
Within the forest

Silva has a secret world of her own, a place where she can be everything she wants to be. In this world she sings her heart away but little did she know that there was a gate in that place that might change her life forever. She met a stray cat named Midnight but she eventually knew that he was a prince in a parallel dimension and Midnight was known as Prince Amadeus. The heir to the throne and Amadeus intends to make Silva her bride but they face several challenges and conflicts along the way. Will their love ever last? Or will their paths just cross and eventually they will be separated by fate?

Zammys · Sports, voyage et activités
Pas assez d’évaluations
14 Chs

Chapter 4

As we were walking towards the dining room, my heart was already pounding and it was beating very fast. This was my first time meeting a queen and it was very nerve-wracking and what made my nervousness kick in even more was the fact that Amadeus was introducing me to his mother as his girlfriend!

My heart was racing but we finally arrived at the dining table. The queen was already waiting for us, she was beautiful. She looked a lot like Amadeus but the difference is her aura is very serious.

Amadeus is very easy to get along with and shes the opposite.

"Good evening mother, meet my girlfriend miss Pennantia. You may call her Silva or Sil" oh my gosh, I'm nervous, he actually introduced me as his girlfriend.

The queen just looked at me and said nothing. We just sat at the table and started eating. When we were eating I was confused because there lots of spoons in different sizes and I didn't know which one to choose. I just picked the biggest one and hoped it was the right one.

As I was eating, I noticed that the queen just looked at me and chuckled. I LITERALLY PANICKED! I did something wrong no doubt about that.

After some time we were finally done eating our supper. The queen finally spoke.

"Uneducated woman you have there son? She doesn't even know the correct spoon to choose when eating. You chose that type of woman with no proper eating etiquettes? I'm disappointed!"

I was flabbergasted! Well I'm sorry if couldn't choose the correct spoon?! Its all the same anyways, its still a spoon in just different sizes!

"Mom don't call my girlfriend uneducated! Its very disrespectful of you to say that!" Amadeus raised his voice in an angry tone.

"Well the prince talks back to the queen because he is defending a person with no basic etiquettes. How delightful?" she smiled sarcastically and looked at me.

"Tell me son? Are you making her your fake girlfriend because I arranged your marriage to the princess of the Kingdom in the East?" she chuckled.

"No mom I love her" Amadeus defended.

"Then prove it son" the queen provoked Amadeus.

Amadeus suddenly stood up and grabbed me by the arm. We both stood up in the middle of the room and he suddenly whispered,

"I'm sorry I'll explain things later"

His lips slowly approached mine and he kissed me with his soft red lips. I was mind blown! THAT WAS MY FIRST KISS!!! NOOO!!!!!

He pulled away from my face and said to the queen "Is that enough to prove it?"

He walked away grabbing me by the arm and we went to the garden. We stood where we had to, to get back to my world. Then again a flash of light came out of nowhere and I was back in my secret place.

Amadeus didn't say anything and we sat down in the grass when I finally got the courage to speak up first. "So you were engaged to a princess?"

"Yes and I didn't want to get married to a stranger haha! I'd rather get married to a woman who saved me from starvation and hugged me when she was was sobbing all night long"

"Oh you should've just told me to be your fake girlfriend I'm sure I could pull that off" I offered to him.

"Thanks haha" we just laughed and talked for a bit. then I suddenly remembered that I ran away from home yesterday so I checked the time on my phone and it was 8:30 am. Oh crap mom's gonna kill me!

"Amadeus I gotta go, mom is gonna worry about me just go back to your world and never come back here okay?"

"No! I'm coming with you!" he suddenly changed back into Midnight.

"No Amadeus I mean Midnight ARGH!" Fine fine I'll just take him.

"Okay fine hop in the basket" he just hopped in the basket and I pedalled to my house as fast as I can and take note. I WAS STILL WEARING THE DRESS I WAS WEARING WHEN I HAD SUPPER WITH THE QUEEN.

So I just looked like this mentally crazy person who's going around town riding a bike in a dress with a cat in her basket.

When I finally arrived at home I ran as fast as I can to my room and changed into my home clothes. Mom was still taking a bath so she didn't see me.

After changing into my comfortable clothes I grabbed Midnight and took him into my room.

"Midnight you can change back into Amadeus" and Midnight turns into Amadeus.

"Ah finally I can stretch my back properly, its been a bumpy ride"

I just laughed at him and we were joking around for a while until my mother called me.

"Sil? Are you here already here? Can you come down?"

I whispered to Amadeus "Change back to your cat form and be quiet and don't look at my stuff"

As Amadeus changes back into Midnight, I quietly leave the room and head downstairs too talk to my mother.

I sat down at the dining table with her and talked.

"Sweetie I'm sorry about yesterday. It was my mistake, I shouldn't have suddenly brought up about my boyfriend suddenly living with us and I understand why you don't want Charles to be here. I'm also sorry for the actions that I did yesterday. It was very stupid of me to do that."

"Its okay mom, I'm also sorry for the things that I have said yesterday. I know you want to include Charles in my life since dad passed away. My words also hurt you yesterday I'm sorry" I just hugged my mom and we both shed tears that day.

Me and my mom made up and that was enough for me. This day was still a bit crazy though. I finally head back up in my room to see that Midnight was quietly sleeping in my bed.

Sometimes I still wonder if this is a dream or not.