
Wizard of Larion Kingdom

DaoistSNUHhG · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

The knock on Kang Minhyuk's door interrupts his moment of reflection. Wariness etches his features as he cautiously approaches and opens the door, revealing a distraught young girl. Tears cascade down her face, and her voice trembles as she imparts the troubling news that her parents have fallen victim to a group of marauding bandits plaguing the village.

Instantly recognizing the urgency of the situation, Kang Minhyuk's sense of duty kicks in. "Don't worry, we'll do everything we can to help. Now, tell me everything you know about these bandits—how many are there, and where did they take your parents?" he inquires, his voice a comforting reassurance.

Armed with the information provided, Kang Minhyuk retrieves his staff and prepares to assist the girl. "We won't let them harm your parents any further. Let's gather the villagers and devise a plan to rescue them," he declares, determination burning in his eyes.

Heading out with the young girl, Kang Minhyuk addresses the villagers, explaining the dire situation and rallying them for a rescue mission. As the group forms, he devises a strategic plan to catch the bandits off guard.

Guiding the villagers through the forest towards the bandit's hideout, Kang Minhyuk signals for the group to halt as they draw near. "Wait here. I'll scout ahead and assess the situation," he instructs, his tone hushed yet resolute.

With a wave of his hand, Kang Minhyuk invokes his magical abilities, rendering himself invisible. Moving silently through the underbrush, he approaches the bandit camp, his senses attuned to every detail. The rustling leaves and crackling twigs betray nothing of his presence as he endeavors to gather crucial intelligence before the rescue mission unfolds.

As Kang Minhyuk nears the camp, the uproarious laughter and boisterous chatter of the bandits pierce the air. Peering through the concealing foliage, he discerns the menacing figures of six armed bandits, their dangerous aura palpable. Swift decision-making becomes imperative, and Kang Minhyuk knows he must act quickly and discreetly to gain the upper hand.

Focusing his magical abilities, Kang Minhyuk conjures a small fireball in his hand, its flames dancing with an ominous glow. Calculating the perfect moment, he hurls the fireball at the heart of the bandit camp. The flames erupt, catching the bandits off guard, and chaos ensues as they scramble to extinguish the unexpected inferno.

Seizing the advantage presented by the disarray, Kang Minhyuk signals for the villagers to advance, their footsteps blending with the crackling flames. The group charges towards the camp, catching the bandits off guard.

Swift to recover, the bandits draw their weapons in readiness for a fight. Kang Minhyuk takes the lead, charging towards the nearest adversary with his staff raised high. A powerful blow lands as he swings his staff, leaving the bandit dazed and confused. Kang Minhyuk capitalizes on the moment, delivering another decisive strike that renders the bandit unconscious.

Engaging in combat, the other villagers showcase their skills as Kang Minhyuk moves to assist. Using his staff with precision, he deflects incoming blows and delivers powerful strikes to the bandits. The intensity of the fight rises, but under Kang Minhyuk's strategic leadership and the villagers' skill, they overpower the bandits.

As the dust settles and the bandits lie defeated, Kang Minhyuk takes a moment to assess the victory. The unity and collective strength of the villagers have prevailed, and he can't help but feel a surge of pride in their shared accomplishment.

As the last of the bandits falls to the ground, Kang Minhyuk takes a deep breath and surveys the scene. The villagers are safe, and the girl's parents have been rescued. Kang Minhyuk feels a sense of pride and relief wash over him. He knows that he was able to use his magic and leadership to protect the village and its people.

The villagers cheer and thank Kang Minhyuk for his bravery and selflessness. The young girl runs to her parents, hugging them tightly. Kang Minhyuk smiles at the heartwarming scene, grateful that he could be a catalyst for such reunions. "This is why I do what I do," he thinks to himself, cherishing the impact he has made in their lives.

As the group makes their way back to the village, Kang Minhyuk reflects on the day's events. He knows that even though he was able to defeat the bandits, there will always be new threats that arise. Thoughts of the high priest's warning linger in his mind, a constant reminder that vigilance is paramount.

He also recognizes the significance of his leadership and combat skills in safeguarding the village. "It's not just about defeating the immediate threat," he muses, "but about ensuring the ongoing safety of the community."

Returning to the village, Kang Minhyuk and the group are embraced with open arms by the rest of the community. They are hailed as heroes for their bravery in defeating the bandits and rescuing the young girl's parents. Kang Minhyuk is overwhelmed by the genuine gratitude of the villagers and, in that moment, feels an indescribable sense of pride in his abilities and the positive impact he can have on the lives of those he protects.