
The End Of The Previous Story Is The Beginning Of The End


June 21, 10:20pm, Dulles, USA

"The air tastes weird," said Gadiel, frowning as they walked out of the airport.

Tarik rolled his eyes. He had said the same thing when they arrived in Paris. Tarik was pretty sure that Gadiel was just being weird about it at this point.

Then again, Gadiel had grown up in Australia. The climate there was pretty unique. It could just be that Tarik was more used to the climate in the northern hemisphere, since he grew up in France.

After thinking about this for a moment, Tarik decided that no, it would probably just Gadiel being a big baby.

Then again, Dulles airport was a lot more...dirtier? than Tarik expected. It wasn't like it was actually that dirty it was just...dirtier than Tarik thought it would be. To put it in perspective, Sydney's airport felt cleaner than this one.