Anna suddenly finds herself on a plane headed towards Forks, Washington. When she arrives and comes face to face with Cullens she not only realizes that she is in the world of Twilight but she is.... If you enjoy please support me on my patreon Future 30+ chapters at Additionally, I have many other works readers may be interested in. Please enjoy!
Esme's POV:
"Use some more hair spray!"
"Alice I'm better at hair styling then you so just let me do my job. Damn it get a Valium!" Rose barked at a hyper active Alice who was running around in the bride's suite like an energizer bunny.
Though the hair dresser did a fantastic job with Anna's hair Alice insisted that Rose would take care of every single hair that was not in place because the human eye was not able to catch it.
"I doubt they make them Vampire strong." Tanya snickered gleefully observing the happenings around her.
"Honestly Alice you should calm down and…."
"Don't tell me to come down Kate! Do you have any idea how incapable that photographer is? I told him I wanted eight peacocks for the photos in the garden but he got only five. Do you understand? Five! Five! Five aren't eight!" Alice exhaled frustrated throwing a minor fit.
"Peacocks?" Anna asked raising an eyebrow.
"You really want to know?" Rosalie warned her.
Anna looked at Alice observing her through the mirror.
"Guess not?"
"You look absolutely beautiful my dear." I told her as I came to stand next to her.
She looked up at me with a brilliant smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes.
"Thank you mom."
Her calling me mom made my heart melt. I couldn't help myself but to hug her.
"Mom, I know you are getting all emotional at weddings and especially at this one since it's Edward's first but I have to get her hair done." Rose smiled at me, shaking her head.
"I know I'm just so happy." I told her as I hugged her as well Rose hugged me briefly back.
"Is she always like this?" Mischa questioned as she and Penelope watched Alice with fascination while the other females of Apollo's clan were buzzing around the hotel.
"Pretty much." Tia shrugged.
I looked at my little energy fairy as she was yelling annoyed into her mobile while Tanya, Kate and Irina were debating if she would crush it out of anger.
"It will be perfect my dear don't worry." I told her as I squeezed her shoulders. She relaxed a little and gave me a strained smile.
"Yes, yes I'm here. I want three peacocks in two hours….Yes, you heard me right….."
I sighed.
"It's no use Esme." Carmen smiled sympathetically at me.
"I doubt there is anything that could stop her now," Tia sighed shaking her head.
"Sometimes it's a pain to have her for a sister." Rose muttered mockingly. "You should really think about what you are doing Anna. You are not only going to be stuck forever with Edward, what is worse enough if you ask me, but also with this annoying little pixie." My oldest daughter quipped.
Alice took a second to glare at her sister before returning to drive whoever was on the other end of the phone crazy with her demands.
Anna laughed. "I think I'm good though thanks for the warning Rose."
"Since we are already at the topic of annoying sisters," Tia piped up, "Cindy had been going nuts with jealousy and envy ever since we received the invitation to your wedding."
"Why's that?" Penelope questioned.
Tia rolled her eyes, "she has the biggest crush on Edward. It's pathetic really."
"It was pitiful to watch through the school year how she attempted to flirt with him." Rose shook her head in disgust.
"And the worst thing about it is that our mom was one hundred percent behind her pursuit of Edward since I quote "A relationship with Edward Cullen would help with our social status."." The poor girl shook her head sadly.
I met her mother on several occasions and I could only feel sorry for Tia. Mrs. Rise was a classic social climber and the way she was ogling my husband whenever she met him didn't sit well with me either.
"And when are you going to marry your Fin?" Kate asked.
Tia exhaled and looked thoughtful.
"Honestly I have no idea. I gave myself a limit until I'm twenty five because that is the age I want to be changed into a Lycan which means that somewhere in seven years I will get married but don't worry I will be sure to invite you."
"Though my wedding will be a lot smaller," Tia added quickly shrinking back after she saw the exited and calculating look Alice threw at her.
The rest of us chuckled.
"I'll go and look how the rest of the supernatural entourage is doing." Tia mumbled rising to her feet hastily and fleeing out of the room before Alice could get her hands on her.
We had the guests who didn't live in Kingsten checked in into the hotel where Anna's and Edward's wedding was taking place. I could hear most of them assembled in the biggest suit of the level I had rented out.
My gaze fell on my smallest daughter as she was stubbornly trying to get her way.
"My little perfectionist."
"And you poor thing have to deal with three of them." Tanya rubbed my arm gently referring to Edward and Carlisle.
I smiled warmly at her loving my family just as they were.
"I'll go and see how the boys are doing." I told them before walking to the door.
"Esme could you please tell Edward that I love him." Anna called from the other end of the room.
"Of course dear." I called back stepping out.
I still couldn't believe it. The day, I had waited for so long, had finally arrived, today my oldest son would be married.
How I had worried about my precious baby boy. It hurt me seeing him alone and lonely. I was worried he would never find someone to spend eternity with.
When Anna arrived in his life, in our lives I was just glad he had finally showed some interest in someone. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined the impact she would have on him but in the end the impact didn't only touched Edward.
Our whole family got touched by the wonderful person she is. My newest daughter made a completely different person out of my son.
He was in balance now and happy. Our family had grown stronger and closer and we didn't see the time we have with each other as something given anymore.
I couldn't have been happier. I left Anna and the others girls to themselves because I just had to see my baby boy. My oldest but at the same time my youngest son.
The boys had their suite down stairs so Edward wouldn't see Anna before the wedding. And thanks to Apollo's assistance he also was unable to peek into our minds.
I smiled remembering how Carlisle texted me that Edward was getting anxious to see Anna and that if Emmett and Jasper wouldn't keep an eye on him he would have already sneaked in into Anna's suite.
I never thought I would see him this crazy about a girl. It still made my heart swell every time I saw him look at her with so much love in his eyes.
I was still impressed that Edward didn't kill anyone after the strip club party. He certainly didn't look happy when he came home. And when Alice told him that he couldn't spend the night in his and Anna's room his mood reached an all time low.
Edward was put out about having to stay away from his bride until the wedding even though that had only been a little over thirty three hours. It was actually funny to hear him damn and complain about the traditions that he had always held so dear.
"May I come in?" I asked, knocked on the door of the boy's suite.
"That's the guys territory, mom!" Emmett boomed amused.
Shaking my head I opened the door and stepped in. Emmett and Jasper were playing a video game. Their jackets were lying over the back of the couch as did their ties. They looked like school boys in their white bottom down shirts with the sleeves rolled up to their elbows and the opened top bottoms of the shirt happily competing with one another.
I couldn't help but smile at that sight.
My head turned around and I saw Edward and my husband on the other side of the room, both fully dressed neat and gentlemanly elegant, having a private conversation. Carlisle's hand rested on Edward's shoulder while our oldest looked so nervous and anxious.
Squeezing our son's shoulder and giving him a reassuring smile Carlisle made his way over to me locking his arms around my waist before placing a sweet kiss on my cheek.
"Are you alright, my dear?"
"Yes, I'm just so happy." I choked out as I looked into his warm, wise golden eyes.
He smiled warmly at me in understanding.
Tearing my eyes away from my wonderful husband I looked at my first son. He sat tense on a love seat looking as if he had a heart attack any moment if that was possible. It made my heart ache for him but at the same time also swell with happiness.
I pulled out of Carlisle's embrace and pulled Edward into a tight hug before stepping back and looking into his eyes.
"You look so handsome."
"Thanks mom." He said his voice a nervous whisper.
"Oh Edward you don't need to worry everything will be just fine." I smiled at him.
"I know it's just I haven't seen her in so long."
"Anna is alright. She is with the girls getting ready and she told me to tell you that she loves you."
His eyes lit up and a warm, content smile graced his lips.
"Look at you boys you all look dashing." I stepped out of Edward's embrace and turned to Emmett and Jasper.
"Thanks mom." Emmett laughed leaning against the back of the couch while Jasper sat down on the love seat near the window, both done with the video game.
We heard a knock on the door before Garrett entered the room followed by Eleazar, Alain and David.
"What's this I thought girls weren't allowed in here?" Eleazar teased.
"I'm a mom I'm allowed." I retorted.
Anna's POV:
"I'm nearly finished with the make-up." Alice happily chirped as she worked on my face.
She had her peach coloured floor length bridesmaid dress already on. It had a bodice that shimmered in finest silk. Rose had a similar dress on only that it was a little darker then Alice's.
"Alice, why did I have to go through three different make-up stylists when you were planning on doing my make-up from the beginning?"
She stopped what she was doing and looked at me as if I just asked something really stupid.
"Because it was fun," she made it sound as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes though I had to admit that I liked it to be used as a canvas where make up was concerned. And if you wanted to do my hair I was always on board in an instant though cutting was out of the question.
"You got the missing three peacocks?"
"Of course I got them! I gave responsibility away just once and see what happened. Really if I don't do things by myself….." She was shaking her head in annoyance.
I took her hands in mine and looked into her bright golden eyes.
"Thank you Alice."
"No need to thank me. I love doing this and I can't wait to hear the "I do" from you." She smiled brightly.
"So and now close your eyes I need to get them done." I complied and she worked her magic.
"Done! You can take a look now." She chirped a little while later.
I turned around and took a look at myself in the mirror. Alice didn't allow me to look at my reflection until she was finished.
I couldn't believe what I saw. The person in the mirror was beautiful. I loved it. I looked great, not only because Alice was a genius when it come to fashion and make-up but also because I was becoming more and more a Vampire.
My skin was flawless, my eyes got a little bigger, my lips fuller, my leashes thicker, my hair silky, shiny and thicker and my figure got thinner also were my muscles a little more pronounced.
And not to forget what Edward liked the best, my boobs got bigger and rounder. Men!
"Alright now it's time to get the dress on your body." Tanya announced.
I went to stand in front of the big full body mirror as Rosalie came with my wedding dress. The dress was draped over her arms like some sort of priceless treasure.
I stripped off my bath robe and stood there only in my lacy, white corset, stockings and my high heels.
Just as we were about to get the dress on me Esme appeared out of nowhere.
"We should hurry Edward is going out of his skin." She giggled.
As much as I wanted to I was just too nervous to give her a response to that. I wasn't nervous before but now I left like jumping out of my skin with pleasant anticipation.
Esme and Rose helped me into the beautiful wedding dress and I saw the complete master piece for the first time.
My make-up was delicate and concentrated mainly on my eyes. My hair was in big curls. They were held together in a loose pinned up-do with some locks falling in my face and over my shoulders.
Pretty, little, white, silk roses, crystals that were nearly invisible in my lush lock but left a quick, beautiful sparkle when light fell on them, and pearls were nestled in my hair. A delicate diamond tiara was holding the veil. The hair style looked romantic and refined.
The dress was absolutely generous. It was made out of finest, white silk. The dress was a one piece, strapless, A-line gown with corset back.
The features included an elegant lace overlay on the bodice that created an asymmetrical lowered waist. The bodice as well as the chapel train had rich appliqués, lace and diamonds.
The outfit was completed with diamond and platinum pendant earrings that were delicately feminine.
"Wow you look stunning. Edward is going to faint when he sees you." Alice breathed out jumping up and down happily.
"You look amazing my dear." Esme was holding her hand over her heart. I smiled at her.
"Now the traditional part! I'm starting with something blue." Tanya said as she handed me a little white box.
"What is this?"
"Open it and you will know."
I opened the box and in it was a blue grater.
"I'll help you get it on." Alice said and pushed it quickly up my tight.
"Next is something borrowed. This is a gift I got from Carlisle to our tenth anniversary." Esme smiled warmly as she put a beautiful platinum bracelet with diamonds on my right wrist.
"Something old. It's a hair clip I discovered in an antiquities shop." Rose said and held up a delicate silver hair clip in the shape of a rose before putting it in my hair.
"You already have something blue, the grater." Tanya winked. "Something borrowed and something old."
"And now something new. This is a new penny out of a bank. It was never used before it goes in your shoe." Alice showed me the blinking piece of metal before it landed in my right high heel.
"Are you ready to become Mrs. Edward Cullen?" Kate asked with a smirk.
"You bet I am."
"Alright girls let's got to the church!" Tanya giggled in her bell like voice.
We left the hotel in which the reception would take place later and a white Maybach that was decorated with a huge white, violet and silver coloured flour arrangement fixed to the front of the car drove us to the church where my Edward was waiting for me.
Alice had tried to convince me to have a carriage and dyad of four flawlessly white horses for the ride to church but I couldn't see myself in that picture she tired to paint.
The whole way there I was a bundle of nerves. I didn't know where this was coming from but I was so nervous I had trouble breathing. And I didn't even have words to tell how excited the butterflies in my stomach were.
Esme grabbed my hands and I looked into her shinning eyes.
"It'll be fine you don't need to be this nervous, dear."
"I know it's just…." I breathed out.
"I know," she smiled looking wistfully.
As we arrived at the church I could feel a wave of calm wash over me and immediately knew who was helping me to get out of the car.
"Thanks Jazz."
"You are welcome." He smiled at me and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek before disappearing into the church.
"Yes, I am Alice. Let's not make my soon to be husband make wait any longer."
As we arrived in the front room of the church Carlisle was already waiting for us.
"You look beautiful." He whispered in my ear as he kissed my temple lightly.
"Thank you dad." I looked at him as his eyes lit up and I breathed out nervously.
"I only hope I won't fall or trip or step on my dress."
"Don't worry I will deliver you safely into Edward's arms. He is waiting down there for you." Carlisle chuckled as he hooked my arm under his.
"Here are your flowers and the music sets in, in three, two, one." Alice pushed my bouquet in my hands and on cue Johann Sebastian Bach's "Air" in D-Dur rang through the church played beautifully by the little orchestra Alice had booked for the ceremony.
"Wait until they start playing Mendelssohn's Wedding march." Alice told Carlisle and me with a pointed look before she gave last instructions to a little girl named Amber who was the daughter of one of Carlisle's co-workers in the hospital and the flower girl.
One after another Amber, Rose, Tia and Alice disappeared through the old, grand wooden doors of the church and I felt a sting of sadness. This was the most wonderful day in my life. I was marrying the man of my dreams and I was having my dream wedding but my family wasn't here.
I had the Cullen's and I loved them but still I wished that my mom could have seen me like this. In this moment I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before saying goodbye to my old life and my family in the other world forever.
They would always be in my heart but I would not voice or think impossible wishes anymore.
When the last note of Johann Sebastian Bach echoed through the old building and the first tunes of the traditional wedding march reached my ears I was a bundle of jittering nerves.
"It's our turn now." I felt Carlisle pull me forward and I followed him.
At first my eyes were fixed on the ground and I took a deep breath to calm the butterflies in my stomach.
As we entered the grand room of the church I looked up and was blown away. The whole room was decorated in white flowers, bouquets of white flowers decorated with pearls and sparkling crystals, tulle and candles were everywhere.
The lights and candle arrangement was unbelievable I left like I walked into a magical castle that was decorated for a ball. The atmosphere was romantic and not from this world.
Everyone was looking at me as I walked down the aisle with Carlisle. With each step the nervousness disappeared more and pure and utter bliss started to flood my body.
And then it happened I caught sight of my soon-to-be-husband. Edward stood there at the end of the aisle in front of the altar in his perfectly fitted, black tuxedo.
From this moment on all I saw was Edward; he filled my vision and overwhelmed my mind. His butterscotch pools were shinning with happiness and a myriad of emotions was swimming in them. As he met my gaze his lips broke out in a breathtaking smile.
It was hard to believe that I would get to have this wonderful man literally for eternity.
As we arrived at the altar Carlisle kissed my cheek, took my hand, in a symbol as old as the world and placed it in Edward's.
I tried to suppress my tears of joy, I had never been a cry baby but I just couldn't seem to help it today. The strong emotions inside me wouldn't let me find calm. The butterflies in my belly were going crazy.
A shaky breath left my lips and with effort I tore my eyes away from my yet still fiancé, who seemed to have the same troubles breathing and pulling himself together as I had, and looked at the priest.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of Edward Anthony Cullen and Anna Masen, to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony." The priest announced.
"Who gives this woman to this man?" He asked.
"We do," Esme and Carlisle answered at the same time.
Edward and I turned around to look at them and the both of them beamed at us. If she were able to Esme would have been crying waterfalls out of happiness.
While turning around to the priest again I stole another glance at my husband and smile brilliantly at him as he did the same.
I was feeling like a High School girl on a hormonal high but it was my wedding and I was supposed to feel out of it and ridiculously happy, wasn't I?
The ceremony was beautiful and held simple and traditional.
"Edward and Anna have prepared their own vows," the priest gestured for Edward to begin.
"I Edward Anthony Cullen, take you Anna Masen, my one true love, to be my wife, my mate and my partner in life. Today is the day my life begins. All my life I've been just me, incomplete and half a person, walking this earth without purpose and aim. Today I become a man, today I become a husband, today I wove before all of this people and god to be yours and yours only. To love you, to cherish you, to make you happy with all that I am. You found me when I was lost. You showed me the light where I only saw darkness. You gave me back my believes. You made me all that I was meant to be and more. I give you my heart, my soul and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live."
Tears were escaping my eyes while I listened to Edward's beautiful words. The smile on his face and the utter joy in his eyes made my knees weak.
My entire body was shaking slightly as it was my time to speak. I took a deep breath and cleared my throat lightly.
"I Anna Masen, take you Edward Anthony Cullen to be my beloved husband, to have and to hold, to honor you, to treasure you, to be at your side in sorrow and in joy, in good times, and in bad, to love and cherish you always. All my life I had been stumbling from one day to the other with no purpose or aim, questioning why I existed," Edward looked curiously at me with a nervous smile on his lips, "until the day we met." I breathed out in a quiet whisper. My voice was too tight and strained from my emotions to be any louder.
His smile grew and his beautiful butterscotch pools sparkled with love and contentment.
"I will love you for the rest of time. I promise you this from my heart, for all the days to come." I breathed out a shaky breath. My voice broke a few times with the emotions raging inside of me.
Edward smiled brilliantly at me and squeezed my hand.
"The rings please," the priest went on.
Emmett who was Edward's best man pulled the rings out of his jacket pocket and handed them to us.
Emmett was the best man this time around because Alice announced that we had to be married at least one more time in the future so that Japer would also be Edward's best man as well as Rose could be my made of honor.
The order was ordained by a round paper, scissors and rock.
"Do you Edward Anthony Cullen take Anna Masen as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"
Edward beamed his generous half smile at me before uttering the words.
"I do," I was about to explode as Edward slid the ring on my finger.
Next the priest turned to me.
"Do you Anna Masen take Edward Anthony Cullen as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do," I breathed out nervously but absolutely happy.
Tears were blurring my vision while I was slipping the ring on Edward's finger. When I saw the platinum wedding band resting on his ring finger I was overwhelmed by my emotions.
I looked up and was met with the brilliant, warm, liquid gold of my now husbands pools which burned with intense love into my own eyes.
"Now with the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife."
The priest announced and looked grinning at Edward.
"You may now kiss the bride."
"Finally." Edward whispered and I heard Emmett and Jasper chuckle before Edward's touch had all of my attention.
My husband sneaked an arm around my waist and pulled me against him with his other hand he cradled my face. I couldn't weep the smile off my face.
"Now you are mine, forever." Edward breathed before his lips crushed down on mine.
My hands which were placed on his arms went up around his neck and I pressed him closer to me. Our sweet and loving kiss quickly turned passionate and Edward's tongue found it's way into my mouth, making my body buzz with delicious electricity.
Faintly I did register that we weren't alone and that everyone was clapping around us and that their voices were ringing with congratulations but I was too lost in the moment to care.
As we broke our kiss I had a big smile on my lips and single, cliché tear of happiness running down my face.
We immediately got pulled into the embraces of our family and friends. Walking out of the church we were greeted by a rain of red and white rose petals.
"You are beyond gorgeous." Edward said as he held my hand in the limousine that was bringing us back to the hotel where the reception was to take place.
"I can say the same about you." I smiled.
"I have the most beautiful wife on the planet." He breathed absolutely serious.
I was about to say something but he wouldn't have it.
"I won't let you deny it." With these words he quickly covered my lips with his.
As we arrived at the hotel we first took the wedding pictures with the eight peacocks that Alice wanted to have on the pictures in the garden of the hotel.
Before we did the pictures with the whole family Alice had also organised white doves that were in a huge pearl white box. Edward and I pulled together on the light blue bow and the doves flew out of the box.
I was completely stunned as I saw that Alice had several different sceneries ready for us in the gardens of the hotel where we were photographed. It was unbelievably though I felt sorry for the poor photographer as Alice was barking her instructions at him.
"Poor guy."
"Right now he is asking himself why he didn't become a lawyer like his mother wanted him to." My husband whispered into my ear while his arms where slung around my waist as he pulled me further into him.
I giggled and looked up into his blissful happy face.
The main room where the reception was being held was gorgeously decorated in violet, silver and white again. The flower and lights arrangement was just like in the church before out of this world. I haven't even seen something like this in a Hollywood movie and the planning of the enormous event was perfect. What else to expect form Alice?
The main room had several French doors that led out into the big garden of the hotel were another dance floor and a stage for the band was build up.
After we greeted all our guests and the first toast were spoken and celebrated Edward suddenly whisked me off into a hotel room near by the grand hall. Where he suddenly got the key card from I would never now.
"What are you doing?" I giggled but instead to answer my question Edward crushed his lips hungrily on my own.
His kiss was needy and desperate. His hands were exploring my body urgently and with a passion that lit my body of fire. He continued to relish my mouth until I couldn't breath anymore.
Once Edward noticed my lack of oxygen he moved his lips to my neck while his hand pressed me against his body as he purred and growled against my skin.
"Ugh…..Edward," I moaned breathlessly as my hand drove into his brown lush locks.
"Anna, my beautiful wife," he groaned before he attached his lips to mine again.
We continued to ravish one another until I was only a trembling mess in his arms. If he wouldn't have held me I would have sunken to the ground because my knees weren't able to carry my weight anymore.
"I'm sorry." He whispered after our mouths broke away from one another and he placed his forehead against my own as we both gasped desperately for air.
I shook my head not able to speak yet.
He suddenly lifted me up bridal style and moved us over to the bed before sitting down with me on his lap.
"Not that I'm complaining but what was that?" I smiled hugely at him while my face was feeling hot.
"I didn't see you for two days. I just needed to really kiss you before I went insane." He murmured while his mouth was leaving baby kisses along my arm.
I cranked my neck to briefly glance at him.
"So that means that the night at the strip club got you all hot and bothered." I asked as innocently as I could.
"Anna," he groaned pitifully while he let his head fall against my shoulder. "Don't remind me of that hell hole.
"Awww…poor you." I cooed.
He grumped and I could feel his pout against my skin.
I turned my body in his embrace to be able to face him and grabbed his face in my both of my hands gazing into his brilliant dark honey coloured pools.
"I love you my husband," I told him and he closed his eyes humming as I called him my husband. I leaned in and covered his lips with my own for a sweet, loving and soft kiss.
"I love you too so much," he whispered with an emotions filled voice against my mouth before we just held each other in our arms enjoying our little bubble of togetherness.
This buddle burst when someone cleared their throat.
"You know you two have a wedding going on out there." Alice suddenly stood in front of us with her hand on her hip but not really mad at us.
Well at least she saw my ruined make-up.
Once I was presentable again, according to Alice, we went back to the reception.
Dinner was served, speeches were given, luckily Edward managed not to kill Emmett, and the enormous masterpiece of a lemon flavoured heaven that was our wedding cake was cut before Edward and I were to open the dance floor with a waltz.
"By any chance did you compose that?"
"How do you know?" He asked me with a stunned expression on his face.
"I heard you play it one night. Well parts of it."
He nodded and looked a little sheepish.
"Do you like it?"
I listened to the music while we floated over the dance floor.
"I like it. It's nice and sweet."
He let out a breath that he had been holding and place a tender kiss on my lips.
"I'm glad." He breathed.
"How does it feel to be Mrs. Cullen?" Edward whispered in my ear as we swayed across the dance floor.
"I love it, Mr. Cullen."
He gave me a crocket smile at that respond.
"Is the wedding how you imagined it?"
"No." I shook my head.
"Really?" he asked concerned.
"It's way better then what I could have ever imagined."
"Don't scare me like that." He breathed out a sigh of relief.
I laughed lightly and looked around the beautifully decorated ball room of the hotel humming in contentment.
"What are you thinking about love?"
"Nothing really. I'm just happy and enjoying it. Especially being in your arms." I said and kissed his throat softly.
He purred lightly in respond.
"Love you have to be good or I will whisk you off on the spot." He murmured after nuzzling his cheek against mine.
"You are pure evil."
"Could be or maybe all I want is you." And then I shook my head. "See what you are doing to me. I'm cheesy as heck." I swatted his arm playfully.
A devious and smug grin spread across his face.
"All I want is to make you happy. I want to see that beautiful smile of your everyday for the rest of forever." Honesty was burning in his eyes.
God he was laying on thick and even worse I loved it.
"I love you Edward." I vowed before our lips met in a soft and loving kiss.
We swayed a little more on the dance floor and he chuckled into my ear all of the sudden. I lifted my head off his shoulder and looked puzzled at him.
"What's so funny?"
He gave an Eskimo kiss and grinned widely, halting our swaying. Edward took my left hand in both of his and pulled the wedding band off my ring finger.
"What are you doing?" I asked confused.
"I want to show you something." He answered concentrating on the task at his hands. Edward held the band so I could see the inside of it.
"Do you see the carving?" He asked.
Taking a good look I found it there on the inner band was a tiny carving of the Cullen family crest.
"We all have rings with that crest. This is the reason Alice and Rose never take off their wedding bands though they are not always wearing them at their left ring finger."
Now that he told me that I wondered why I never ask Alice why she was always wearing her wedding band always on her right ring finger and Rose on her left middle finger. It also occurred to me that Esme, Rose and Alice weren't always wearing the necklaces, now I knew why.
"Hmm… I had to wait to the wedding to get to know the big secret." I quipped.
"This way it has more meaning." Edward smiled broadly.
I just shook my head, locked my arms behind his neck after he slid the wedding band back on my finger where it belonged from now on and I seized the lips of my hopelessly romantic husband with my own.
I rested my head lightly against his shoulder as we danced and saw Esme and Lethia sitting next to each other, chatting happily. The both of them had become very close ever since we found out about one another.
It was kind of cute while Carlisle would have his discussions regarding medical questions with Batiste and Aya, Esme and Lethia were gushing and playfully complaining about their husbands.
A huge smile formed on my face at the sight of them and I looked up at my husbands face. He beamed down at me and wordlessly bent down to press his cool lips softly to mine purring all his love into this sweet slow kiss until I was dizzy from his very welcomed assault.
We stopped moving while Edward held me closely to him as if I were the most precious thing in the world and our mouths were gently brushing against each other.
"Hmm-hmm….If I may interrupt. You have danced for three songs already. Now it's my turn with the bride." Emmett stated seriously.
"Guess I can't help it." Edward sighed defeated before reluctantly letting go of me and letting Emmett take over.
"So little sis you are an official member of the family now. Happy?"
"Of course I am Em."
Suddenly he became very serious.
"Make sure that Edward returns from your honeymoon as a man. The poor guy desperately needs to get some." He grinned goofily.
I laughed out loud.
"God Emmett."
"What?" He asked innocently.
"Isn't a big brother actually supposed to protect his little sister from guys that have only one thing in mind?" I teased.
He raised an eyebrow at me and looked very thoughtful.
"You are staying home," he said, tightened his grip on me and nodded satisfied.
I laughed again and he grinned down at me.
"Thank you Em you are an awesome big brother."
"Sure, no thing."
After Emmett I danced with Jasper and Carlisle then with Edward. Eleazar, Garrett, Alain and David also wanted to have their turns before Edward got to me again. Apollo whisked me away from Edward's embrace then.
I also got spun around by some of the male members of his coven as well as by Charlie. We invited him and Sue along with Jake, his girlfriend (or better said friend with benefits) Marissa and Seth. Leah showed up as Seth's plus one since Aya had come on her own. Leah only came because she wanted some inspiration for her own wedding that was coming up next year.
"This isn't exactly your world is it Charlie?" I giggled as we danced. I had to admit he was surprisingly good at standard dances.
He sighed and his face was twisted into a strained mask.
"The ceremony in the church was beautiful but this here isn't exactly mine though the food is worth it. That steak was the best I had ever had." His eyes twinkled as he winked at me.
"And that's what matters the most right?" I quipped.
We both laughed quietly before a comfortable silence settled between us.
"How are Kevin, Eve and the kids?" I asked curious about my temporary uncle.
"Oh they are just fine. Kevin settled down. He is not travelling anymore but has an internet company now. Eve is a wonderful mother from all that I can tell and the kids: Anna is going to elementary school now and their little boy was celebrating his second birthday about a week ago."
"Thank you for telling me." I told him sincerely.
"Sure thing kiddo," he said as a light blush creped up his cheeks.
"May I have the honour with the bride now?" Batiste asked as he suddenly was standing next to Charlie and me.
"Sure, sure," Charlie nodded and handed me over to Batiste for the next song.
"Seems like your wife just saved my husband," I said as I looked over at Cindy who was looking murderous at Lethia.
"If looks could kill."
"That girl is really hopeless and her mother is even worse," Batiste shook his head in disapproval.
"It's not like you can pick your in-laws right?" I shrugged sympathetically.
"Tell me about it," he sighed defeated.
"But you are lucky, at least Tia turned out to be OK."
"Yes," he laughed, "that's true."
I was just ending the dance with Batiste as he spun me right into Edward's waiting arm. My husbands golden pools shone brilliantly down at me before he placed a soft kiss on the top of my nose.
"Hi there," I smiled and he rubbed his nose against my own before turning me around in his embrace so I was facing the stage where to my great surprise Vanessa Mae was standing on.
"You like it?"
My head whipped around and I was looking into his smiling face.
"You are crazy."
"But you love me still!" He murmured while he began to place baby kisses along my neck.
"Well," I sighed and he pulled away from me gazing at me with a raised, questioning eyebrow.
"It's kind of too late for doubts now," I shrugged nonchalantly.
"You," he growled before planting hard kisses on my shoulder and neck until he reached my mouth as his hand pressed me tightly against his chest.
Vanessa Mae started her private concert with "Johann Pachelbel Canon in D Major" one of my favourite compositions of the classic music. After all I wasn't such a hopeless case in that department as Edward always made me out to be.
"That one was not on the play list." My husband piped up as Vanessa started to play a tune that I had requested. Seemed like Alice thought it would be best to place it there.
"No, that was my request."
"I don't think I ever heard it before."
"I'm not doubting it." I giggled and he gave me a curious look.
"It's from a German band named "Silbermond" the piece is called "Symphonie". Surprisingly good for pop music, huh?" I grinned teasingly at him.
He only shook his head and enjoyed the piece.
"This is exactly how I feel about you." Edward whispered to me as he heard the lyrics to another song from "Silbermond".
"I know." I smiled.
We listened to her music, swayed, danced, talked a little with the attending guests before disappearing into our happy bubble and enjoyed our wedding in general.
It was getting late. The daylight had long disappeared and was replaced by the moon that shone brightly in all it's silver glory up in the sky along with the sparkling stars. It was hard to tell what was more beautiful the brightly lit sky or the light arrangements down on earth that showed their true beauty when the night engulfed them.
Edward and I swayed over the dance floor again, looking into each others eyes, lost in the moment and the beauty and joy around us.
"Anna! It's time!" I could hear Alice call but I ignored her being too content in Edward's arm.
"Do you want to miss your plane?" Alice asked with her hands on her hips as she stood right next to us.
"I'm sure you'll have a lovely honeymoon camped out in the airport waiting for another flight."
Suddenly I had a déjà vu feeling. Somehow those lines were familiar to me.
"I don't want to let go of you." Edward whispered.
Then it hit me. That was my favourite scene out of "Breaking Dawn", other then this, the book was rather hmm?…..I smiled to myself because I was so playing along!
"So you want your wife to wear that dress on an airplane?" She demanded.
"She looks lovely in it." He smiled.
"Alright how do you like this? I'll tell her where you're taking her, Edward. So help me, I will."
"Maybe I stay for a little while longer." I laughed.
"No your not." My husband softly replied before turning to his sister and glaring at her.
"You're awfully small to be so hugely irritating."
"I didn't pick out the perfect going-away dress to have it wasted," she huffed at him her hands on her hips.
"Come on we are going." The little pixie commanded and tugged me away from my husband.
"Be right back honey." I called to him as my now sister-in-law dragged me across the dance floor to the entrance hall of the hotel.
"Alice did I already tell you that the wedding is absolutely perfect? You are a genius."
"Well you did mention it once or twice." She shrugged nonchalantly before her eyes sparkled as she looked up at me. "I'm glad you like it."
"I loved every minute of it Alice. And the firework! When and how did you get the permission for it?"
"I'm a genius after all aren't I? What I want I get."
"Yeah that's true lord may help the poor soul who stands in your way."
"I doubt anyone could help that person." She giggled.
"I think you are right."
As we arrived in the suite all the girls were already waiting for us to help me to redress. Rose quickly created a new hair style for the journey on my head.
Alice refreshed my make-up and put me in a black mini skirt, a white top and black 2 and 1/2 inch close-toed heels. The outfit was comfortable and cute.
"Guess I'm ready then." I said as everything was taken care of.
"Yes, you are and so is your and Edward's luggage. It's already on our Jet."
"But if we are going with a private Jet why do we have to hurry? Where are we going to anyway?"
"Nice try. You will find out when you are there." Alice replied smugly.
"You will know where you are going in a few hours so enjoy it girl." Irina stated.
"Hey it was worth a try."
The girls escorted me out to the main entrance of the hotel where Edward was waiting for me at the car.
The car was a black BMW which was decorated with white flowers bouquets which looked exactly like the ones in church and white ribbons.
"Have fun honey. We will miss you two." Esme said as she pulled me into a hug.
"We will miss you too."
The driver started the car after we got in and we took off waving goodbye to our family.
"What happened you aren't driving yourself? Did hell freeze over and none told me?" I laughed after we hit the highway.
"No, it didn't, not as far as I know but I got something more important to do then to drive." My husband stated.
"And that would be?" I pressed.
"To hold my beautiful bride in my arms for one." He said and pulled me into his embrace.
"Hmm…for one."
"Yes, and then to kiss my beautiful wife." His lips brushed lightly over mine.
"You are right that's more important." I smiled against his smooth lips.