
Wordbound: Ascension

[Wordbound system awaken] [Earthlings have 10 seconds to say or think of 3 words that will determine your future.] [10] ... [9] joe jolted up and looked around with a frown seeing everyone is frozen in time "What the fuck!" [words combination already taken, choose another] [8] hearing this joe closes his mouth petrified, he doesn't understand whats happening but he understood that he need to choose his words carefully, Joe looks around and when he sees the authors name on the book in his hand all his neurons starts firing and he screems out "InfiniteReviveCopy" [Word combination accepted] [Wordbound system initiating for InfiniteReviveCopy] [Returning to Reality]

InfiniteReviveCopy · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Global Awakening

2024 may 14


Sunlight trickling though tree leaves in the morning, Chen Wei was reading a book sitting on a Park bench, in the background we could see a few people doing morning excercises and jogging on the pavements.

Sudenly time froze for every human on planet earth, and a monotonous sound rang in everyone's mind.

[Wordbound system awaken]

[Earthlings have 10 seconds to say or think of 3 words that will determine your future.]




Chen Wei jolted up and looked around with a frown seeing everyone is frozen in time

"What the fuck!"

[words combination already taken, choose another]


hearing this Chen Wei closes his mouth petrified, he doesnt understand whats happening but he understood that he need to choose his words carefully, he looks around and when he sees the authors name on the book in his hand all his neurons starts firing and he screems out "InfiniteReviveCopy"

[Word combination accepted]

[Wordbound system initiating for InfiniteReviveCopy]

[Returning to Reality in ....]





Immediately the silence around him was broken and everyone is confronting others with a terrified expression.

'It appears everyone experienced the same, could it be ?, that its like in those novels and comics that i read, a global awakening where everyone gets a superpower!'

Being an avid fantasy novel reader, Chen Wei's heart raced at the thought of how exciting the world could be after the awakening.

[Wordbound System instated as the guide for planet Earth]

[Kill one demonic beast to Activate System]

[Invasion in 5h:60m:59s]

"Shit, i know what this is, i need weapons"

'Weapons, supplies, shelter, dammit'





'So its like that, i need to kill one first, haa how strong will the monsters be'

Facing people around him Chen Wei spoke

"Everyone go to someplace safe, get some weapons, Monsters might be coming"

Some paid attention some showed disbelief and disdain.

"Young man what monsters?, dont play your pranks, tch kids these days."

An old man said with a scoff

Hearing this Wei looked at the old man and said "Fuck you, Old fart" and run towards the supermarket.

Being a model citizen and enduring the frustration of the society for so long, it was a wonderful opportunity for him to curse at an old man.

'Old fart, the world you know is no more, now is a world that fears the strong, humph! lets see if you can scorn the youths again.

Approaching the supermarket he could see others who has the same idea as him rushing to the supermarket.

'6 hour preparation time huh, i wonder how the wordbound system interpret my words, did i made a mistake?'

Pondering on the system joe arrived at the supermarket and started collecting a few kitchen knifes, canned food and medical kits.

After gathering suplies with his limited bank balance Wei reluctantly returns to his college dorms.

He then calls his family and confirms that they also heard the same, unfortunately his parents were unable to comeup with any words as they were in a state of shock seeing each other fozen in time, he tells them to get to the nearest military camp with his younger brother since his elder sister is a military officer.

he sends a message in his school group which is already flooded with messages of the same.

"Now thats all set, i just have to wait for fatty wang and see how it goes"

Just as he sat on his chair with a smirk his best friend fatty wang enteres his room

"Brother Wei, we will be superheroes"

"Hehe Wang Lei, thats right, but we still needs to kill a beast"

"Y, yeah thats true."

"lets wait 4 more hours"

And thus the two waited, towards a superpowered future, unbeknownst of the darkness that follows.