
Chapter 24: The Calm, Before the Storm (Part 2)

Dedicated to EvangelineLanae. Why? Lets see....She guest wrote a huge chunk of this chapter, is a Potterhead, likes Tom Felton and 1D and purple, is one of my best friends, and if she wasn't here, I'd frankly go crazy from all the Harry Potter and other strange things I wouldn't be able to babble about anymore. That probably made no sense, but I think thats good enough reasoning for a dedication =)

Here I am once again (for the third time in the span of three days), with a brand new chapter.

This chapter is just...gah...I tried to make it not so "gah," but it ended up being quite"gah." It has also made me realize that writing romantic/cute/adorable scenes that are sad is so not my thing. I should most likely start writing horror stories. Except that would give me nightmares...Yeah. I'll just stick with this for now =)


Ok, I shall quit babbling now.



“Grief, a type of sadness that most often occurs when you have lost someone you love, is a sneaky thing, because it can disappear for a long time, and then pop back up when you least expect it.” 

-Lemony Snicket

When Draco and Hermione’s feet touched the earth, Hermione gasped in awe. The building in front of then was beautiful. It was simply grand; it was obvious just from the intricate design on the front door. Before they could knock on the door, a house elf opened the door and let them in.

            “Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Granger, come in. Your presence has been awaited.”

            They walked inside, following the house elf. After following the house elf through several magnificent hallways, they finally arrived in the grand ballroom that was filled with dancing pairs.

            Happiness and enthusiasm filled the room. The mood was so overwhelming, it was contagious. It made Draco and Hermione forget, even if momentarily, that tonight was the last night of their charade.

            Everyone, who as anyone, was there. The Potters, Malfoys, Lovegoods, Delacours, Woods. Red headed Weasleys could be spotted throughout the room. Even the Hogwarts professors were there.

            Several people came up to them, greeting them happily, or drunkenly in Seamus’s case. They conversed merrily and danced the night away. As the clock marked the passing of each hour, the ball grew merrier. Inversely, with each stroke of the clock, Draco and Hermione’ cheerful moods dimmed.

            Even though it was evident, neither Hermione nor Draco admitted their feelings to each other. They refused to admit that they had actually enjoyed their time together, even though both clearly felt the same way. They were too proud to admit they had been wrong about each other.

            It seemed that in no time at all, the clock chimed three-quarters of the eleventh hour, indicating the year was coming to an end and it was time for to announce the Witch and Wizard of the year.

            As Cho Chang, the editor in chief for Witch’s Weekly, took stage, a hush fell over the ballroom.

            “This year has been a great year for the Wizarding World. Specifically, it’s been a great year for Witch’s Weekly and the world of entertainment. This year has seen many ups, such as the long awaited and much celebrated wedding of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley.”

            Hermione wasn’t sure if she was the only one who thought Cho Chang’s smile looked a bit forced.

            “It has also seen many lows, such as the retirement of our beloved History of Magic professor, Professor Binns. But most of all, it has been a year of surprises,” Cho Chang continued. As soon as she said it, people began glancing at Hermione and Draco, causing the former to blush furiously.

            “I’m mean who would’ve thought Chudley Cannons would actually win the World Cup!? No offense to any of their players or fans,” Cho Chang added with a charming smile. “We’re going to end this wonderful year by announcing what many of you have been waiting for with great anticipation. We’ll be announcing the couple who won the prestigious title of Witch and Wizard of the year.”

            “There were many nominees this year, many more than usual. They ranged from what can only be called absurd to what has been anticipated to those that were just simply surprising. After voting and much decision making, we have come to a consensus.”

            “It’s been decided that the title of Witch and Wizard of the year goes to…none other than Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Granger!”

            Immediately the whole room burst into cheers. Well, everyone except for four individuals who were sporting quite different expressions.

           Astoriawas absolute livid with anger. If looks could kill, Hermione would’ve been dead a hundred times over, in the short span of a few seconds. Draco and Hermione, on the other hand, looked as if they were attending a funeral. Ron, for some strange reason, looked extremely confused.

            Hermione and Draco quickly plastered fake, yet convincing, smiles on their faces as cameras flashed at them. As soon as the camera crew had taken their fair share of pictures, it was time for the long awaited final dance of the year (it ends right at 12:01).

            As the music started, Draco offered his hand to Hermione, who took it without a second thought, the magnitude of the event finally hit Hermione.

            As the lights dimmed, Draco placed his hand on Hermione’s waist and took her hand in his other and Hermione placed her other hand on Draco’s shoulder. (IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY, LISTEN TO THE SONG ON THE SIDE)

            As they swayed to the song, Hermione felt as if the song was written for her. It described her situation perfectly. And a little, tiny, miniscule part of her hoped that Draco felt the same way.

            Hermione felt out of place; a sad soul in a crowd of happy, dancing pairs, with tears literally threatening to stream down her face.