
Wolf's Bane

I tried to turn and escape, but found my legs wouldn't move. I glanced down and saw the once gurgling stream had turned black and was winding itself around my legs, pinning them to the ground. The screeching grew louder as the man neared the edge of the stream and continued through the black mess easily as if it were land. He halted in front of me, each screech louder than the last, as he raised the knife and- I opened my eyes, my alarm clock's shrieking bouncing off the walls of my room. ******* Corren Parks is a normal girl with normal problems. She has loving parents and the greatest best friend a girl could ask for. With only the hope of finishing her senior year at Willimesh High, Corren feels she has nothing to worry about. That is until a strange dream, a dangerous boy, and a mystery leads her to question everything she thought she knew. Book 1. ///WARNING/// This story contains some scenes that may be too much for some people (murder, violence, some slightly steamy jazz, and language). I'll be sure to give warning beforehand in the chapter. Please keep this in mind if you choose to read.

PheePhee · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
16 Chs

Chapter 12

I stepped back instinctively, my arms trembling at my sides, only to trip over something and fall straight onto my butt.

"I told you not to try hun, but you didn't listen," Paige said nonchalantly, smoothly moving the raised foot I must have tripped on back to the ground. "Ugh, I can't believe you," she grumbled at Liam."You treat like your dog. It's totally demeaning," she huffed.

Liam laughed.

"What are you talking about Paige? You are a dog."

Paige scoffed at his teasing tone but for some reason, didn't deny it. She looked down at me and sighed.

"Did you really think that baby punch of yours would really knock me down? I'm offended. The only reason I let you hit me, was because I knew Liam was right behind you. You never stood a chance."

I was too shocked to speak. Paige sighed again. She held out a hand in my direction and looked at me expectantly.

"Come on, stand up."

I shrunk away from her hand and shook my head vigorously.

Paige huffed. "We are trying to help you dumbass! Stand up."

"Or she can stay sitting down there like that. I have a pretty nice view after all," Liam said, although his teasing words didn't match the look on his face.

I shot to my feet instantly, trying to pull up the top of the shirt to cover more of my chest. Liam just watched with the same apathetic expression.

I noticed Paige quickly glance in his direction, something like worry showing on her face.

"Well, now that you're up, I suppose it's time to talk!" she said as she turned to me and grasped my arm in an iron grip.

She dragged me back over to the couch and sank down right beside me, never once letting go of my arm.

"T-Talk about what?" I asked.

Paige turned to Liam, an unreadable expression on her face. He let out a slow breath.

"We have to tell her. Especially with the occurrence of tonight's events, there is no longer a reason to keep the truth from her. Besides, she will learn sooner or later."

I stared at him in confusion. "What truth? What will I learn?" I said in a nervous whisper.

Liam turned back to me at my questions, his face hard, but his eyes weary.

"Corren... You're not exactly... You aren't..."

In the minuscule amount of interactions between us, I had never once heard him use my name. I'm honestly surprised he even knew it. But, then again...

Liam shook his head and looked down at his feet, his hand running through his hair.

"I'm not what?"

He looked back up at me, this time, his eyes meeting mine as he released a breath of air.

"Human," he finally said

"You're not fully human Corren."


My burst of laughter startled us all.

"What's so funny?"

"Ha! I can't believe I thought you two were murderers! Only an idiot would come up with something as stupid as this! I'm not human? Alex was right, I was worried for nothing!"

"Wait," Paige interrupted," you thought we were murderers?"

"Well ya! You two and the body and the alley, but, I mean, that couldn't have been right considering this stupid prank you're trying to pull right now! Although, the kidnapping was a bit much."

"Kidnapping?!" she said releasing my wrist. She shot to her feet and began to pace in front of me.

"We saved your life, you ungrateful bitch! And this is not a prank."

She leaned towards me, towering over my head.

"You don't know what happened yesterday! Or even what happened to your moth--"


She held her lips tight. Liam's voice was quiet, but the way he said her name held such power and command, enough that I too bit my lip shut. Paige sat back down beside me but didn't reach for my arm.

"Paige is right though," he began. "Tonight's events have put you in serious danger. We are not messing around."

"What do you mean 'tonight's events'? I was just sleepwalking..."

He looked at me with a blank stare

"Is that really what you think happened?"

His words brought hints of doubt to my mind. I pushed them out, determined not to fall victim to their scheme.

"Yes, it is. I have sleepwalked before, though not to this extent. It was probably due to my dream."

Paige let out an exasperated sigh. "You don't even know the half of it."