
Wolverine in The Boys

A USA Marine dies in the line of duty and wakes up in the body of The Wolverine. Now he must determine where he is and what he should do in his new life. However, some habits are hard to let go.

Anomander_Adaar · TV
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37 Chs


As I'm walking to the place Maggie wants to meet I see on the large screens in the city that Homelander is holding the Funeral for Translucent. However, it seems they still haven't mentioned Black Nior's disappearance. Right before I walk into the hotel, I see Starlight singing a song for Translucent. I roll my eyes and walk inside to the receptionist. 

"Logan, come on," I hear right before I reach the receptionist and see Maggie discreetly standing to the side. We get in the elevator, with only us inside and the silence is very awkward. 

"So… how are you really?" I say breaking the silence as Maggie turns to me shooting me a small look before looking back at the doors. 

"Like I told you earlier… Not good, work has been very stressful. I never know when my co-worker will snap," Maggie says being discreet in case anyone is listening somehow. 

"I'm really sorry, I wish I could help you more," I say to her and hesitate to place my hand on her shoulder, but before I can the doors open. 

"Come on," Maggie says walking and I follow her. 

She brings us to one of the many hotel rooms, we enter inside and she motions for me to lock the door. Then I walk past the bathroom to see Maggie taking off her jacket and opening the minibar. She already has drank one of the small bottles, and downs another. 

"Maggie…," I say giving her a sorrowful look seeing her losing herself more to liquor as she is becoming more and more stressed from her work. 

"Don't give me shit, ok. You know why I called you here, so no talking and more fucking," Maggie says turning to me while removing her shirt and kissing me deeply. 

It takes all my willpower to break the kiss and push her back. She gives me a confused look and then it quickly turns to an annoyed one. 

"What the fuck did you come here for?! You know why I wanted you here," Maggie says to me failing her arms in annoyance. 

"Because I care about you and worry that you are going down a path that leads to self-destruction," I say to her snapping at her attitude with my emotions coming out now. 

"You care?! If you cared you would have not asked me what you did, you would not have taken advantage of me, and you would have been honest with me!" Maggie says pushing me in anger. 

"You know damn well, that I couldn't tell you! That I had more to worry about than my personal feelings!" I say to her feeling my annoyance rising. 

"Then you should've taken me with you!" Maggie says snapping and letting her personal feelings out. 

"I'm sorry… You are right, I should have gotten you out of there. Though now I can… However, I need to help my team and I need more Compound V," I say to her as we stare at one another with our emotions written on our faces. 

Without saying anything she grabs me by the face and kisses me deeply. This time our passion is fueled more by love this time as we take things slower and not as heavy. After several hours, we lay on the bed as the sun started to fall. The following morning we lay in each other's arms enjoying the company of the other. 

"I can't leave the Seven… Not yet, I need to watch out for the new girl, who is with one of yours. She doesn't seem to understand her position, could change at a moment's notice and Homelander would kill her without blinking," Maggie says to me as she lays on my chest. 

"Plus, we still need more Compound V. Then once I get it and get Starlight out safely we can leave them behind," Maggie says while sighing. 

"And if Homelander finds out that either of you betrayed him or both?" I say to her worried that he might kill them both. 

"We'll deal with it then, plus I can fight him for a bit if necessary," Maggie says shrugging her shoulders. 

"Ok… fine, however, the second you feel he suspects you or Starlight get out," I say to her as she nods her head and cuddles up closer to me. 

We then fall into a comfortable silence for another hour, before Maggie gets up and dressed. I follow suit and we walk outside, but before we go our separate ways she grabs me again giving me another passionate kiss. 

"Stay safe," I whisper to her after breaking the kiss. 

Maggie nods before quickly leaving back to the tower. I then head back to the hideout to the others. As I returned to the hideout I walked into a mess as one of the gang members was on a table heavily injured. With one of his arms crushed to a pulp, something extremely heavy crushed it. 

"What the fuck is going on here?!" I say seeing the insanity unfold as Frenchie and MM are arguing. With Kimiko and Hughie look on with a worried face. 


(Queen Maeve POV)

I left Logan behind and my emotions were all over the place, however, I knew I did deeply care about him. There is something about him that draws me to him, not just the fact he is a supe too, but something else. Over the years, I've been with a few different men and women, but none have made me feel this way. 

"And where have you been?" I hear Homelander who snaps me from my thoughts as I walk towards my room. 

"Out with some friends," I say keeping my heart calm, though mentally ready to fight at a moment's notice. 

"Freinds? You don't have any friends," Homelander says with a confused face and mocking me. 

"No, you were out with a man… So you have a new boy toy… Whatever, next time don't lie to me, I hate liars," Homelander says walking past me and with a heavy glare warning me.

"Get changed and head to the team room we have a meeting with marketing," Homelander says right before he turns the corner at the end of the hall. 

I change into my hero costume and head up to the Seven's team room. The Seven meeting room consists of an open circular space containing a large table in the shape of the Vought Seven logo, a conjoined V7. On the interior walls are computer screens to monitor things of note to the Seven, across from a wall of windows on the opposing side. 

The two huge double doors are automatic and thick enough to handle one of my punches and remain standing. The back of the room has several large windows giving us a very nice view over the city. Inside I see Homelander, Ashley the new young woman who took over after Madelyn Stillwell was killed, and two of the marketing pitch members. 

"So we are shooting a commercial today for our 'Save America' campaign. You both are the main force behind this movement," the Black man of the pair of marketing pitchers says to me as Homelander is looking through the script. 

"When are we shooting?" I ask as I look through the script. 

"In an hour, if you are both ready," the white man of the pair says. 

"Works for me," Homelander says as I nod my head agreeing with him. 

"Great! Then we'll get everything ready and see you there," the black man says before they both quickly leave. 

"If that is all, I'm gonna head back to my room now," I say as Homelander and Ashley stay behind. 

An hour later I arrive at the set area outside the city, the place is made to look like the Middle East where our troops are currently situated. After several shoots and retakes, we are almost finished shooting the commercial to the standards of Vought. Then as the next take is being done we hear a new woman's voice. 

"Here I go, you guys! Wish me luck," the woman says as she approaches us live streaming on her phone. 

"Oh, FYI, not a real base. As if Homelander and Maeve are gonna eat MREs and piss in a ditch with the rest of the grunts," the woman says while showing off the set we are in. 

"Uh, hey, yeah, hi, we're filming right now. Excuse me?" Ashley says trying to stop the woman who is clearly not aware of how pissed off she is making Homelander. 

"Also you might recognize 'Army Boy' as Hotel Clerk #2 from 'The Devil's Breath'," the woman says ignoring Ashley who is trying to get her to stop. 

"Well, hello," Homelander says with his faked charismatic happy voice walking over, but after knowing him for years I know he is royally pissed right now. 

"Oh, my God, hi! My nana's your biggest fan. I'm Stormfront," the woman introduces herself. 

"Great," Homelander says not realizing who she is. 

"Oh, right from Seattle, right?" I say as I kinda remember seeing her somewhere big. 

"Uh… Portland, actually, your, uh, Highness… Holy Shit! Your eyes are really fucking blue up close," the woman says to me, dismissing me immediately and returning her attention to Homelander walking right up to his face, still live streaming. 

"You are… fun. It's been a hoot, but we got work to do, so… let's get back to it," Homelander says giving her a faked laugh, before turning serious and looking at Ashley and me. Then he turns to restart the scene ignoring Stormfront. 

"Oh, totally, uh, they just wanted me to meet you," Stormfront says as Ashley and I stare at her confused.

"Who?" Homelander says turning back around and giving her a confused and curious look. 

"Oh, the boys on 82. I'm the new girl," Stormfront says with a sassy smile. Homelander pauses while processing this information with a neutral face, but I can see the rage building behind his eyes. 

"Wait… what are you talking about?" I say keeping my heart calm, but feeling my nerves rising as I know Homelander is about to lose his shit. 

"Oh! Hi, I'm in the Seven. Replacing Translucent, God bless his soul. Ink's barely dry, but, uh, yeah, reporting for duty, so… fuck yeah!" Stormfront says as Ashley's face turns very scared and pale, while my nervousness is rising. Stormfront who is still live streaming does the sign of the cross while mentioning Translucent. 

"Um, no, I don't think that this is, it's not true. I don't know anything about this," Ashley says very nervously while looking at Homelander who has a poker face on, but rage-filled eyes looking back at Ashley. 

"Wow! Well, uh, Stormfront? Who delivered the good news?" Homelander says with a faked smile now on his face. 

"Oh, uh, Mr. Edgar, the big guy?" Stormfront says trying to remember who it was. 

"Wonderful… Great… All right! Great!" Homelander says before walking off as his rage almost shows through his facade. 

"Well, I think this is going great," Stormfront says with a smile on her livestream as Ashley and I share nervous looks.