
Wonder for Truth

Elizabeth has one wish. That her mother gets over her illness and returns home. She was in her third school this year, and not likely her last. Her friends that followed her each time were arriving soon, that included Matthew. His beautifully mesmerizing eyes, cool skin, strong arms, and that voice seemed to speak to her very being. Elizabeth didn't have time to daydream about the impossibility of her and Matthew. She was too busy pulling her life together like a jigsaw puzzle, and she was always finding more pieces. Only she hadn't realized yet, she was missing some of the most important pieces. Matthew had decided this would be the town she learns the truth, and her mother agreed. He couldn't keep the lie anymore. It wasn't his story to tell, but it had to be him to tell it. When Elizabeth is poured into this world of Wonder, where everything she knew is no longer true, will she swim or drown?

KLucus · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


I gasped and dropped my book bag as my rambling mind was pulled from its thoughts. As my bag fell, so did all my books. I sighed as I bent to pick it up, but of course, Matthew beat me to the punch. He had already put the books back in the bag and was lifting the zipped bag into my hands. I smiled at him as I put on the bag. He smiled back and my heart skipped. "You scared me." This moment sent a flashback into my head of the first time we had met. He had picked up my books then as well. He had even met me with the same heart-melting smile and my heart had the same reaction then as it did now.

Over his shoulder, Lilly and Lucy were gawking at me. With them were Nick and Chris although their expressions did not match the girls' faces. Nick looked almost depressed, but when he looked at Matthew there was another emotion I couldn't quite detect. What was he upset about? Chris had the same emotionless face as he had in class. Why were both of them being so strange today?

I looked back at Matthew who either didn't notice the stares or was ignoring them very well. "I'm sorry." His voice was like velvet flowing through the air. "I was just wondering if you needed a ride home. It started raining about ten minutes ago. I know you usually ride a bike home." His face-length, shaggy, light brown hair was falling over the edges of his eyes as he looked down at me.

The way his hair fell made my breath halt in my throat. I resisted the urge to move a strand from in front of his right eye as I saw Marcus coming down the hall. I couldn't imagine how anyone ever thought the two of them looked alike. Marcus' hair was a dark brown and it was very short. He was a full inch taller than Matthew at six feet even. They both had flawless ivory-colored skin and the same eyes, but other than that they were different in every other way. Even the way they walked. Marcus was also more built with his arms and chest buff enough to see the muscles through his shirt and jacket. Matthew never seemed to have a need to show off his body like Marcus. Even though his arms were also very muscular and toned. I had never seen his chest but I found myself wondering about it, and his stomach, most likely abs, while I looked at his blue t-shirt.

"Elizabeth?" His voice held a sense of amusement in it as I shot my eyes back to his face.

How long had I been devouring him with my eyes? "Oh sorry, uhm sure but let me go tell my friends I won't be able to stay back and talk. I'll meet you down in the parking lot. What are you driving today?" He had told me that he and his siblings often traded each other's cars so I never knew who was driving what.

"I'm in the dark blue Chevy today. It's near the doors." He smiled again showing his perfect white teeth and as his light pink lips curled into a smile, I knew I blushed from the rush of blood filling my face. My cheeks felt very warm all of a sudden.

"Alright, I'll be down in a few minutes. Uhm can you fit my bike in the back?" I would need it to get here tomorrow after all.

"Sure, but I should probably tell you it's supposed to rain in the morning too." he took a step to me and his angular face lowered to mine. His face was only a finger's length away now and I could feel his breath on my lips. I bit my lip to control myself from closing the space between us.

"I would love to drive you in the morning." I didn't trust myself to open my mouth so I just nodded and then turned away from him and walked around him towards my group of friends who were all suddenly very interested in their hands. Well, all except Chris who was looking past me with a look that was more like I'd expect him to have after he failed a test than when I was walking over to talk.

"Hey, guys." I managed a smile even though my heart was still racing enough to power the empire state building if I hooked a generator up to it.

Lucy was the first to talk and by first I mean she interrupted as everyone went to say hi, "Wait, Liz, you really know them? What did he want? I heard he asked you out! Are you going?"

"Lucy, Lucy!" She finally stopped talking and just looked at me with a face very similar to a child on Christmas morning. We both laughed a little and then I sighed as I decided to give the simplest answer I could. "He didn't ask me out and I told you at lunch I knew them."

"Well yeah, but he seemed like he tried to kiss you when you two were at your locker?" It couldn't have been what it looked like. He wouldn't kiss me, it was a ridiculous thought to even have.

"I'm sure that wasn't what it looked like." Nick defended me. I gave him an appreciative smile. I agreed with him of course, no way Matthew was trying to kiss me.

"Okay well away from that topic, I have to go straight home, but I'll see you guys in the morning. Oh and don't forget to study for the history test tomorrow." Us all having the class together did have one downside, we couldn't tell each other how hard the test would be.

"Alright, well be safe." Lilly was always the one who saved me from Lucy and her questioning. I gave the girls a hug and then Nick one. Chris seemed to have disappeared after he also told me to be safe.

"Don't worry about him. I think he just feels bad for asking you about this weekend for me." Nick whispered as he gave me a hug.

"Well tell him he shouldn't. It's not your guys' fault I have to be at home tomorrow night." With that, I tossed them all a genuine smile and turned to leave hearing an array of 'By Liz' from behind me as I did. I walked down the hall and down the stairs to the first floor. I hadn't made it very far before I saw Mrs. Tennison talking with Katherine.

They both stopped and smiled at me as I got closer, then I realized they were in front of the door blocking my exit. "Hey Katherine, hello Mrs. Tennison." I smiled at them both as Katherine pulled me into a tight hug. Katherine was only slightly taller than me and Mrs. Tennison was only slightly taller than her.

"Hey there Liz." Katherine was one of the most beautiful people I'd ever seen. Her smile was something that should be on the cover of a magazine, and her face was one that gave every girl around her a shot at their self-esteem. She had a perfect hour shape figure, the kind that supermodels dieted to achieve and most girls fought to obtain.

"Hello Liz, I hope my sons didn't cause you to get too distracted in class today." Her smile was as magnificent as Katherine's.

At the mention of Matthew, my heart skipped like it usually did and I could feel my pulse quicken as it started back up. "Oh no, they didn't bother me at all." I couldn't help but smile back at their aquamarine eyes that only reminded me of Matthew's own aquamarine eyes. "Was there something you two needed? I kinda have to be getting home soon." I wasn't lying, I did have to get home. I did leave out how her son would be driving me though.

Katherine was the one who spoke up, "Well we were actually wanting to see if you would like to come over for dinner this weekend."

I was about to answer, telling her how I had to be with my mother tomorrow night when Mrs. Tennison added, "Matthew said you couldn't come tomorrow night, but there is still Saturday or Sunday?"

I was about to say I wasn't too sure when Chris popped through the door behind them. I jumped a little as he opened the door with such a force it hit the wall hard enough to cause a ringing noise. "Oh, hey Chris. You remember Mrs. Tennison and this is Katherine." I was making introductions, but I couldn't help but notice the tension that seemed to be filling the air.

"Well, I'm sure Matthew will let us know what you decide. Bye Liz." Mrs. Tennison was walking back down the hall opposite the door.

"See ya, Lizzy." Katherine gave me a quick hug before joining her mother. I had almost forgotten she'd picked up my mother's nickname for me. I heard Liz all the time, but the only Lizzy came from mom or Katherine. It brought a smile to my face hearing it again.

"So Chris did you need something?" He was still standing in front of the door with a serious face watching as Katherine and Mrs. Tennison walked across the hall.

His face shot to mine and he smiled the smile that I was used to. Chris reminded me of what I had always wished for, a little brother. I never told him that of course, he would probably just be offended. "Oh no, sorry. I just wanted to invite you to a barbecue my family is having this Saturday. Well, I guess I should mention it's a two-day barbecue, but it starts on Saturday."

He seemed to be sincere but I couldn't help but notice how he mentioned the barbecue to me right after I got invited to dinner at Matthew's home and it just happened to be two days. Who had a two-day barbecue, I mean where would everyone sleep? This couldn't be a very common thing? Although, I never get out so maybe it is normal.

"Oh well, I don't know if my mom will be okay with it. Though I should probably tell you that if she has to work this weekend I won't be able to do much of anything." I shrugged out the lie. I didn't like to lie but I had to admit that this whole moving all the time and hiding the truth about my parents had made me very good at it. Chris didn't look too upset by my news though he actually smiled and looked relieved.

"Well if anything changes just give me a call. Bye Liz." With that, he gave me a hug and went back outside the doors. I stood still for a few seconds thinking about how strange Chris had been acting ever since math class earlier. I realized I'd been standing still for about a minute when I finally pushed open the door and walked outside.

I took the sidewalk to the side of the school so I could stay under the roof and out of the rain. The parking lot was full of cars trying to make their way to the street. I saw Marcus and Katherine getting into a black sedan. It looked brand new. Matthew was next to them in the dark blue Chevy, just as he said. I smiled at him and walked over to get inside. Mrs. Tennison would have parked in the teacher's parking lot on the other side of the building. It made me a little envious, my bike was barely holding itself together. In comparison I felt a bit embarrassed about my transportation.

I was relieved I didn't see my new friends out here yet. I didn't want to have to explain why I was letting Matthew drive me home when I often turned Nick and Chris down for the same request. I still wasn't sure why I let Matthew. My mind began to wander back to my locker when he offered to give me a ride home. His face was close enough I could smell his hair. His ivory skin seemed to call to me to touch his face. My blood began to rush at the thought of the look in his eyes when he offered to give me a ride in the morning.

I pulled my mind back from the past as I reached the car. "Hey, Matthew." I gave him a smile as he came around to my side of the car.

"Hi, Elizabeth. Your bike is already in the back." He opened my door and let me pass him to get inside the car. I felt the brush of his shoulder as I climbed in. The rain was starting to pick up as he started the car.

I saw my friends coming out the door and was about to attempt to hide my face when I realized the car windows were tinted so darkly there was no way they would see inside. "You seem like something is bothering you?" We pulled out of the school lot and headed down the road.

I have been feeling extra guilty about the lies lately. So many people here had actually tried to be welcoming and friendly. I knew it wouldn't last, it couldn't. "It's nothing. I guess I am just tired of lying to everyone here." Being around Matthew always seemed to help because I could be honest.

My train of thought reminded me of something I needed to talk to him about still. "That reminds me, I kind of told everyone one of your parents worked with my mom studying wildlife and that is the reason everyone thinks I moved here and why you moved not long after me." We were almost at my house. I should probably tell him to turn at the next light.

Before I could say anything he surprised me with a question. "Why do you think I moved here right after you?" His face stayed on the road even though we were stopped at a red light now.

"Well, I figured your dad must be sick with the same cancer my mom has. She said we move because the newest type of cure is being tested. So it would make sense that you move for the same reason, especially since I ran into you at the hospital a few towns ago." I smiled at the end of my statement, forgetting all about telling him which turn to take.

As the light turned green he took a left and I noticed a smile from the corner of his mouth. "Well, that isn't exactly right. I'll tell you sometime." His tone was almost seductive as I took a deep breath to get control of myself and my running mind.

"As long as you don't let my secret out I won't have to ask for the truth yet." I let my hand fall down by his which he had on the edge of my seat for the last two minutes of the drive. He closed the distance and closed his fingers around mine. I couldn't fight the electric pulse that went through my body as his chilled hand closed around mine. We sat like that for the last five minutes of the drive. Our hands closed around each other, the wind blowing outside the car and the heat on the inside.

He pulled up in front of my house, the lights were all off since my mom was still in the hospital. I was unfastening my seat belt when I realized Matthew was already at my door opening it to let me out. "Thank you." I smiled at him as he took my hand again to help me out.

"Don't mention it. I'll get your bike, you can go ahead." The rain was still pouring down and we were talking through it. I would have normally run to the porch for cover from the rain, but for some reason, I didn't move at all. I just stood in place with his hand on mine thinking about how he was close enough that if I took a deep breath our chests would touch.

He leaned in and I saw his arm going behind me, in another second he had an umbrella and it was opened over us keeping us out of the rain. "We wouldn't want you to get sick." He smiled with his perfect teeth and lips. His lips and face shone from the rain droplets that had fallen there.

"Oh, yeah sorry." I pulled myself from my thoughts as I pulled my book bag tighter on my shoulders and took the umbrella from his hand. I relinquished his other hand unwillingly and walked up to the door. I heard a noise from behind me and then what seemed less than a second Matthew was next to me with my bike. He put it on the kickstand and then turned back to me. It only took me a moment to unlock the door.

I realized what I'd been thinking about before our hands had touched in the car. "Hey, Matthew?" I turned to face him and suddenly realized how small the porch was and how close we were. I took a slight step back as I grabbed the doorknob. I took a deep breath to steady my irrational head.

"Aren't you going to ask me how I knew where you lived?" He beat me to the punch and caught me by surprise as he asked the question I'd been meaning to ask.

I opened the door behind my back and then very quickly walked inside through the threshold. I looked at him as he stood right on the outside of the door, debating whether or not to invite him in. He had come over to my previous house, but I'd always told him my address first. How did he know where I lived? I still hadn't answered his question.

It felt like my mind rambled on for an hour, but it must have not been that long because he didn't show any worry in his face. He gave me a small smile and I blinked a few times to clear my mind. I was overthinking again, as always. "Why don't you come in? I can get us something to drink." I turned around and went to turn on the light, but he beat me to it. I would also have to ask how he knew where the light switch was.

I headed to the kitchen, tossing my cell phone from my pocket to the side table in the hallway as I did. As I turned to the left into the kitchen I saw a large acrylic painting of me under a tree reading a book. It was front and center on my kitchen table. My mouth fell open as I got closer, looking at the scene in front of me. I recognized the location of the painting. It was a park from my last town. Matthew and I had gone to get some fresh air and so I could get out of the house for a bit one afternoon. He had told me he was painting something for art class, I guess now I knew what he was really painting. I couldn't think of anything as I looked at the painting. I was breathless at how much detail was put into it. It looked more like it belonged in a museum than sitting on my small kitchen table.

I stepped toward him, "How did you do this?"

"All I can say is my father knows your mother. He told me where you lived, and she gave me permission to come inside to do all this." His tone was hesitant. Was he waiting to see how I felt about it? I was stunned. The image was so beautiful, the tree and grass beautifully painted and I could hardly recognize myself as the lovely girl sitting at the base of the tree. My cell phone began to ring as his eyes locked with mine. I felt frozen in place, unable to move with those eyes watching mine.

"You should probably get that." He got a small smile on his face as he nodded towards the cell phone in the hall.