
Within DxD, as Set sitri

A man died, as he tried to save his twin brother, and a little girl who he doesn’t know, from that flaming hell place. But when he opened his eyes, at first the man thought he is in the void, only to later on to discover, the darkness wasn’t the void, but in fact in the stomach of his new mother, along with someone else. If that wasn’t shocking enough, to be reborn as an unborn baby. Once he left his new mother’s stomach, not only he discovered he also a twin in this new life as well. But he is also a Devil!? What kind of crime he did in his first life, to not be sent to hell! But to be part of it!? And to make matters more confusing… why his is Demonic Power reserves monstrously high, even greater than any recorded High-Class Devil? Not only that, but his physical body also evolving stronger. And his ability as a Sitri, the ability to weld Water, he doesn’t need to train it, he just knows instinctive level, how to weld it… and how to even switch between Water and Ice? Why the *beep* is going on!? - This is a fanfic of a man who never got the chance to read or watch anime, has no clue he is reborn as the twin younger brother of Sona Sitri, and younger brother of Serafall Levithan, in the world of Highschool DxD. And what more, the man who now known as Set Sitri, the youngest child of the House of Sitri, has no clue all of this happening due to his twin brother of his past life. He has no clue his twin brother has died, and met ROB, who used two of his three wishes on his own brother. This is story about an overpowered Devil, who trying to fit in this strange world. - - - - - - I don’t own DxD, nor do I owned the events besides the original events I had written, that are outside the canon events. I only own my MC, and those original events, and Original Characters that are in the fanfic. Only ‘one’ OC will be in the harem of MC. (You will understand why I did this, when you find her) Warning: This Fanfic contain sexual content, known as lemons, I believed or smut chapters. Look for (+18) in the chapter title, will tell you they are +18 chapters. Meaning don’t read them if you under 18, and especially don’t read them around your parents.

AnimeDamon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Ch.3: Kidnappers?

'What is this??'

That was Set Sitri first thought, as he blinks his violet purple eyes, and looked at the white room he is in.

With a blank face, Set noticed besides him, there some baby toys, but he not interested in them, instead he is more interested in the camera pointing at him.

And to make things even stranger, there is a stranger of a man, who is both nodding his head, and looking at Set in this room as well.

"I see, interesting… not only your Demonic Power increasing at a monstrous rate. But your body also evolving to match the increased of Demonic Power, you really are unique, Set-Kun."

Went the man with green hair, and blue eyes, as he took out some kind of tablet and wrote something on it.

Set just looked at the man, who looked like in his mid-20s, and handsome, like one expect from Devils. But Set also can feel his magical energy feels somewhat different compared to other Devils. It feels the same, but at the same time, it feels like data?

'Why the fuck, will I know that? And where is that strange dressed kidnapper? Where Sona? I swear, if I ever make it out of here, you and that bitch will be the first one, I will cast Magic on.' Set thought, as he looked at his new kidnapper.

One thing he knew for sure, he going to become part in some inhuman, or in this case, in-devil experiment. That is why he swears an oath, if he were to make it out of whatever in-devil bullshit they will do to him alive.

He going to drowned their asses. But first thing first, he needs to make sure his twin sister is safe.

'It hard to move with this body, going on all fours, is the only way. But getting out of this crib is easy said than done… damned, why I have to be reborn as a baby!?'

While Set has his early life crisis. He soon snap out of it, when he could sense two more people coming in this room.

Set turned his gaze towards the newcomer, the first one, was his main kidnapper, the girl in that strange dress, with that twintail hairstyle.

But the second person was the one, that made Set shocked to his core, when he saw the beautiful young looking woman, aka his mother, Zlata Sitri behind the girl.

'They got her too!? I swear… I am going to rip you part limb by limb when I can move this fucking body properly…'

Set thought, seeing his new mother in this life standing behind his main kidnapper. As his main kidnapper, and his mother went to him. Set didn't look at his kidnapper, but his mother, who smiled and show a gentle smile. That seems to wipe away his uneasy heart.

He doesn't know if he accepted her as his new mother. Or it is his instincts as a baby. But Set felt calmer as his mother looked at him this way. 

"Set, how are you my little darling?" Zlata went, while Set smiled and did a baby sound, when he tried to say, 'I am fine, until I ripped them apart'. But shamedly enough, none of them speak baby language, even if they can learn any language known to man and monster.

But Devils always failed to understand babies no matter the race. Which is why Zlata laughed.

"How cute~ Se-Tan!" Went his teenager looking kidnapper who hopped around like a bunny, before she came closer. Oh so he wished could wipe that smile off her face.

"Hmm, does Se-Tan hate me!?" The strange teenager went, after seeing the deadpan look on the baby, that is different to one he shown their mother.

While the green haired man looked amused, and wrote something down in his tablet, as he looked at Set with some thoughts, or least that how his expression telling everyone here. But only Set saw this.

"Don't scary your little brother, Serafall." The moment Zlata said that. Set looked shocked and turned his gaze towards his main kidnapper.

'What did she say… your little brother, as in me? This strange looking girl is my sister… wait. Now I think about it, both mom and she looked a lot alike, to the point they seem more like sisters… wait mother and daughter… how old mother is again!?'

Set who has no clue, how long lifespans that a Devil like he has. Has no clue, this is completely normal among Devils, for mothers and sons, or fathers and sons to look at similar age when they matured enough.

Like it was once mentioned before, there never been a Devil that looks like in his 50s, and those in their late 30s appearance wise, are rare among the Devil race.

But a shame, for the baby Devil doesn't even knew this. Became shocked to his core, with a blank look on his face.

"So, how is my son? Is he in danger, Ajuka?" Zlata asked this, while Set slapped out of his confuse zealous state, and listen what she meant he in danger.

"As you knew, there was an experiment done by the Original Satans clans back in the Great War." Went the green haired man, or Ajuka his name seems to be.

'Great what?' Set went to himself, not understanding any of this.

"Yeah, it was a well-known matter, we Sitri was lucky, but they ordered, many Low-Class Devils, Middle-Class, and even High-Class Devils to send their child to them. And the result… none of them survive…" Zlata went with a sad look, while twintail sister of his, has a look of disgust on her face.

"Like you knew, the experiments ended as a failure. As the body of a baby Devil cannot handle that much Demonic Power in their undeveloped body. But Set-Kun here, is different… not only his Demonic Power is rising by 2.28 DPU per day, which is higher than compared to the normal DPU of 0.08 that normal High-Class Devils at their age, would have.

However, even if his Demonic Power is increasing at the rate of 28.5 times faster than others of his age. However, not only his Demonic Power increasing at a monstrous rate, but even his body is evolving to handle the Demonic Power inside his body.

Because of that, his body could handle the pressure of his Demonic Power, with his evolving body. Meaning he is completely safe, so don't worry about his Demonic Power harming him."

When Ajuka said that, both Zlata and Serafall looked somewhat confused, but still sighed with relief hearing his body is fine. While Set who in his mother's arms now. Looked uninterested on his face, but deep down, he has no clue what these adults going on about.

'Basically my Demonic Power, or whatever that is, is very higher, which is why I am here? Is this greenie a doctor?' Set went, trying to examine his situation, while his black hair is being stroke by his mother, who is being stared with envied looks of the strange looking sister he just found out, or actually remembered.

"What is DPU?" Serafall asked.

"Yeah, I never heard such a term before…" Zlata also asked, as the person who called Ajuka claps his hands together, as if he forgot something.

"Of course, you wouldn't. I mean I normally used the DPU Device to check the reading of Demonic Power into units. Which is why DPU stands for Demonic Power Units. Each Devil has specific amount of Demonic Power inside us, normally we Devils can tell by instincts if that Devil has the reserves of a High-Class or a Middle-Class, but we don't know the exact amount. DPU is used to measure that exact amount, and this device is used to measure how much DPU is inside Devils, or artefacts with Demonic Power inside them."

Ajuka explained, as he brought out a phone like looking device.

"Normal Low-Class Devil has 150 DPU, Middle-Class at normal is at 600 DPU, and High-Class is 5,000 DPU. And before you asked, this DPU Device only can record up to 1,000,000 DPU, which is the exact amount that most Satans has. And 100,000 DPU is the normal standard for Ultimate-Class Devils. Or course, some even have over 10,000. Which is just over the limits of a High-Class Devil."

Ajuka went, as he shows them a number of 68.4 DPU at the girls.

"This is the amount that Set-Kun has now, this shows his Demonic Power reserves are at below the normal 150 DPU for Low-Class." When Ajuka shows this, both Serafall and Zlata looked confused, because the amount of Demonic Power they felt from Set at that time, was not at the normal level of a Low-Class Devil.

Which is why Zlata rechecked Set whose in her arms, the amount of Demonic Power really is. And her eyes widen seeing it is less compared to before.

"It less… why is his Demonic Power lower?" Zlata asked the man before her.

"Simple, I think your son, has another bloodline ability, besides the Sitri Water ability." When Ajuka said that with a smile, his eyes didn't miss the confused looked at Set's face, as he is at a lost what everyone is on about.

'Not only his Demonic Power, and body are evolving… even his mind as well? It almost like he can understand us? Interesting, more I look into this little monster, more interesting he gets. But… this also will complicate things.'

Ajuka, who is a Satan, as well one of the two Super Devils. Knew what kind of existence that Set will become. He hasn't told Lady Sitri what he truly found yet. And that is, the discovery how powerful his Demonic Power would become, when he turned 18 years old.

The rate of 2.28 DPU per day, will bring young Set to High-Class Demonic Power the moment he turned 6 years old.

But the thing is… before you turned 6 years old, the amount of High-Class Devil children get on average, is 0.08 DPU per day.

However the moment they turned 6 years old, and fully formed their reserves at Low-Class. The amount of DPU their Demonic Power will increased from 0.08 to 0.21 DPU per day until they turned 12 years old, and it will be 2.01 DPU per day until they reached 18, becoming a full-fledged High-Class Devil in terms of Demonic Power reserves.

But what will Set's DPU be at the age of 6 years old? Will they keep the same at 2.28 DPU, or will they like other Devils, increased to another crazy number?

And if Ajuka is right about his calculations based on the three stages of DPU he will get per day, from now, to 6 and at 12.

There is an 88.3% chance Set might be the first Devil to naturally formed Demonic Power at Satan-Class… or 11.7%, he will enter the evolution of Super-Class, becoming a natural formed Super Devil, unlike him and Sirzechs. Who became Super Devils through hard work, unlike the boy who has a chance to become a Super Devil, without even trying.

And Ajuka believes this strongly based one thing… his body is evolving, not only his body gathering crazy number of Demonic Power formed inside his reserves. His body's strength also increasing at a monstrous rate.

'Sometimes, they are High-Class Devils, who don't awaken a bloodline ability, or born with low Demonic Power, even if their bloodline is originally High-Class. But as defaults exists, there also mutations could exist in our race… it not common, but it does happen. Who to think a monster like Set here, to be born into our race?

But… his existence cannot be known yet. The other Factions will do anything to stop another potential Satan-Class, never mind a Super Devil.

The Old Satan Faction will try to destroy him or take him as their own. And the nobles… on one hand, they will be glad, for a new potential Satan or Super Devil to appear among our race.

However, on their other hand, they will reject Set to become the next head of the House of Sitri. In fear, he might try to control the noble factions, not to mention, each house will offer their daughters or clan female members to Set in marriage, or to become his lover…'

Ajuka still remembers the times, when the nobles trying to offer him, or his best friend, Sirzechs, their daughters or family to them. 

To the Devil Race, the most important thing is their bloodline, and not letting it dropped to the realms of Middle-Class. Which is why arrange marriages between the 32 Pillar clans are fairly common, heck some even from the Extra Demon Clans are the same.

Only difference between the 32 clans from the remaining 72 Pillars of Hell, and the Extra Demon Clans, the Pillars are heavily involved with the politics of their race, while the Extra Demons, besides few, stay away from politics of their race

Because of the high specs the Super Devils has, both he and Sirzechs often get offers of marriages, or to become their lovers. Honestly, Ajuka has no interest in taking a lover, he is a creator by heart, and have very little interest in such matters.

Sirzechs Lucifer, that man is madly in love with his wife, Grayfia Lucifuge. Even if his wife wouldn't mind personally sharing him. But that man is obsessed with his wife. He wonders if he will change, once his unborn child will be born.

From what his best friend told him. He is having a daughter, which also seems to be the same sex, of his sister who will be born shortly as well.

'Now I think about it… Bael, Phenex, Sitri, Gremory, Agares… and few more of the Pillars, is it by chance for many children from the Devil Pillars to be born around the same era?'

Ajuka knew how hard it is, for Devils to give birth. Especially the High-Class ones. But for some reason, they are many Devils being born, that will be around the same age. Set and Sona are among them. His best friend's unborn child, as well his unborn sister also among them.

The House of Bael, and the leader of the noble faction. Also has two sons born not long ago. Phenex also has a son same age as those boys from Bael.

'Could be by chance. Or is fate playing something at hands… especially with a monster, like Set-Kun being born.'

Finishing thinking of such things. Ajuka turned his gaze to one of his close friends, Serafall, who also trying to hug her little brother, but Set seems to be wary of her, or not interested? Smile formed on his lips, before Ajuka turned to the mother and daughter pair, along with the topic of all of this trouble.

"He is fine to go home… but before he goes. I think I need to explain about his unique situation." Ajuka simply went, as both mother and daughter show shocked expression on their faces, before Serafall turned serious hearing this.

And like that, Ajuka also told them to bring Lord Sitri, as he too need to know about his son's situation.

Sorry for any grammar done in this chapter, as you all knew, grammar and me don't get along.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and remember to add this to your library.

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That's all.

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