
Chapter 8: Crazy, Beautiful Life

For the last few chapters, I didn't have much to say. So, to make up for that I'm going to ramble for a bit now. But it's important rambling, so don't skip over this and pay attention.

1) This is the first chapter in which the video on the side is important. I have used two songs in this chapter, the first is "Crazy, Beautiful Life" by Ke$ha (I don't care that most people don't like her music. Because I do. Except for Sleazy. And Cannibal. And Grow a Pear. And a bunch of other ones...Ok, I only like some of her songs. Point taken, you can stop smirking now.). And the second one is . This is an absolutely amazing song and video. Its on the side so watch it!!! If you dont then you are seriously missing out on some amazing stuff!

2) Some of you may have noticed in the last chapter that I let Fred live. I didn't plan on it like that, but when I was writing it was too hard to write George without writing Fred :(

3) A HUGE thank you to everyone for reading, fanning, commenting and voting. If it wasn't for you guys, I would've quit a long time ago =)

4) And that picture on the side MOVES!!!! Isn't that AMAZING?!!!!

Sorry, I get distracted easily =D



"How can we be old and wise, if we are never young and crazy?"        -Anonymous

As Draco and Hermione finished cleaning up after dinner, Draco declared, "You know what I feel like doing? I feel like dancing."

"What?!" Hermione asked laughing.

"Come on!" Draco said making a puppy face and turning on the radio at the same time with a wave of his wand.

"Fine!" Hermione replied, giving in to the puppy face, and laughingly joined Draco, who had started dancing and singing along with the song that was playing.

Had anyone walked in on them, he/she would have found a very amusing sight in front of him/her. Hermione and Draco were both doing crazy dance moves while using eating utensils as microphones. And not to mention belting out songs like their lives depended upon it.

"I–don’t–think–we–should’ve–eaten–all–that–desert," Draco chocked out between fits of laughter as Hermione did a ridiculous dance move. "We–are–on–a–sugar–high."

"So what? It is fuuuuuuuuun," yelled Hermione.

After several more songs and a few attempts to do the wobble (which they perfected after their fourth try), their sugar high started to ebb. The eights song was considerable slower, at least compared to the rest, and before Hermione knew what she was doing, she put her arms around Draco’s neck and he put his around her waist. And soon they began swaying to the song.

Hermione looked up and her chocolaty eyes caught the stormy grey ones that were gazing at her with a strange intensity. Draco’s gaze held her in place and neither moved. It was as if they were frozen, lost in each others’ eyes. It was as if time had frozen.

Without realizing what they were doing, they both leaned in, slowly closing the small gap that separated the two.

Just as they were about to eliminate the gap, two distinct cracks were heard outside the door, and they immediately sprung apart. Mere seconds after they sprung apart, the door burst open and a angry Ginny walked in followed by a wary Harry (HAHA that rhymed!).

Draco was the first of the pair to recover from what happened, or rather what could’ve happened.

"Well, if it isn’t my favorite Weaslette!" he exclaimed with a grin on his face.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy," Ginny yelled smacking his arm as she said each word. "Don’t you dare ‘favorite Weaslette’ me!"

"Ow," Draco replied rubbing his arm. "Gingers are attacking! Someone save me!" he called out in mock fear.