The night moon was high in the sky when the people of the Asahi faction had gathered. The lookouts from both sides were on high alert and were staring at the situation across the river.
—Chu chu!
"Shush! Birds don't earrape you bitch!"
Angrily whispering was a man donning a long shawl and a cloak as he guided his people through the trees. Shipments of catapults from the areas conquered by the Asahi faction were slowly making their ways over to the river bank.
The bird screeching lookouts were on the duty to ensure the smooth transportation of the catapults in the night.
"Just fucking use some sound cancelling magic if you're that annoyed," The lookout on top of the tree whispered down at the man. They were supposed to guide the catapults carefully through the night and make sure they moved at the perfect times to avoid the eyes of the lookouts.