
Wizard Of Douluo Continent

Travel through the legend of the Dragon King and become the legend of the wizard. ......... If you like Tang Wulin, Tang San or Huo Yuhao than this novel is not for you. Heroine Gu Yuena ........... It is a translation from a novel by Serious Bard 斗罗世界的巫师 .................. Early access of 25 Chapter Translation:-patreon.com/Astridira

Astra_20 · Livres et littérature
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460 Chs

Tang Hao and Ah Yin doesn't dare to take action

The Abyss had always coveted the Douluo Star, and its invasions had grown more frequent and fierce since the God Realm vanished.

Tang Hao had no choice but to focus on healing his wounds, lest the Holy Lord of the Abyss discover his weakness and launch a full-scale attack. He did not want to expose his vulnerability to his enemy.

Ah Yin, meanwhile, stayed by his side, guarding him with her life. She was the only person he could trust completely in the entire Douluo Star. Unlike him, who had ignored the outside world while recovering, she had noticed everything.

She had seen the beam of light that had pierced the sky, but she had also sensed that it did not harm the Douluo Star. It only absorbed some space energy, nothing more. So she had let it be, for her priority was to protect her husband.

She knew it would be too risky for her to venture out alone. She was no match for the Holy Lord of the Abyss. If he found out about her, he would surely strike.

The beam of light lasted for about ten minutes, then dissipated. It had gathered enough space energy to fuse with the Dragon Valley space, strengthening its barrier. The space, which was already stable, became even more so. There was no longer any danger of being devoured by the space crack.

The Heart of the Dragon God had also merged with the Dragon Valley space, becoming its core. Along with it, there were plane fragments that Anping had stored in the Heart of the Dragon God. These fragments would give the Dragon Valley space the ability to grow.

As the Heart of the Dragon God changed, so did the space cracks around the Dragon Valley. They began to close up, but there was still a door that connected the two spaces. The Dragon Valley space also moved slightly towards the bell tower, but that was the only noticeable change.

The whole process was very fast. The most time-consuming part was to collect the space energy to reinforce the space barrier. The integration of the Heart of the Dragon God with the Dragon Valley space could happen simultaneously with the reinforcement.

When the process was over, Anping said, "Now, let's go in."

As soon as he said that, they all walked through the space door without hesitation. They had already agreed on this.

Once they entered the Dragon Valley space, they found it more stable than ever. Even Tang Hao and Ah Yin would have a hard time breaking through its barrier.

But the most important thing was that the rules of the Dragon Valley space would start to synchronize with the rules of the outside world. In this process, the people inside would be able to feel the rules more clearly, which would greatly enhance their cultivation.

Le Zhengyu and Xu Xiaoyan were the first to notice that their soul power and martial arts were unusable. They felt a surge of fear at their sudden weakness.

But soon, the rules began to change. They were invisible and intangible, but they were real. As the rules gradually synchronized, the people other than Anping and Gu Yuena felt them the most.

He could tell that he was slowly reconnecting with his soul power and martial spirit, and that this connection was deepening and strengthening.

As they entered the Dragon Valley, they also gained a deeper understanding of the attributes that suited them best. This was the main reason why Anping and the others had come.

While the changes in the internal space of the Dragon Valley were subtle and gradual, the changes outside were dramatic and sudden.

Just after they crossed the threshold, the elements outside became chaotic. The most noticeable change was the weather: one moment it was sunny, the next a fierce wind blew out of nowhere.

The wind was so powerful that it swept across the entire Star Luo Continent. Those who had not witnessed the light pillar earlier were confused and alarmed. Those who had seen it quickly made the connection.

The people of the Star Luo Empire who knew about the Dragon Valley space and the news of Anping and Gu Yuena felt a surge of fear in their hearts. They all suspected that this was their doing.

But the wind was only the beginning. Dark clouds soon followed, covering the sky and plunging the continent into darkness. Lightning flashed and thunder roared. Many people panicked, for this was not a natural phenomenon.

The members of the Tang Sect were also terrified, especially when they learned that the whole continent was affected.

They had initially thought that this might have something to do with Anping and Gu Yuena, but now they doubted it. Such a massive change in the sky was beyond the ability of any soul master. Only the legendary gods could accomplish such a feat.

And as the clouds and lightning appeared, everyone felt a heavy pressure in their hearts, as if something ominous was approaching.

Their guess was right. The changes in the sky were not caused by Anping's manipulation. They were caused by the Will of the Universe.

As the will of the Universe descended, everyone on the Star Luo Continent felt oppressed. But it was Ah Yin, the core of life, who sensed it first. She had been watching the light pillar before, and now she felt a chill of dread.

She knew that her husband Tang Hao had been injured by this kind of force. Likewise, Tang Hao, who was healing his wounds, opened his eyes. This was not a good time for him to recover.

They had learned their lesson. This time, neither Tang Hao nor Ah Yin dared to challenge this power. It was too overwhelming for them to handle.

They thought of Tang San, wondering if he could test the source of this power. After all, they believed that he was one of the strongest beings in the universe, or at least close to it.

As the Will of the Universe arrived, the wind grew even stronger. It was bearable in other places, but not near the entrance of the Dragon Valley. The members of the Tang Sect who were still stationed there were doomed.

They were lifted up by the wind, then thrown into the elemental turbulence, and finally ripped apart.


Advanced 30 chapter:
