

"I've never met a strong person with an easy past ."


The guilt of spending less time with Kate and Seb than before was eating me up and it was all due to those stupid reports. I knew each day they tried to wait up for me and most especially Seb but could not because I came home really late. Tonight was no different since I arrived a little over midnight. at least I would not be going early in the morning.

The constant tapping of my back woke me up from my sleep. I delved deeper into the blankets to have them pulled off of me. the cool air immediately attacked my skin leaving goosebumps all over me.

I turned and glared at Kate who only smiled back and moved on to draw the curtains. I put my arms in front of my face to shield my eyes from the light.

"well if you haven't already noticed it's a little over eight and you're late for work" seeing as I had no hopes of finding sleep again after my rude awakening, I got up to make my bed.

"Well, my boss said I could come in later today but before lunch time since the meeting will be in the afternoon. So today I'm all yours" I added with a slight chuckle. " I bet Seb will be excited to go out for breakfast before I have to come back and get ready for work so let me get dressed so that we can go."

" That's really cool but I don't even get the juicy details of your work stories" she said as she grabbed the pillows and placed them on the bed after I had made it. " don't even get me started on this week. I can swear those reports were handed to me on purpose. And that secretary gosh, anyways I made friends and I think you would like them" we now walked out since I had finished getting ready and ranting about my work.

I walked into Seb's room to see him softly snoring with his lips slightly opened. His lashes fluttered softly against his cheekbones and his chest lightly rose up and down.

Making my way to his bed, I sat next to him and ran my fingers through his soft curls and earned a contented sigh. I rubbed his back so that he would wake up without getting startled.

His eyelids fluttered softly before he finally woke up locking eyes with me.

"Mommy I missed you,"he squealed jumping onto my body. I instantly caught him and hugged his little frame tightly to myself. My heart painfully clenched when I heard him sniffling against the crook of my neck. He was really not used to being away from me for such a long time.

"I know my love, I missed you so much too. And mommy is really really sorry okay buddy," I knew he heard when he nodded slightly.

"You know what we are heading down for breakfast at the cafe, then I'll take you to the park and buy your ice cream. How does that sound" he immediately pulled away from my neck and grabbed my face with his smaller hands to look me in my eyes.

"Really Mommy?" He was too adorable.

"Yes baby now let's get you ready" I stood up with him in my arms making him wrap his legs around my waist and made my way to the bathroom to wash him up and get him ready for our breakfast date.

Going into the bathroom I caught a glimpse of Kate sneaking into her room. I decided to ignore it and attend to Seb. Sooner than later, we were all ready to go. I noticed that Kate was not as bubbly as she usually was. Something was definitely bothering her.

I did not want to make her feel worse by pressing on matters she did not want to talk about so I put my focus onto my baby. The excitement shone so bright in his eyes. It was moments like these that I forever wished he remained a child.

The chiming of the bells signaled our arrival at the cafe where Kate worked the evening shifts. Finding a table during morning hours was not as challenging as other times of the day. Our food was brought shortly after we had ordered.

A frown made its way to my face when I noticed that Kate had only ordered something to drink and had not yet even touched it.

Since it was not yet eleven, we decided to go to the park and have some ice cream. Kate and I sat at a bench to watch Sebastian playing while we ate our ice cream.

I quickly whipped my head to her direction when I saw her hand moving to wipe tears. I immediately pulled her into a hug and she broke out in a sob. There were no words that were needed to be said and so I continued to run her back. We stayed in that position until she pulled away and wiped at her eyes.

"Gary broke up with me earlier on the phone. Turns he was already seeing someone else." I remained silent knowing how much she loved Gary.

"Time will be your healer. I can't say it will be easy but I know that you are a very strong person and you will get through this. Realizing she did not want to stay here longer, I called Seb over so that we could go home and to say that he was unhappy would be an understatement.

Since it was only eleven and I had to be at the office before the meeting, I decided to make some lunch so that Sebastian would have something to eat. I decided on a pasta since that would not take a lot of time to make.

Sooner than later, I finished cooking and went to get myself ready for work. I stepped out of the shower and picked out an apricot pastel pantsuit paired with a black blouse and pumps.

I left the apartment after checking on Kate and Sebastian and took a cab. I arrived at the office when it was nearly one and immediately rode the elevator up. Instead of going to our floor, I stopped at the floor below since that was where the conference room was.

I stepped of the elevator and walled to the room since it was the only room on this floor. I sighed in relief when I found that the IT team was nearly done setting up the electronics. Now the only work I had to do was organise some beverages and setting up the seating arrangement. I saw that Meena had made it according to alphabetical order so that she could seat near Mr Maxwell.

I then went to the cafeteria to bring bottled water and juice. I put them in a cart and returned to the conference room and placed all the beverages at each seat, as well as a semi circle seating arrangement with Mr Maxwell in the middle of it.

When everything was finally ready, I made my way up to my office to drop my bag and pick a notebook for the meeting. On my way out I nearly bumped into Mr Maxwell who was stepping out of the elevator. I stepped back so that he could come out of the elevator.

" Good Job on the setup Miss Moneigh" he looked at me briefly before heading off to his office. I let out a breath I did not even know I was holding and went down the stairs.

As soon as it was ten minutes to the meeting, nearly everybody was seated. Mr Maxwell shortly joined while exuding an aura of reality and confident even if he did not know it. I noticed everyone sitting a little straighter.

I took notes on all the presentations and now the end of this meeting was drawing near.

" Good presentations however what I am more interested In is knowing why the hell stocks worth two million are missing." he stood up slamming his palms on the table. I could notice the fear evident in people's eyes. I knew he would address the mishap in the files I had read although I did not even think it would go like this.

Meena tried to grab his arm in attempt of calming him down however that went south when he glared at her making her withdraw her hands immediately.

"I already know who you are however I will give you one week to repay all that money or else.. DISMISSED!

Everyone literally scrambled out of the room leaving only Meena, Mr Maxwell, Ethan and I. I stoop up to hand the notes to Mr Maxwell when my phone rang, turning their attention to me.

I pulled it out of my pocket to see that it was Kate. Maybe she was feeling slightly better.

"Hello ar.... "

"Aria come quick to the hospital something happened to Seb"