

Waking up early in the morning was Matthew Hayes, who had white curly hair and tattoos on both his arms and his upper body beside him was his friend Luca carr.

"Eh!" Matthew looked at his naked upper body and noticed that Luca's arm was on him, "Fuck man are you gay!" he scream removing Luca's arm which immediately woke him up.


"uhh good morning Math," He said while cleaning his eyes as it was a little blurry, "What's so good about the morning huh?" Matthew asked in a loud voice.

Matthew was the arrogant type while Luca was... gay, Matthew really couldn't understand how they became friends but all he could say was that Luca was one of his closest friends.

"Oh sorry you seemed to have a little cold so I decided to warm you up," Luca said with a disturbing seductive smile, Luca was a handsome 18-year-old with pink dyed hair with supple pink lips.

"Ha, okay then" Matthew finally gave up knowing he would eventually lose to Luca.

"So what are we doing today?" Luca asked still with a smile on his face.

"what do you mean we?" Matthew said calmly.

"well I don't have anything to do today and finding cute boys like you in this country is hard currently," Luca said putting his hand on Matthews's chin but in instinct Matthew immediately slapped his hand off.

"Well I don't have anything doing so I will be going to the store to purchase some foodstuff since you're too lazy for that," Matthew said entering the bathroom.


After he had brushed when Luca heard the sound of water rushing down Luca ran inside and locked the bathroom.


The sound of someone crying was heard, it was Matthew he had come out while hugging his towel tightly, "aww I'm so sorry Math, don't cry" Luca said as he walked forward attempting to hug Matthew but the towel wrapped around him fell off and Matthew immediately ran out of the room not caring if he was only on a towel.

After some minutes he had come back inside and wore his clothes before heading to buy foodstuffs and Luca also followed.

They had reached the shop named 'Arsenal' which was a little sus since this was a food store, we greeted the cashier before going to look for the recipes we needed for the food we were about to prepare.

"Citizens of colton this is an emergency report please stay locked in your homes or find a safe place to stay there has been a ------ of ------- please stay locked in your homes for safety....."

The person speaking was cut off by the break down in internet "we better hurry up" Luca said as I nodded my head in reply this message wasn't a normal thing even emergency reports were rare in our country.


Everyone in the store was stunned by the sudden screaming, "please no n-" a female voice begged out loud while we heard grunts which didn't sound human.

The cashier went forward to the glass door and locked it with a key, "Please open the door" someone shouted from outside the store as we all gathered at the glass door but the cashier refused to open it soon red eyes glowed at her back and heavy breathing was heard.


The creature growled as it bit it's teeth into the neck of the man who was currently begging, After watching this most of the children vomited while the adults who vomited were few.

Looking at the pale skinned creature with decaying eyes outside the glass door I asked the obvious, "won't it break the glass" with a sweaty face I looked at the female cashier.

"No it's pure bullet proof and very hard to break" she said with a calm face, "haa well I'll go take guns from the store you guys take watch" she said as she casually walked by.

'Well I knew it how could the name of a food store be arsenal, this is an arsenal shop full of weapons!' I thought clearly afraid, she behaved as though she knew all this was going to happen.