
Woman of Worth

Riya Moodley is currently living in South Africa but soon will be relocating to Shanghai, China, with her three friends. She and her three friends got accepted in a famous hotel called The Rose Valley Hotel as Pastry Chefs. As Riya steps foot in Shanghai, she faces racism and discrimination against her gender. She even meets an arrogant singer named Michael Wu who gives her a hard time. One day, Riya saves a woman from a gangster. On that night , Riya hears about two hundred and fifty women and girls getting kidnapped by gangsters. The next night, a mysterious woman appeared at the Forbidden Harbour where the fifty women and girls were going to get sold to other gangsters. The woman saved the victims. No one knows what she looks like because she wears a fully covered white mask. But the victims named her White Jaguar because she is fast as a jaguar. Everyone is curious about the White Jaguar's identity. But White Jaguar's mission is to bring down the most dangerous gangster in Shanghai named Yanwu. WARNINGS Violence +18

Yaksha22 · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
31 Chs

Chapter 4 (Part 1)

It was half-past three in the morning. Durban mornings were getting cold because South Africa was moving to Autumn. Riya was still sleeping in her empty room. She was sleeping soundlessly on a thin mattress and thick blanket. It was very cold in her apartment. Durban was never this cold at the beginning of Autumn. An alarm echoed in her. Riya got up at a speed that she ended up hitting the back of her head against the wall.

"Ow.", she rubbed her sore head.

Her phone was still making those irritating noises. She grabbed her phone like she wanted to strangle it. She switched that stupid alarm off and then looked at the time. She rubbed her eyes to wake them up. She looked at the time again. Her eyes widen into shock.

"Oh shoot."

Riya got up from the mattress, throwing the blanket in the air. The blanket landed gracefully on the floor. Riya ran through the hallway to the bathroom. She entered the bathroom like a zombie. She stood in front of the sink and mirror. She grabbed her toothbrush, applied charcoal, and mint paste to it, and started brushing her teeth. Her hair was everywhere like a scary witch. The swollen eyes did add some features to make her look like a witch. Riya was worried that she was going to be late. She had to be at the airport at five o'clock. Today she was leaving South Africa and relocating to China.

She finished brushing and washing her mouth with mouth wash. Now she was feeling clean and refreshed. She took a tissue, wrapped it around her toothbrush then put it into her black MAC cosmetic bag. She took out the empty toothpaste container and walked out of the bathroom. Her feet were freezing because it was unusually cold. Riya could see her luggage in the middle of the empty sitting room. Finally, she managed to get into her room. Her clothes were hanging on the door. She grabbed them and started changing. Wu Yingjie, the manager of The Rose Valley Hotel, told her and their friends that they should wear cool clothes. It was the start of Spring in China and it was getting hot there. Riya finished changing into something decent. She squatted down, picking up everything that needed to be packed.

She packed her blankets, pajamas, and her cosmetic bag in one small piece of luggage. She took her luggage and went to the sitting room. Lucky, she did everything a few weeks ago. She was not going to have time to pack the last few days. First, she had to go to graduation to receive her Patisserie certificate. Secondly, she spent those days with her father's relatives which were irritating. Some of them kept on telling them that she should get married before leaving the country. They also said that she could not live in China without a man in her life. She did not want that life. She wanted to work, be financially independent, have her freedom, and start thinking about her business. She needed to fulfill her goals before she would regret them.

She was standing in front of her luggage while looking at her phone. Her entire apartment was empty. She gave all her kitchen utensils, old clothes, and furniture to the people that were living on the streets. She also gave them some money because they were really helpful. Someone knocked on the door. Riya walked to the door while looking at her phone. She opened the door. She looked up at a young Colored man who was wearing the airport transport uniform. He had a friendly smile.

"Good morning Miss Moodley, I'm here to take you to the airport.", he said.

Riya was in doubt a bit. "Can I see your card please?", she asked politely.

"Sure.", he took out his card from his pants pocket and gave it to her.

Riya took it from him. "Sorry but I have to do this. As you can see that the crime rate is increasing quite drastically.", she was examining the card.

"Understandable.", he said.

Riya found nothing suspicious on his card. She gave it back to him. "Please take those three then I will take the rest.", she pointed at her luggage.

"Yes mam.", he entered the apartment.

"Please don't call me mam, it makes me old."

"How old are you?"

"Twenty-three, turning twenty-four in October."

The man looked at her with shock. "You don't look like you are in your twenties. You look like a teenager."

"I get that a lot."

They laughed while collecting the luggage. The man walked out of the apartment first. Then Riya came with the rest of her luggage. She closed the door and locked it. Then they were walking towards the entrance. A woman was standing by her apartment door with a pan in the air. She looked like she was about to hit someone. She could hear footsteps and a shadow coming in her direction.

"Here he comes.", she said softly.

She lifted the pan higher when the person was coming closer. The person was in front of her. The woman slammed the pan onto the person's head. The person fell flat on the floor but was not knocked out. The woman was happy that she did it. She threw the pan and started jumping for joy.

"Take that you...", she looked at the person carefully and it was a woman.

"Miss Moodley, are you okay?", a man squatted down to help her.

The woman got shocked and also helped. "I'm sorry Riya, I thought you were my husband. Now that he started drinking so much and seeing other women. I decided to teach him a lesson.", she helped Riya up and rubbed Riya's head.

"Good shot though. Why don't divorce that man?", Riya asked.

"You know how it is. I don't have a job or earn an income. He is the only breadwinner in this house and we have the money for the kids' education. Where am I going to go?"

"You need to get a job. You can't be living like this. You are thirty-eight so you can still find a job. Don't live in this life where your husband is bringing women home in your and the kids' presence."

"I can ask my manager if he has vacancies for you.", the man said.

"Thank you son but I still need to sort my life out."

"Mrs. Govender, please find a job while you can. I don't want to see you living your life like this. Promise me you will a job and leave your husband to have a better life with your sons.", Riya was being firm with her.

"Promise. Please find me a job sir.", Mrs. Govender said to the man.

"No problem."

Riya and Mrs. Govender looked at each other. They gave each other the last hug. Mrs Govender was about to tear up because she was going to miss Riya. The women released themselves. "Riya, please start selling your brand and become a wonderful businesswoman.", Mrs Govender said.

"I will."

The women bid farewell. Riya and the man started walking to the entrance. Mrs Govender was in tears while watching Riya leave. Riya and the man came out of the building. Riya gave the security guard her apartment keys for the new tenants. The man was already putting the luggage into the Hundi boot. Riya came to help him out. All her bags were inside the boot. Riya was sitting in the back seat. The man entered the driver seat. He put his seat belt on, started the car and drove to the airport.