
Wizard King in Grail Wars and Beyond

Guy unfotunately dies but he get's lucky! For once in his life He get's reincarnated by B.O.R.B and also gains abilities of Julius Novachrono from Black Clover! Read his story and how he goes around and trying to win Grail Wars! I don't own Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night, FGO and all Nasuverse series. Cross Posted on Webnovel! I don't own Black Clover! I don't own Cover! Expect violence and curses!

MegaDanijel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: 15 Servants?!

John's POV or rather Julius POV

'Fascinating, truly fascinating.' I though as I observed fight between Saber and Lancer. I had decided to abandon my old name, it has nothing of worth to me, not even good memories.

I have been transmigrated into new life, it's time to move forward.

'But he soon should appear.' I though, second later, explosion happened near Saber and Lancer. It was the one and only, Rider and King of Conqueror.

'And here comes his talk.' I though, immediately hearing his introduction, but I shifted my attention to another person.

The person that's on another building, few buildings away. It's girl, around 16-17years old from her appearance, has blue eyes and blonde hair. This girl looks identical to Jeanne d'Ark from Fate Apocrypha. Just without her armor and Flag.

'I had re-watched Fate/Zero 2 years ago, that was the last time, but I still remember some of the much needed informations, such as who is container of lesser Grail.' I though as I shifted my attention from Ruler to Irisviel. 'I don't necessarily have to win this war to get my "wish", in Fate Apocrypha, Shirou, previous Ruler of Third Grail War managed to get his wish while both factions are alive, what Grail needs is Energy from servants that are summoned to get enough energy to be able to grant wishes. Meaning that while Magical Energy was used to summon servants is small in comparison of what Mana will servant have from their parameters after being summoned.

'But seriously, does he not have even zero-shame? With memories of my supposed "backstory" I ruled my own kingdom. Well I suppose, not every King was buddy with Gods like I was, nor every King was powerful as I was.' I though jokingly.

"Heroic Spirits, born again through the Holy Grail, gather here and now! Those too craven to show themselves will draw scorn of Iskandar, King of Conquerors!" Shouted Rider, with voice full of confidence.

"He is really, moron." I murmured to myself as I felt Prana of Demi-God appearing...

'Soon.' I though, as particles of light appeared near Street Light, materializing into golden-haired red-eyed individual with golden armor.


WARNING!!! I have slight problems in translations about Magical Energy,

Mana: Is Magical Energy that exist everywhere around environment. Can be absorbed for spells.

Od: Magical Energy that's found inside living beings: Human's, Animals etc. Produced by Magic Circuits.

Prana: The term for Magical Energy, and in some translations this should be fusion of Mana and Od, when casting designed spell. If someone could give better explanation for this term I'll hear it.


"So two mongrels dare to proclaim themselves as Kings, in my presence?" Asked Gilgamesh, no one in particularly. At his words, Rider turned around to respond.

"It's not a lie, i'm King of-" Last part went un-said. As something interesting appeared.

It's hole in space and time. It's more Time oriented hole rather than space, as it's literally Time-Reversion of location where caster was before, thus sending caster at location that caster marked. But they don't know that.

It's blue hole. It opened just one meter above the ground and meters away from Rider and other servant.

Through that same hole, one person stepped.

"Hmm, what interesting bunch of people at one location I must say." I commented as I stepped from my "Grand Entrance". While still keeping "smile" on my face, it's one similar to Lucius own. Well, first impressions are important.

I see their reactions. Saber immediately run in front of Irisviel to "protect" her while Lancer readied himself for any future confrontation. I don't blame them, not every Caster is overpowered as I'am and not every Caster would show themselves so easily in front of their enemy.

"Caster ha.. Then let me give you same invitation that I gave to Saber and Lancer,

Hmm, I ignored his proposal before looking at Waver, who, un-predictable got scared, and Rider decided to act as defender by putting his right arm in front of waver in defence.

"Do you see his parameters?" Asked Rider, while still keeping eye on everyone here. Mostly on Caster and Archer. From his perspective.

"H-H-his parameters a-are cra-azy for Caster!" Yelled Waver, like coward that he is, he hurled back into chariot.

"What are they?" Re-affirmed Rider, not moving his gaze from Caster. 'My instincts are going awry at his whole presence, what skills does this man possess?'

"Strength: B. Endurance: B, A-Agility is A++, M-Mana; EX!" At Waver's words, quite many people are in shock, excluding Gilgamesh. For one, Caster Class is known to be weak in physical and endurance aspects. And even for Caster to have such high Agility and Mana is insane. A+ rank for Mana already puts Caster at high-ranking if not most dangerous servant in whole war. Caster is strong in traps, magecraft, and many more similar stats. For Caster to have such high parameters in strength and endurance there are only two explanations:

But Caster with such parameters, could even fight in close-up battle.

One, Caster potentially has another Class, probably in three Knight classes.

Caster with EX mana, is almost like Bomb to be unleashed. This is almost painting Caster as most dangerous servant in this war.

While this revelation did shock everyone, not everyone showed shocked expression or was surprised.

Kiritsugu was shocked, but he is already preparing for possible scaniors.

Servants are either ready to retreat(Saber)

Or Fight (Lancer and Rider)

But out of everyone here, Gilgamesh laughed...

"Hahahahaha! Somebody in this era was mad enough to summon you?!" He laughed even more, "What mongrel was stupid enough to summon Time Devil?!" Now, the only reason, why Gilgamesh has knowledge about Wizard King is because of his Clairvoyance.

Quite of them are confused about Gilgamesh's words but, next moment, they were not important.


AUTHOR NOTE: I decided to add-up in my already made Backstory for my MC. He still has same backstory mentioned in Chapter 1 BIO. But also I added new title. MC was Human as mentioned before, who was ally of Twelve Machine Gods and was respected and sometime's misunderstood as God. New title is Time Devil, Astaroth(Name given to him by Gods, as sign of respect, it also could be counted as his God-like Name. I might create full chapter oriented about backstory on how one character talks about it, so you readers would have entire knowledge of it, i'm making it vague-little bit. And I know, original Julius is NOT Astaroth, Nor is Lucius, they both are host to Astaroth.



Another Servant appeared, from black circle.

As you have guessed, this is Lancelot, clad in his black-knight armor and mad enchantment.

"ROAR!" The Berserker unleashed roar, pure of rage and agony. All servants shifted their attention to newcomer.

At this moment.

"Can you see his parameters, kid?" Asked Rider, Waver just spat no after no. " What do you mean? Is that thing even servant?"

"That thing is definitely servant!" Replied Waver, as he hid behind Rider.

Just as is took one stop, another person appeared. Can you guess who is it?

It's girl, who jumped from containers after appearing there.

"Servants, wait!" Screamed that girl, before transforming her clothes into armor. And Spear-like Flag appeared in her right hand.

Her presence is pretty obvious to servants. She is also servant. But quite many of them are confused. Some of them are thinking if she was Lancer.

"Thank you for your attention! I'm Jeanne d'arc, the Ruler in this Great Holy Grail War. I'm one of many classes outside of classic seven. Like Avenger." As Jeanne said last part she looked at Saber and then Irisviel who understood immediately. But before Jeanne could continue her explanation, she is interrupted by lancer.

"Are you participant in this war for grail?" Asked Lancer grimly, as he readied himself, by bringing both of his spear, pointing Gae Dearg at Saber and Gae Buidhe at Jeanne.

"No. I'm Class-servant that is summoned when 14 servants are summoned for Grail War." Explained Jeanne, the last part confused quite many of them before Gilgamesh interjected with his "godly" intelligence.

"Mongrels! It means that in this Grail War two teams are participating."

"Just as King of Heroes exclaimed, we are Red-Team. We are allies, Black-Team is enemy, difference between our teams are colors of Command seals. Red has red colored while Black-team has black colored." I explained further to them, before glancing at Irisviel's hand. Saber noticed it, as she have taken more defensive position, do mind you, she is still cursed by Gae Buidhe.

"But wait, why did Grail summon another 7 servants? This should have been only 7 servants war?" Asked Irisviel, confused. Who can blame her, it's not everyday occurrence.

"That's because of Casters presence in this war." As Ruler continued her explanation, almost everyone batted eye at Caster, who still has that same creepy smile on his face(from their view.) "If any other Caster had been summoned, with several exception, grail wouldn't have created two teams. But i'm not here to explain reason for that, i'm here to warn you that "TRUE" war will begin in two days. You are team, you have to act together against Black-Team. And as Ruler, my job is to stop any-of you with interfering with people out of this worry, which means I cannot let you break rules." As she said this, she turned around before disappearing.

Rider had taken this moment to laugh nervously before speaking. "At least we would all work together!"

Chapter Word Count 1550