
Woke Up In The Manga "Kingdom"

Rinko suddenly wakes up and discovers himself surrounded by strangers, and from the looks of it, soon there will be a battle.

WN89 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

New Recruits

244 B.C

It has been a year since the battle of Dakan Plains, having been promoted to a 5,000-Man Commander, Rinko didn't waste any time in recruiting 5,000 new recruits, he managed to secure himself 5,000 shields and 10,000 spears, 5,000 short swords, and 500 horses with wagons for his men (supply train). He was sure this was all thanks to the efforts of Sei. Having gathered his men he spent the first month training the troops on how to march, follow orders, and various battle formations. He wanted to build up the army's strength and endurance during this period.

At first, the troops would whine after having to march one mile in full gear but slowly he got them to be able to march 15 miles in a day and be able to fight a small battle at the end of it. He then had the men practice their spear-throwing and shield wall. If they charged or were charged against they could launch a quick spear volley into the enemy before they engaged in combat. The front line would form a shield wall while using short swords while there would be infantry right behind using their spears to stab the enemy over their shoulders, the ones in the back could hand spears forward if needed or volley them into the enemy.

Thanks to having shields the troops could also use them to block incoming arrow fire, he considered having the troops equip longer spears but arrows were too large of a threat and longer spears were not as good to hurl at the enemy. Thanks to the short swords they could fight in tight combat, spears gave them a bit more arm range and could be thrown, and the shield interlocked with each other made the front line stronger and was also great in defending against arrow volleys.

His army being mostly recruited from peasant militia was lacking in armor since few could afford it and Rinko despite not being poor couldn't afford to equip all 5,000 of them with better armor, he was able to equip his 25-Man commanders and up with armor.

Currently, his army ranks are:

Go's- 1 squad leader, leading 4 infantry.

25-Man Commander/Squad leader- Leads five Go's and had four squad leaders under them (one squad leader is themselves).

100-Man Commander- has three 25-Man commanders under them (they act as the 4th).

500-Man Commander- has 4 100-Man commanders under him (acts as the 5th)

1000-Man Commander- has one 500-man commander under them (acts as the other 500-man commander)

General- (Rinko) has four 1,000-Man Commanders under him (he acts as 1,000 Man commander).

(Hopefully, this is simple enough to understand)

He next focused on his 1,000 Man Commanders and those ranked lower, the ones with equal rank would compete with each other by having their troops face off in various competitions and the ones whose troops performed the worst would have their commanders run naked around the whole army camp in front of all the soldiers! and be tasked with all the worst chores around the camp. The various commanders having experienced this were then motivated to train their troops better or risk coming in last place again. The very best commanders would of course be rewarded either with money, better food, etc.

Sadly he wasn't able to recruit Shin and Kyou Kai as commanders, Shin and Ten had run off before he could meet them. Kyou Kai was busy getting revenge but I did manage to recruit her as an Assassin serving my family, she was in charge of training new female assassins for the family, we made sure she was well funded and as the leader, she was able to command the troops as she saw fit, he had hinted to her that if she ever needed them to deal with anything she would be able to command them and lead them as she saw fit. Rinko knew that she wanted revenge and if she perhaps wasn't strong enough she would have a hidden troop of assassins to back her up, she was also often heading out to hunt down her enemies and would occasionally come back to check up on the training of her troops.

Thanks to Kyou Kai Rinko was able to start building up a spy network, after funding new brothels his female escorts... were now being set up all over Qin and beyond, Kyou kai would train a few, and then they would be sent out to train others. Rinko knew that men would often let their guard down around women and he was sure they would be able to gather valuable information for him as well. He also set up caravans heading out to other countries dealing in trade, and various restaurants and hotels being built would all be the framework for his spy empire. Of course, he had made his promise to Sai so he had no choice but to leave this to his wife to manage.

(Han Campaign)

His troops had spent the good part of the year training and now they had been ordered out on their first campaign! Qin's Great General Mou Gou had been sent out with a 200,000-strong force to conquer the territory of Anhui in Han.

Rinko led his troops to the Han border and linked up with Mou Gou's army, then they marched into Han. Marching with the army and his troops having been mostly recruited from militia peasants, they were often ridiculed for their lack of armor. Rinko didn't mind, although his troops lacked armor they had good weapons and were disciplined! even Mou Gou complimented him on his troop's orderly marching, and how his troops often had their camp set up or dismantled first. Rinko after being complimented by the General decided to gift his commanders with food and drink from his secret stash that night and rewarded each Gos' with 1lb of meat for dinner (meat being hard to get on campaign).

It wasn't long before the Qin army found itself outside Anhui. Han being outnumbered decided to hold up and prepare for a long siege. Mou Gou was a General who did everything by the book and was neither strong nor weak in the attack and defense. For days Mou Gou laid siege to Anhui using basic tactics and nothing fancy.

Rinko found himself looking up at the city's walls! for days the army had whittled down the defenders and rumor that they managed a breakthrough near one of the city gates. His troops now stationed outside were waiting for the gates to be open from the inside. His troops were all silently standing waiting for the gates to open, if they felt any fear they were disciplined enough to at least not show it. Soon the gates were flung open and the army surged forward! Rinko's troops not being weighed down by heavy armor quickly marched ahead of the others only being beaten by the cavalry who charged in first!

Rinko's army having arrived led his men into the city! he was met by a fierce fight happening around the city's gate! his first 1,000 troops had just entered the city when Han reinforcements arrived! Rinko ordered his men forward and charged the enemy and the Han countered the charge aiming to secure and close the gates.

Soon both troops neared each other and right before they clashed! Rinko signaled his men and a volley of spears impacted the enemy! taken by surprise the Han soldier's formation was in disarray when Rinkos troops smashed into them! the front line drove deep into the enemy quickly slaughtering the enemy! until eventually, they couldn't go any further. Their momentum has now gone they stopped pushing and started forming up doing their best to form a shield wall where they could. The soldiers in front wielding their short swords kept stabbing into the belly of their enemies from behind their shields. Rinko standing behind a man in the front wielded his spear and kept reaching his spear over his ally and down onto the shoulder of a Han soldier!

Having watched 300 movie and how the Spartans used their spears to assist the front line! watching the situation he suddenly gave an order and the front line suddenly pushed sending the enemy flying back! the 3rth, 4th, and 5th ranks now took turns sending quick spear volleys into the enemy! catching them off guard!

Rinko then ordered troops to close ranks into the shield wall and advance until once again they were fighting close to the enemy. They were so close the Han soldiers were struggling to find room to swing their weapons, Rinko's front line who had switched to their short sword didn't suffer this problem, they needed very little room to stab and hack at the enemies with their short swords.

Rinko seeing the situation was under control swapped out with one of his commanders and went to the rear. Leaving two 1,000 commanders to guard the gate, he led the rest of his men into the city and aimed for another gate. Quickly marching through the city he could hear the wailings of the people, the Qin soldiers who swarmed in had already started looting and raping! Rinko knew he couldn't stop them all, instead, he focused on the fact that the bulk of the army was still outside the city walls and kept rushing towards another city gate.

Unfortunately along the way, he had to cut down a couple of his men who thought they would break rank and pillage the city! the incident had delayed them slightly but eventually, they arrived behind the Han soldiers guarding the city gates on this side of the city. The poor soldiers made the mistake of thinking they were reinforcements and were relieved at first until the poor fools found blades being thrust into their guts and then after a loud roar from the eager Qin troops they finally realized that they were enemies!

Rinko knew the Han troops on the wall outnumbered them and quickly pushed through troops on the ground and towards the gates! he pushed his men hard and they arrived in time before the enemy on top of the walls realized what was happening now they could only watch in horror as gates were flung open and the Qin soldiers rushed in! The Han troops were already struggling to hold the walls, now with the gates open and troops rushing in behind them their morale collapsed and many started to flee.

Rinko stood watching the fleeing Han troops and was satisfied with his results and was sure the higher-ups wouldn't demote him when suddenly a few Qin soldiers were blasted away from in front of him! A HAN COMMANDER WAS CHARGING TOWARD HIM!!!

Rinko barely managed to raise his shield in time when the enemy attack landed on him blasting him away! he was sent hurling through the air and smashed into a building! Rinko's troops responded quickly and swarmed the Han soldier. Rinko dazed struggled to his feet and was stunned to see the enemy slaughter all the soldiers around him!

The Han commander having quickly dealt with the troops was once again in front of him! Rinko no longer having his shield managed to hurl at his enemy! sadly the Han commander easily knocked it aside and once again launched a heavy blow onto Rinko!

Rinko barely managed to draw his short sword when he was once again forced to block the enemy's attack! as both weapons clashed Rinko knew right away that the enemy's strength was far too much for him! his guard was blasted away and in a last-ditch effort, Rinko attempted to kick the man in the gut! hoping to create some space, but it was like kicking a steel wall thankfully he was able to use the momentum like a springboard and lept away barely avoiding another attack, and ended up rolling on the ground!

Rinko struggled to get up and knew he was dead, Rinko could only watch as the enemy moved to finish him off! The Han commander was furious and Rinko knew that he really wanted him dead. The Han commander was just about to end him when suddenly an unknown Qin commander clashed with him after having ridden through the gate laughing and hurling himself at the Han commander! clearly wanting to earn himself some easy merit killing the surrounder Han commander.

The Han commander showing no fear clashed with the unknown mounted Qin commander! the Qin commander was actually blown off his horse and sent flying! angered the Qin soldier got to his feet and rushed at the Han soldier, both sides clashed for a few seconds before the Qin commander was beheaded!

Rinko having gotten to his feet signaled his men and ordered them to send a volley into the Han commander! a poor few soldiers around the enemy soldier were caught in the volley and soon they were covered in spears! The Han soldier managed to fend off most of the spears but three were now deeply embedded into his chest. Rinko was once again stunned when the enemy soldier charged! not willing to get near the death machine Rinko ordered his troops into the shield wall and advanced!

Once again the Han soldier clashed with the troops, he blasted a few away once again but not as many this time, the troops now quickly surrounded him and plunged their spears into his body! Infuriated the Han commander used the last of his strength and killed the four soldiers in front of him. Rinko seeing the enemy commander slump to the ground finally relaxed, he ordered his men to guard the gate and decided to let the rest of the Qin soldiers fight the enemy deeper into the city, he didn't want to run into another strong enemy and although the battle was lost for the Han forces there were still a lot of them left inside the city.

(two weeks later)

Mou Gou having conquered Anhui and inflicted a lot of casualties on the enemy decided that Han was weak and decided to keep advancing deeper into Han and ended up conquering 14 more Han cities! Having achieved far more than was expected of him Mou Gou and the commanders were called back to the capital, with fresh troops brought in to hold the conquered cities.

Rinko having survived the Han campaign had his troops reduced to 3,000 survivors. Having engaged in minor battles after minor battles he was happy with his losses, some of the other 5,000 commanders had been too eager and had ended up getting themselves killed and their troops wiped out after pushing too far into the enemy ranks.

After having nearly been killed in the first battle Rinko was more cautious, his men were not as aggressive but they still played their part and managed to rake up a decent amount of kills. Rinko having been almost killed started practicing his sword and spear every time the army finished a battle in Han. His spear skills improved a lot, he was now a lot quicker and he could hurl his spear at a frightening speed that would likely end most common soldiers. He even ordered a custom spear for himself to train with as well as a few spear training manuals from around Qin, his new spear was heavy and had a decent length to it, it was short enough to throw and still had a good reach.

(Qin Capital)

Rinko putting his clothes back on, got up from his bed and left his exhausted wife laying there, he quickly put on his uniform and headed out to the award ceremony. Mou Gou having accomplished much in Han was awarded an increase in rank and a small fortune, and his fame was quickly spread out all over Qin. Rinko watching Mou Gou walk away could see how happy he was next to his son and grandson, who clearly were proud of his achievements. Slowly the other Generals involved were brought up and awarded with honors until finally, the various commander's turns came.

Rinko was allowed to keep his rank in the army and was rewarded a bit of coin and then he quickly left soon after. He then spent the rest of his day enjoying the capital with his family before ending his night with his wife, after undressing her and enjoying all her smooth curves his wife quickly mounted him and spent the next hour squeezing every drop out of him until he was empty, Rinko was sure that soon he would have another child along the way.

Ok after a few months of break I finally remembered about this fanfiction lol, I doubt any of the old readers stuck around after such a long absence but to those who did... I am so sorry. My spring semester was 18 credits and summer was busy as well with school and work, I have fewer classes now and only work weekends so I hope to kick out at least one ch a week at least.

WN89creators' thoughts