
Jacob's Surprise

Thursday and Friday went by, and I spent most of the time prepping for upcoming exams, going over material I hadn't touched in a while. 30 years to be exact...

During those two days, the ruble was in a constant battle with heavy sellers, but it was showing signs of resilience, slowly gaining ground.

And together with Immortal investments, we were adding fuel to the fire, making Rubel stronger.

Immortal Investments started building their short position on USD/RUB.

I was still on the opposite side of things, but I was gradually offloading the last of my long USD/RUB position.

By the time I closed out, I'd managed to exit at an average of 40.12/RUB for the final billion dollars.

That added another $407 million to the profit pile.



[Total Balance: $1,189,181,626.93]

[Margin: 1:10]




Opening Exchange Rate: 28.52 RUB