
Wolf Girl in Tensura

•Wish fullfilment •Tensura Fanfic a girl hit by a truck and died , get reincarnated in tensura with wishes just for fun sorry for bad grammar

ZhillanUmaradhiefa · Sports, voyage et activités
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1 Chs

ROB, Slime and Dragon


I died getting hit by a truck "sigh...." how cliche is that, i have been in this void after i died with no sense of time "sigh....." i'm sighing a lot, i don't know if GOD or ROB is real but if they are please come because i feel lonely

(3rd POV)

"hi there"(???)


"sigh...look i'm sorry for coming late, i will give you 5 wish for apology, how about that?"(???)

"who are you"(MC)



"hey at least give me a face alright, i am trying to show my power here!!!"(ROB)

"can i make my wish?"(MC)

"hey don't ignore me, sigh... fine you can make your wish, before that choose the world you are going to and your appearance count that as a bonus from me"(ROB)

"the world will be tensura and make my appearance the same as Texas from Arknight, for my wish :

1. GAMER SYSTEM but with a change (no level, no quest/mission feature, an OMNIVERSAL SHOP feature where i could buy anything and everything in the omniverse)

2. infinite shop points

can i keep the rest of wishes left?"(MC)

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you are the first one who literely abused your wish, your genius for a mere human, very well then your wish has been granted"(ROB)

"thank you"(MC)

"nah no problem, btw i give a little of bonus for you so you better be grateful"

after that sentence our MC fall into blackhole and start on her journey



"ughh...what a headache" haa... i'm in a cave and its dark this is probably veldora cave hmm lets check the system first 'system??'













NAME : none

RACE : Fenrir

DANGER : S level


{Racial Skill}

• The Alpha (gave off pressure to the enemy

similar to conqueror haki, give 100% morale

boost to ally)

• Humanoid Transformation ( transform into

humanoid form with a trait of fenrir similar to

wolf demi human)

• All Element Affinity (have affinity to all element)

{Unique Skill}

[Calm Mind] [Gamer Body]



'hmm thats basic and i like it' a fenrir, that must be the bonus ROB talking about because Texas race's should be [lupo]

'system buy [Raphael, King of Wisdom]

[Adaptability] [Absolute Control]

[Katana : Kiku-ichimonji]

[Okita Souji : Swordmanship Mastery]

[Gate of Babylon] [Ghost Assasination Art]' lets go op i mean why not i'm here to enjoy the world fufufu...hmm?' i feel presence on my left and i see a slime hopping around and a dragon 'hmm so i appear right when rimuru meet veldora' i approach them using my subskill [Absolute Stealth] from my ultimate skill [Ghost Assasination Art] this skill is really OP it erasing my existance from the world

(3rd POV)


'if-if you dont want to, then its okay....'(slime)

"who-who said its not okay"(veldora)

'the-then will you be my friend?'(slime)

"hmph i give you the honor to be my friends better be grateful"(veldora)

"what a tsundere dragon"(mc)

"who's there!!" 'who!?' (veldora/slime)

when the slime and the storm dragon turn their head to the source of the voice they saw a teenager with fox ear on top of her head, royal blue hair with a fiery shade of red on the inside, a bright golden eyes with a hint of cold in it, as if a majestic beast hiding inside of it ,162 cm tall , white hoodie with wolf skull paint on the front , tight black jeans , a pair of white sneaker , and a katana hanging on the left side of her hip

"you!!!!...a fenrir!"(veldora)

'what!..fenrir!?, that divine wolf fenrir!?'(slime)

"yes and no, i am a fenrir but not a divine fenrir in norse myth"(MC)

'oh.....wait!you came from earth!??'(slime)


'you are a fenrir but im a slime...a slimeee..T_T'(slime)

it(slime)whining and sulking, how slime can do that?(author:dunno)

the fox girl deadpanned at slime antics ' how could a slime sulking? sigh anime logic i guess' thought the fix girl. while veldora getting enough of being ignored shouts resulting the hole cave trembled

"hey dont ignore me!!>_< , an inteligent slime and fox girl both are reincarnated this is interesting"(veldora)

yeah a soon to be overpowered slime and an overpowered fox girl

"can i be your friends too"(mc)

'of course' (slime)

"hmph if you insist i dont mind being your friends"(veldora)

"thanks btw why are you inside that shiny dome"(mc)

veldora is inside a shiny thin veil like dome

"ah this...i'm imprisoned in here by a hero , i underestimated her and she use her unique skill, unless she herself unseal it or someone powerful break this seal i couldnt get out its been 300 years since i'm trapped in here"(veldora)

'wait i think i could do something'(slime)

"haha its fine i'm ju...wait WHAT!!"(veldora)

'yeah i could get you out using my skill great sage but i need to eat you'(slime)



'ah...i mean get you inside my stomach and analyze it from inside and outside you will give great sage the data from the inside so the process will be faster'(slime)

"yeah if your skill could do it that would be great i dont want my friends to be trapped in here for so long"(mc)

"you guys...fine then you could do it"(veldora)

'alright here we..'(slime)

before the slime could use it skill veldora cut it

"wait! before that i will give you two a name and you will also give me a name. a family name or surname"(veldora)

"yeah having a name is much kore convenient"(mc)

'okay how about tempest . it means storm'(slime)

the dragon stood there silently and start trembling??shaking?? and laughing like a mental patient . the slime scared and then confused while the fox girl just sit on a rock with amused smile on her face

".....hu....hu...huhu...hahaha...HAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A GREAT NAME . TEMPEST I LIKE IT HAHAHAHAHA"(veldora)


the slime let out a sigh of relief that the true dragon like the name it suggested

"alright my name will be Veldora Tempest" and then the dragon pointed at the slime giving it the name "you will be Rimuru Tempest" the he pointed at the fox girl "and you will...." before the dragon could finish the sentence the fox girl cut him "eunji" (mc) "what?"(veldora)

"i want my name to be eunji , can i??"(mc)

the fox girl said to the dragon

"very well then , you will be EunJi Tempest"

after that both slime and fox girl glow for second and feel their name carve into their soul

'alright i am going to use my skill'(rimuru)

the slime approach the dome like prison and start expanding his body until it cover up the whole dome

"we will meet soon Rimuru , EunJi"(veldora)

"see you again"(eunji)

the slime cover up the whole dome and start shrinking back to his normal size and his skill [Great Sage] start to analyze the prison from inside rimuru stomach

'alright now lets go out of this cave'(rimuru)



EunJi Tempest . it has a nice ring to it fufufu

alright lets go out oh i could buy and test some skill on the way

{i recommend you to buy....



NAME      : EunJi Tempest

RACE       : Fenrir

DANGER : S level

SKILL      :

{Racial Skill}

• The Alpha (gave off pressure to the enemy

similar to conqueror haki, give 100% morale

boost to ally)

• Humanoid Transformation ( transform into

humanoid form with a trait of fenrir similar to

wolf demi human)

• All Element Affinity (have affinity to all element)

{Unique Skill}

[Calm Mind] [Gamer Body] [Gate of Babylon]

{Extra Skill}

[Adaptability] [Absolute Control] [Okita Souji : Swordmanship Mastery]

{Ultimate Skill}

[Codex : ZETA] [Ghost Assasination Art]


Note : [Raphael , Lord of Wisdom] fuse with the Omniversal Gamer System : [Codex : ZETA]