
Chapter 2.1: Is This What You Hoped For Me, Father?

"Are there any other hobbies you enjoy besides watching girls play in a lake, Raff?"

She came. That voice always seem to send a chill up my spine. I saw the figure of a relentless brute from the distance, seeking for its' next prey to devour.

Well, this is unfortunate.

I came here to enjoy the outdoors. I enjoy the sounds birds chirping and water splashing while feeling the sun's warmth on my face. She mistook me for a peeping Tom. She marched closer with a cold glare. The presence of this monster was absolutely blood-curdling. There isn't much a guy could do in this situation. Luckily, I picked up a few tricks from the masters. I froze completely and ignored her cries.

Hopefully, she'll think I had fallen unconscious while sitting down and take pity on me.

"Those kinds of tricks won't work on me, scumbag."

She made her way to my face while I was cooking up a plot to get out of this mishap

I don't think it worked. Wouldn't expect much from a meanie. Not to worry, I have more tricks up my sleeve.

I looked her in the eyes. As hard as it is, I strove to play dumb.

"Good afternoon, Alice. Nice weather we're having, huh?"

"That's 'Miss Alice' to you. I don't think you know this, but ogling creeps are heavily frowned upon my fathers' academy. We don't need scumbags like you staring at students' breasts walking around."

To be honest, it felt a little hurtful to be called such insulting names, at least when I call her names there's some truth. Now that she mentioned it, though, Alice's breasts aren't all that huge or tiny. They looked like they would fit the palm of my hand perfectly. I knew for a fact some men would probably prefer larger breast sizes, but I think Alice's huge thighs make up for her medium sized breasts. Nice. :)

"State your alibi before I impose harsh judgement upon you."

Her eyes glared at me like a million flaming knives.

"'Harsh judgement'? Please, elaborate."

"They say that 'a person swallowing a pound of spiders in their lifetime in their sleep' was in fact, not true, and was just a funny myth. However, my temper says so otherwise..."

I knew Alice was mean, but I didn't expect she could stoop so low. How scary. But then again, she was probably spoiled at a young age being the daughter of the headmaster of an academy for young spellcasters. It's clear that she doesn't have many friends, otherwise, she wouldn't be talking to a loner like me.

"Well, in my defense, would I, a coward, according to you, do something that would irrefutably and undeniably result in my suffering and demise?"

"That's a fair point, I'll give you that one. Now, if you wouldn't mind telling me what you were doing," she asked.

"After class, a few students planned to spend time in the lake. They asked a few more students and they all decided to go. I didn't particularly join them, I just came to enjoy the atmosphere."

I laid down on the grass, watching the sun pierce through the crack of the leaves.

"What about you? Were you invited by one of your friends?" I asked.

I highly doubt it, though. No offense.

"Not at all. In fact, I came here since I felt like I'd collapse from the heat any minute."

She dried her hair with a towel.

"Hopefully you don't see me as a friend, right?"

I rose from my comfy nap.

"Certainly not. I would hate to think our classmates see us as anything more than neighbors," Alice said.

"That hurts. Makes me wonder if you'll ever make any friends."

"I don't need friends. I have more than what it takes in me to survive."

If only I had confidence like hers to say I only need myself to survive in this world. To be honest, the only reason I'm still alone is that I'm having trouble making connections.


"Well, if you've got nothing else better to do, I suggest you start training for the Ring. We've only got a week left to train."

She turned around and planned to resume her training.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you troubled whether or not I train?"

She stopped walking.

"Are you developing feelings for me or something?" I said with a smug on my face.

I decided to taunt her one last time before she leaves, but little did I know my foolishness would cause me great pain moments later.


That day, I received the strongest slap to ever come in contact with my face. I really made her mad this time. I laid once again on the grass, staring at the cracks of the leaves. It made me think if I made the right choices, if I walked the right path.

Is this the journey you hoped for me, father?