
Chapter 1: The Dream Of A Dreaming Dreamer

Recently, I've had a question that came to mind that absorbed me. Would you mind if I take a little time to share it with you?

"World peace." Is it possible to see such a thing in our world?

What is peace? In simple terms, it's freedom from disturbances and problems. It's when you feel the comfort in knowing that you have a roof over your head, food to eat, and loving family members and friends. Some men get rich and surround themselves with women and call that living a happy and peaceful life, whereas some settle down along with their significant other in the country surrounded by trees and skies. However, in a larger sense, peace is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and violence. True peace without hiding or isolating yourself from the chaotic world, without illusions blocking the idea of true peace, is that possible? The idea of all beings living together in harmony undoubtingly sounds pleasant. Just the thought of no conflicts and violence makes my heart feel warm, I could crack a giant smile. But again, is it possible for such a phenomenon to occur in our world?

Scholars came up with a solution to this, such as giving everyone access to justice, equal rights and opportunities, eliminating corruption and poverty, learning how to accept each other's differences, and more. So, theoretically, if one day, we all woke up and agreed to this, the world would be a much better place, and we can have peace.

But for how long?

That's the question that puzzled me. We can say that people can live in peace, but for how long? How long until man decides to tear down what humanity has built up for so long? We can say that people could live together in harmony. But, would they choose to? Would all of them be interested in the idea of "equality" and "acceptance?"

People disagree and disapprove of each other's differences, thinking their belief, culture, and way of life is superior. That's how conflicts tend to start, wouldn't you agree?

In the end, "world peace" remains nothing more than a dream, and John and I were nothing more than dreamers. But, even though "world peace" is only an illusion, we shouldn't accept conflicts, either.