in front of "wood", whatever you say and on the wood there is food, I don't know what it is but my nose doesn't fail me, it's food. Hunger moves me; I try to resist but I can't; I had not had such a need for food; I can hear my belly growling, my mouth is wet, I rush to the wood, whatever is there will be mine, only a few steps left, three, two, one... and then I hear his laughter. It is a slow, evil laugh, it sounds very strange, I stop dead and following the prayer to the mother I quickly nailed my forehead to the ground. I ask you for the mercy of the condemned man! Give me forgiveness and food, oh lord of hell! I promise to fulfill your orders; I will respect his authority as I respected my mother in life. "SILENCE!" Before I know it, I'm back on the floor with my forehead and I feel something sticky running down my forehead "FOOL, YOU OPENED YOUR STITCHES AGAIN" Smelling the blood, my own, I run my finger and clean the wound, avoiding wasting it, like the blood and it only makes me hungrier, "still, I'll have the medbot check you." A light turned on at the back of the place and a horrendous being emerged. I feel dizzy and try to stand up, the monster approaches, extends its hand towards me, more than a hand it is a horrendous claw. I close my eyes and feel a small burning sensation, less than when a drop of rain falls on you while you are curled up at night... the pain gradually disappears, I feel much better, I open my eyes and see the surface of that natural aberration.


He is made entirely of metal and I reflect on his body... I finally understand that I am being punished, maybe one day it will be something like this eyesore, part of my face is gone and now I only see one eye and a red dot where the metal already covers half my face... I just feel something dark over me, I'm not a believer, I just faint in a cowardly way.