
Chapter 2: Surprises, Betrayals & A Walk Down Memory Lane

A huuuuuge thank you to everyone who read, fanned, commented and voted. You guys are absolutely amazing! I was basically dancing when I woke up this morning and saw the reads :)

Anyways, since Draco is being introduced in this chapter I decided to post a really awesome Slytherin video (that has absolutely nothing to do with my story) that I found on youtube.



"It’s hard to tell who has your back from who has it long enough just to stab you in it"

                                                                                                            -Nicole Richie

Draco Malfoy shook his head in disbelief. He read the article once again to assure himself that he wasn’t hallucinating.



            Underneath this was a picture of Ron Weasley and Astoria Greengrass locked in a passionate kiss, basically posing in front of the cameras.

            “My girlfriend just shacked up with the Weasel last night. An Weasel, at that.  Well probably not anymore. I wonder what Granger’s reaction was. She must have advanced from canaries to something more dangerous by now, like hippogriffs,” he mused, wincing when recalling Granger’s infamous yellow canaries, having once been under their wrath himself. 

            “But out of all the men in the world, she had to pick the Weasel to cheat on me with! A Weasel engaged to Granger! Fate is playing a cruel game with me.”

            “So what if I hadn’t paid her that much attention lately? I have an important business deal coming up worth millions of galleons. And that is more important than going shopping with her,” he reasoned.

            He angrily slapped the paper face down on the table, tired of looking at his, now ex-, girlfriend snogging the crap out of the Weasel. And he was still fuming when Blaise, his best mate, ran in.

            “Damn. You have seen it, haven’t you?” Blaise asked as he saw the murderous look on Draco’s face.

            “Of course I’ve seen it. The whole bloody Wizarding World has seen it,” Draco spat.

            “Well, at least you look better than Hermione.”

            “By Hermione, you mean Granger.”

            “How many Hermione’s do you happen to be acquainted with,” asked Blaise with a smirk.

            “When did you start calling her...Hermione?” Draco asked, as far as he remembered, Blaise had always addressed her as Granger.

            “Ever since I started working with her and Luna Lovegood at the Ministry, two years ago.”

            “So, how did Granger look worse than me?”

            “Why are you so interested?”

            “I’m not.”

            “Yes, you are Draco. You have that scheming look on your face right now.”

            “Do Not,” Draco said, reverting to age six.

            “Do Too,” Blaise retorted, reverting to age five.



            “Fine, I do. Now tell me,” Demanded Draco.

            Blaise looked at his best mate warily but told him nevertheless.


            As Draco sat there waiting for his owl, and speculating over what Blaise had told him, his thoughts began to wander.



Draco jumped as a knock on his window startled him back into reality. He glanced the window to find his owl, Hestia, knocking. He let the bird in, gave it a treat and untied the piece of parchment tied to its leg. Earlier, he had written to an acquaintance at the ministry to acquire Granger’s address. And his acquaintance had owled back.

            “Granger will have a nice little surprise waiting for her,” Draco thought as he smirked and dissapparated.


I really hope you guys liked it and that I didn’t disappoint anyone. I would really appreciate feedback on this. Constructive criticism is always welcome. So Vomment!

And I decided to post once a week, so chapter three should be up by next Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest =)