

I stared at the screen, dumbfounded.


In 2003?

I skimmed the paper again, making sure I wasn't mistaken. The more I read, the more it became clear: this was a legitimate whitepaper of Bitcoin, outlining the basic principles of a digital currency system. But... it was published by Russian programmers?

No one in 2003 should have been anywhere close to coming up with Bitcoin. It was worked on maybe sometime after 2005 and only released in 2008 or 2009, I don't remember exactly.

But this... I mean... there were some cryptocurrencies even back in the late 90s that had a similar principle of cryptography to Bitcoin, but even then, why would they use the exact same name?

Unless they were like me.

Man, I was really trying to keep that theory out of my mind. But I can't refute it anymore...

Could there be others who had traveled through time, just like I did?