
Chapter 19: Heart Wounds

The dagger was light, but thrown with speed and designed to do extensive damage if handled with a skilled hand.

Azia gasped and immediately collapsed onto the dirt trail. Her hands shook as she reached towards the wound. A small circle of blood began to grow on her shirt.

Zeke grabbed her hands and laced her fingers with his. "Don't touch it," he insisted quietly. "I know it hurts like hell, but don't touch it."

"Right," Azia said, sucking in a giant breath between her teeth. Sweat began to break out across her brow. "Don't feel much like...bleeding out on the dirt today," she joked feebly.

"Typical Azia, making jokes at a time like this," he retorted lightly. He tried with everything he had to force humor into his voice. He didn’t want her to know he was freaking out inside. He didn’t want her to know he was terrified for her safety, for her life.

He wanted to kiss her again more than ever before.