
the proposal

The park was unusually quiet that day.

Usually, it’s crowded with at least 10 to 20 people roaming around like cows grazing around a pasture.

Alexia wondered why he pleaded to come here.

'maybe this is another publicity stunt?' she wondered.

She looked around for cameras but none were found.

‘What the hell…’

She’s a fan of surprises, but not likely when it comes to scaring her to death, especially with her mental issues it's not the best idea to scare the sanity out of a person.

It was so quiet you could hear the faint whispers of the wind.

She noticed how beautiful the place was without any people.

It was almost half-past noon and no one had come here to sit in the grass and enjoy the bright, sunny day.

‘What is going on here?’

‘What have you done this time, Waylen?’ she sighed when she realized it was her boyfriend’s doing.

He’s what they call, a master of surprises.

He always knew how to make her day better, it’s one of his many talents.

One time he surprised her with tickets to Hawaii after she stared at a picture in an article about that land.

she got a text message from her friend Rita about her sudden leaving but she ignored it.

she then noticed someone from a distance and ran to him.

He stared down at his watch. The man in the expensive black suit had been waiting for her for about half an hour.

‘Ah, you finally came.’ he sighed.

‘Well, it’s a long walk from here.’

‘I could’ve sent you my car.’

He had emerald green eyes and hazel brown hair.

He was quite tall, but not Lebron James tall. He wasn’t that well-built, but he had a perfect jawline and he was perfectly healthy.

‘Well, I’m here now.’

She sensed he had something special for her in-store as he left his work and personally invited her to come here.

He usually complains about having a tedious schedule.

he bathes in luxury, but he worked hard to get there, so she appreciates all the things he does for her.

‘Hey honey, surprise me.’ she grinned.

But looking back at that day, she would’ve wished he wouldn’t have surprised her at all.

Maybe it could’ve saved a few lives.

They took a quick stroll in the park.

There was no need for words at that moment, he was hers and she was his.

She noticed how the park was quiet and harmonious, just as she wished it would be every single day.

Her work life was a catastrophe, just like her personal life.

The only achievable thing she has done in her entire life was meeting Waylen.

He’s a sweet ray of sunshine. She loved him so much.

'beautiful, isn't it?'

‘So you know why we are here darling?’ he asked sweetly.

‘No, but I certainly know it’s a surprise.’ she clapped.

She can certainly wait for a sweet surprise.

He paused for a few seconds again.

Then they kept on walking again.

Then a cotton candy store caught her eye.

He signaled something to the man and came back with one stick of cotton candy.

‘Here, you want some cotton candy?’ he smiled.

She nodded confused. But she likes cotton candy so she didn’t care.

She noticed how the vendor was the only person here other than them and how he gave away the candy for free without asking for any money.

She was afraid it was bad news. Like he was going to break up with her or something like that.

‘Honey, is everything okay?’ she asked, concerned.

She’s not the one who waits for things to happen. She makes it happen, as quickly as possible.

‘Be patient dear, I told you, it’s a nice surprise.’ he smiled again.

His smile was as radiant as the sun. She never felt safer and happier.

She was glad to be with him.

To be honest, he was quite a surprise for her. He was acting quite strange, a bit tipsy.

Maybe he had a glass or two before going to work.

Or maybe he’s just waiting for the right moment to pop.

Whatever it was, she was getting impatient.

‘I thought you had work.’ she said sternly.

He was always in a hurry making her wonder why he was so calm and composed today.

‘I took a day off to spend it with you.’

‘Okay, why this park?’

‘Well, because this is the place I asked you to be my girlfriend.’

She remembered. That was a memorable moment indeed.

Even though he worried that his wife may lose control one day, he liked her sense of responsibility.

‘So let’s have a picnic. Just you and me.’ he smiled lightly.

She smiled back.

His bodyguards were nowhere to be found.

He suddenly took her to a spot under a tree beside the river, where all the preparations were made already.

There was a big, wooden basket on a well-spread red picnic cloth.

‘Wow.’ she gasped.

‘Isn’t it amazing?’

They ate to their fullest and began talking about things like animals, comics, and books.

They even played volleyball.

3 hours passed, and it was 5 o’clock.

She had the best time of her life with him and was very happy that he called.

‘Hey Waylen, thanks for the surprise.’ She kissed him on his cheek.

‘Alexia this is not a surprise.’

‘Then, what IS the surprise?’

He grinned.

He slowly stood up and brushed off the dirt.

He suddenly knelt to the ground with his left knee on the ground, as proper men would.

‘Alexia, you have made me the happiest man on earth, so will you marry me? I will promise to keep you happy!’ he blurted.

He gulped. This was not the kind of proposal he was expecting.

In fact, he had a completely different scenario in mind.

Something more, romantic and intuitive.

He was worried she would get mad and leave, but she gaped and shouted yes! As loud as her passive voice can.

‘ Oh my god Waylen, I-can’t believe this was a surprise. I’d never thought that this day would come and-’

She paused to inhale for a moment.

‘Yes. Well, I’ve been trying to propose to you for a month now, just waiting for the right moment.’

It was in fact, a lie. He needed to marry her right now, before any more problems would arise.

He slid the bright diamond ring on her ring finger, as she squealed in joy!