
Wolf Bloodline

King Einar, the astonishing king of the great and only continent, one day decided to choose a new heir to his kingdom from among his five most precious sons. By giving each of them different duties, King Einar did something unchangeable and unimaginable that day. He gave them an order and not only a task or a quest to accomplish, but he also wanted his sons to accomplish their duty with maturity, with honor, and with pride. But nothing, he wanted to do went in order, just because of his son. The eldest and most powerful brother, "Yores", opposed this situation. He decided that it would be better, if the King gave them a second chance. But everything was chosen, and he found himself another solution to conquer his biggest rival. Lost, against anything that he wanted to win. So he made a deal with the most powerful lineage, "The Apocalypse Lineage," to take the throne. And by obtaining power, he started a rebellion. After Yores took the throne, he ruled the people in such a manner for years, damaged many relationships and made himself the evilest person to ever be seen. But even his reign, came to an end. A wolf descendant, one of the strongest lineage's people, challenged Yores. Jiro, the strongest person among bloodlines. He was so brave, so strong, and so dauntless. He was someone who changed many things. The Battle of Jiro and Yores continued for three days exactly, and their battle, being heard all over the continent, changed the entire world. But the real story to be told was only beginning....

ASW · Fantastique
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286 Chs

Pelena And Lezlie

Coming a long way with the horses, we were quite sure that we'd be at the village earlier. Even before tomorrow. And Hiroshi, while he was still searching for the way of the road we were going to take, was happy as if he hadn't ridden a horse in a long time. It was like re-experiencing a very well-known feeling once more after a long time for him. And the expression on his face was making this much more sure to understand.  I didn't say anything to keep him happy. I just kept silent and just let him have his thoughts go on and on.

So on, he was in his usual quiet form, his cigar moving quietly in his mouth.

(At that time, Everything went on happily and peacefully in the village of witches.) (Lezlie)

"Witches. Those are us. We stay in tents that we have set up in the forests and we live our lives setting out the mystery lives that it offers us. The biggest reason we're staying in the woods is that people out there aren't very understanding of us. We have tried to talk to others for many years, and tried to show them how much we can work together. But in the end, no other side tried to accompany us in the struggle we had been through. And people don't like witches very much, because long ago malicious witches brought cruelty to people. They used the power we had right now, to become evil and spread fear in everyone's hearts. They were so far away from the goals that the ones before set, that they were finally no longer considered witches.

But seeing this getting worse, more people inside of our race, tried to stop them.

And the actual people who stopped malicious witches, were our former great founders, our chiefs, who cursed black magic and forbade everyone to use it. They came at a time when the people most needed them, and changed everything for once and for the sake of good. And being the backbone of this order, Chiefs were the ones who had the most empathy, knowledge, and dedication, to creating the villages that we lived in now.

They were the leaders who ruled witches, giving the orders in the tribe and leading everyone to better order. And while in the first Kingdom, where we live now, there is only one tribe and one tribal leader. While there is also a tribe of witches in the third Kingdom too. And being still one of our goals, there are more of them than there are witches here, and they have quite ancient dates than we do. They're very powerful, and three tribal leaders rule there. And so on, we continue to live according to the rules we have created."

The young lady, who was telling the story all along, shortly paused, and asked one last question, looking at the little children in front of her and listening to the story all the way quietly.

"Any questions now?"

And from the silence they were falling deeply in concentration, A child raised his hand,

"Is it bad to live in the woods, Lezlie? Are there monsters that can attack us,"

The lady smiled,

"No, absolutely there isn't. Even if there is, the only bad thing is that we don't know much about the events outside. But that's all."

Every single child looked at Lezlie with amazement, as it had come to an end to the story that she was telling all morning to those kids. It was the book reading day of the tribe. All the kids were gathered, even though some of them were still sleeping, forgetting to wake up, or falling down with the sickness.

Nevertheless, it was a sunny and beautiful day to went through, as the children tagged along and giggled all day long.

But after having fun together, a woman walked in, softly lifting up the curtains of the tent,

It was Lezlie's mother, Pelena, came here to check her if she was done with the job she gave her earlier. And soon after Lezlie realized her, she sent the kids and went to talk with her mother.

"Go and play now, but be careful."

Children left the tent excitedly to play outside and left Lezlie with Pelena to walk together freely. And after the class, she approached her.

"How was the meeting, Mother?"

Her mother smiled, indicating it was pretty much an easy day for her,

"It went pretty well, of course. But as the chief said, there have been a few more problems lately. So I just wobbled my mind up about that."

She then looked at Lezlie and asked,

"How was your day?"

She looked tired, it looked like she was taking care of so many important things at the same time. But Lezlie continued to give out her answer and take her mind out of the job she was dealing with earlier,

"I was informing the children about our history as usual. But they're a little too energetic for these things. I guess it would be better if we just let them play at an age around like this."

But her mother grabbed, Lezlie by the shoulder, and gave her serious looks.

"So you didn't come into town today, did you?" Pointing out the fact that she once again didn't follow the words of her mother.


She tried to show her misery under her, bowing down and looking with sad eyes.

Lezlie thought she'd get a good scolding this time. Since leaving out of the usual area where every witch lived, it was of course banned for other witches to go out or even explore. They didn't have adventurers, treasure hunters, or people who occasionally went out of the town, just to be safe about the policy of protection. But this way around, they were able to keep their village out of many evil sights and their traditions alive for such a long time.

But being very young, and having a not enough tamed mind about the dangers out of their comfort zone, Lezlie argued with her Mother regularly, wanting to go out and explore many more that they didn't know. 

"It's all right, I won't be mad at you." Pelena said, as she tried to be understanding of her only child.

"Huh? Aren't you going to yell at me?"

Lezlie got surprised, after all, she wasn't expecting her mother to just be quiet after all the scolding she did for the events beforehand.

"Or do you want me to be angry?"

"Well, I wouldn't be so satisfied with the outcome, but mother-"

"Look, what I'm saying is that as a young girl, wanting to explore the outside world is very much understandable at this age. You want to set free the curiosity inside you to the places that you have never seen before. And I understand you very well. At your age, I wanted to do the same thing. But those places you want to go aren't like you dream of."

"I very well understand that, Mother. But I really would like to see the places that I have never laid my eyes on. 

"I can't just let you out because you got bored with your daily routine. You and I, we both can't just leave things out like this."

Lezlie was getting ripped from the separate places, with the uneasy feeling of not understanding the idea of her mother, and the ideals of her heart to set the truth and not even being able to wait to help other people.

"Mother, Alpha Prime saved us, there must be people like him out there! And if there is, we must seek out the truth and shall not wait!

She talked to me with a very understanding and very soft tone.

"Lezlie, even if he helped us, not every person is like him. And all the people that love you are here. I don't want you to get hurt."

But her mother was so sure of her words. With the experience of the past, she was very much sure that she wouldn't let go of her, anywhere besides the places she felt "safe".

"You are right Mother. I'm sorry."

Then touching her face gently, she added, "You don't have to be sad at all. It's normal that you want such things, and I'm sure you can get to those things you want. You are a smart girl and my girl after all. So who told you, you can't? Just cheer up and have fun with what you have now, before you lose these too."

"Thank you, Mother."

"Oh, also!"

Then going back a couple of steps, Pelena put both of her hands on the little bag she carried, and she slowly took something out, holding it gently and pulling her hands from deep inside the bag,

"By the way, I also have a present for you."


Just as she was about to show Lezlie something, her bag opened and she saw a little animal head coming out of it. A small animal whose hair had been subjected to electrification in the bag, stroking its fur in an upright or wavy manner, was moving itself in the narrow space that the bag had. And seconds later, this head was accompanied by two olive-colored black eyes, and a rabbit pulled its head out of the bag.

"Oh my, I guess I messed up the surprise."

It was the very surprise that Pelena had gathered, for Lezlie's upcoming birthday. And being very much the child she always was grateful for every gift she gave, the let out the expression on her face was the most priceless for Pelena, and most surprising for own self. After her mother's surprise, her feelings were really mixed and she didn't know anything to do. She was just really excited that such a gift was the kind of thing she really wanted.

Lezlie then hugged her hard and started talking, smiling all the time, "Mother, I'm very grateful for your gift, thank you so much."

Pelena smiled back and tried to watch every bit of happiness that her daughter scattered around,

"No problem at all my love! It makes me happy to make you happy!"

But their moment of happiness, and their family talk, got loose and cut shortly, after the loud screaming they have heard outside.

"We are under attack! They are attacking the village!"

Both of their heart sank, and started racing at the same time, alarming them about the unknown event near the area they were at,

"Mother, what's happening?" Lezlie said, still trying the shake the feeling and get on a balance after the quick change of feeling of happiness to fear.

"I don't know, But take the kids outside and take them to safety! And don't go out until I say so! Come on now, go!"

"Mother, what are you gonna do?"

"Don't worry about me! We've prepared for such situations before, remember? Save those kids quickly, and just find a place where they would be safe until I say otherwise about the situation."

Lezlie was hesitating about leaving her mother at a dangerous time like this. She was just as much as scared, as Pelena was. But thinking about the innocent souls, and where they could have been at that moment, she decided to help them as soon as possible and left her mother.

"Alright, Mother."

(At the same time, The entrance of the village)

To the very south that which was a wooden gate, covered all around the village with fences, and made it the only point of entrance, was standing. At this time of year, the people lived among these wooden fences, and many witches and chiefs, usually had spent their time with the other protectors who had gone out to collect information. It was a short period of time where everyone could sat down and live relaxed.

But to everyone's shock in the village, it wasn't like this, this year.

There were two elite soldiers. One was very much buffed with his gigantic physique, and the other had a normal-sized human body, with a gesture that would overflow with dominance. And right behind them, was an army, of one hundred men and women, armed with different kinds of short and long-range weapons.

They were here, for a cause, to only harm.

And soon after the chief arrived,

"What are you two doing here?" He said looking at them in a position of defense, and a mindset of anything happening,

"Accept my apology for my coarseness. My name is Jixus, and this is my companion, Nozu."

Firstly, Nozu, One of the elite soldiers, was from the race of "Orks". A big green creature, which was ten times stronger than a normal being human, taller than a normal wall, and had a skin that was quite thick. They were the race that had incredible body strength, and were almost the second-best fighters with heavy weapons.

And for the other elite soldier, Jixus, was a witch just like every other person that lived there. He had the specialties that a normal human being would had, but the sinister mind he had was different from many. He was a person that lived here long ago, being betrayed by many, and chose the worst and evilest way possible to live. He was accepted by one of their race, but after everything happened to him and the things he did to his people, everything changed for the good and the bad.

He had picked up his past regrets and anger towards his own people, and had decided to use it to their destruction, seeking every day for their collapse.

And now, he had finally come upon them, with other evil minds that wanted to destroy this race.

As Jixus introduced himself, the monster behind him growled with anger. He seemed very much annoyed by Jixus's words.

"Or perhaps, a friend of mine. We came on the orders of the first Epic."

The chief looked at them carefully, still with so few moves to almost none of them, trying to understand the real goal behind every word that Jixus said. 

"We don't accept strangers without any evidence they carry. So tell me, what order is that?"

Jixus replied grinning, finally being able to show and tell his purpose,

"We were told to take a witch named Pelena, which was living here for almost ten years. She looks like she has built up a little reputation to be known, among your so-called "own" people, and it is also said to me that she has an important role on our side of the case. That is why we have come here for an introduction, and maybe a little bit of a chat that you would have welcomed much warmer."

"You can't just talk to my people out of nowhere. We have no such rules of selling out important insight about our own people, who are the bones and the veins of this place, to people that call themselves "The Man Of Government". If the first Epic doesn't want Pelena for a reasonable purpose, then you should turn back and walk away.

Jixus clenched his fist, his teeth grinding each other, with eyes that were wide open,

"Oh my, so you like to put up an attitude, even towards the ones that help you live in your pathetic village."

But he then relaxed, and said with the manner he talked before,

"Nothing, he just wants to know where the child he saved is now. Which is something you should be aware of by now? Aren't you?"

*We have only been informed by Pelena and her experience that night alone. How can somebody get to know what happened that night? Does this means Miron found it out?*

The Chief tried to keep his calm, even though he knew seconds later the person in front of him was going to try something vicious against him,

"We don't have to give you anyone. Not this time nor any time that will never come. So tell your boss the same, and go to never come back again."

And the worst words of greed, fell quickly from the mouth of Jixus,

"I expected you to say that, Old man."

Lifting his left hand high in the air, a magical shape around his palm, appeared and created a hectagon shape with lines, while many magical forms got out of it, and landed upon the people around, destroying and putting up flames on everything.

He had used all his magic to attack people around, the screams began to rise.

"Attack! And bring me that woman!" He shouted enviously as he pulled out his black glove from his hand.

The chief blocked the incoming spell and returned to his men so as not to be an open target.

Now the witches were in a war they couldn't step back. And with elite soldiers and their men, all of the witches and the people that were gathered in the army, were trying to defend their land and position with all their power.

Two great powers collapsed, as one was destined to fall.