
Chapter 20: The Unstoppable Force & the Immovable Wall

Wow...Wonderstruck is 9 chapters from ending...This is kind of sadder than I though it would be...*sniff*


I'm still obsessed with One Direction (SO BEAUTIFUL!)  :) So that explains the song on the side and the songs for the next few chapters...



In the face of an obstacle which is impossible to overcome, stubbornness is stupid.Simone de Beauvoir

            The next morning Draco woke up to an empty apartment. Hermione had gone to work two hours early to avoid Draco. Draco couldn’t decide if he was angry or amused, so he decided to eat breakfast instead.


            “I can’t possible stall any longer,” Hermione decided and began gathering her belongings. She was so keen on avoiding Draco that she had stayed four extra hours after work, trying to waste time. In fact, she was almost done with the entire month’s work. But after the clock struck nine, she finally accepted the fact that she must go home at some point or another.

            After taking fifteen minutes to pack and repack her purse, she finally apparated to Draco’s apartment. As she opened the door and walked in, she immediately regretted not wasting more time in her office. She had to fight the urge to turn around and walk right out, because on the recliner facing the door was Draco Malfoy, staring intently at her.

            “Hello, Hermione,” Draco drawled from the recliner.

            “Hello, Malfoy,” Hermione replied stiffly, causing Draco’s eyes to harden.

            “So we’re back on last names basis, are we Granger?” Draco asked with a cold sneer.

            Hermione didn’t know what to reply, so she began walking towards her door.

            “My, you are so cut up over such a small incident, aren’t you?” Draco asked as he got up from the recliner and walked up to Hermione, blocking her path. “If I didn’t know you any better, I’d think that you are jealous.”

            “I don’t feel like arguing with you right now. So I suggest--,” Hermione began.

            “Or are you jealous?” Draco asked taking a long step toward her, causing her to take a step back.

            “I am jealous,” yelled Hermione, quite frustrated.

            “Then why are you so worked up over this? Why are you trying to avoid me?” Draco asked calmly.

            “Don’t you think I have a reason to do so, considering what you did?” Hermione replied, narrowing her eyes.

            “Would you care to inform me of what grave crime I have committed?” Draco asked sarcastically.

            “Oh. So now you are going to pretend that you don’t know?! I am thoroughly disgusted with you. Actually I’m more disgusted at myself that I’m still talking to you! The next thing you know, you are going to deny sending me the owl or the rose or the letter!”

            “I didn’t send any of that,” exclaimed Draco. “As--.”

            “And now you are denying it!” Hermione added with a bitter laugh.

            “You are not going to listen to me are you?” Draco asked suddenly as his face took on a strange look.

            “NO,” Hermione replied defiantly.

            “And I’m not willing to accept your grave misunderstandings,” Draco continued.

            “I guess that’s just too bad, then,” replied Hermione, now itching to escape to her room.

            “Do you know what happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable wall?” Draco asked, slowly walking towards her.

            “Why do I get this feeling that you are the force and I’m the wall?” Hermione asked eager to find something else to argue about. “Why can’t I be the force? How come you get to be the force? I think--,”

            She was cut off as Draco took one final step, leaving two inches separating the two. It would be an understatement to say that Hermione looked like a deer in headlights.

            Just as Draco was about to speak, a trapping noise issued from the window.

            “Oh look, it’s an owl,” Hermione replied ducking swiftly away from Draco and towards the window.

            “Now, we shall never know the mystery of the immovable wall and the unstoppable force,” Draco muttered under his breath before audibly asking, “Who is it for?”

            “There is one addressed to each one of us,” Hermione replied, handing Draco the one addressed Mr. Malfoy, while making sure their hand did not touch.

            Draco opened the envelope to find an expensive looking crème colored paper with fancy black writing.


            When Draco looked up to ask Hermione if she was attending, he realized that he was alone. He gave her closed door one long last glance before walking to his own room.


            An hour later, an envelope slid under Hermione’s door. Hermione, who had been reading, got up to see what it was. Seeing it wasn’t addressed to anyone, she opened it.


            After reading the letter twice, Hermione’s mind started reeling. She immediately went to look for Draco, and found him waiting expectantly in the armchair by the fire.

            “I assume you read it?” asked Draco.


            “I presume you have questions, concerns, and comments?”

            “Did you really not send me the letter asking me to come visit you?”

            “No. And before you even ask, I didn’t kiss Astoria willingly.”

            “It was all planned out! It was her revenge!” exclaimed Hermione as understanding filled her eyes. “She sent me the letter and the rose to get me to come. And the second I see you, she throws herself at you, so that we break up!”

            “Finally! I’ve trying to tell you that I was innocent since yesterday!”

            “Well, you obviously didn’t try hard enough,” Hermione replied with a smile.

            “So, do I get an apology?” Draco asked, his trademark smirk on his face.

            “Uh, yeah. In your dreams,” Hermione replied as she began walking to her room. Just before she closed the door she turned out and called out, “Yes, I’ll go to the party with you,” causing a smile to materialize on Draco’s face.


I know the spacing is messed up, I shall fix it some other day when I'm not sooo lazy...if such a day ever comes...