
with the lights on

Cocked by my hot bodyguard because my husband is too busy and too small to satisfy me. The fact that its a dangerous game makes it even me fun.

sexpun · Urbain
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9 Chs

chapter 3

Don did keep his word. And we were getting rid of each other's clothes one by one until we were both naked.

Knowing Don had trouble sometimes of getting hard, i decided to help him by giving him a blowjob.

He wasn't hard when i started and i kept sucking him waiting for it to get hard.

Three minutes minutes later i was getting frustrated when only half of it was hard.

He wasn't fully erect like that. What I'm i suppose to do to get this soldier to stand at attention?

"Come, we'll start and it will get hard on the way."

I nodded as i laid in bed.

He got on top of me as I parted my legs.

I put my hands around his neck waiting.

I looked at the ceiling in anticipation.

I knew he wasn't a big man but i knew i should at least feel something.

He slowly started moving inside me.

I did feel something, like i was being fingered. With one finger.

At first, I moaned a little but i went quiet when i stopped feeling anything.

"I'm sorry honey. I can't get an erection right now. I have alot in my head maybe that's why."

"Okay." I said still looking at the ceiling. I don't know why, but I felt like I wanted to cry.

How long was i going to do this? I had asked him if he had an erection problem and we could go to the doctor to figure out what was wrong, but he said no he was fine, he just was stressed out at work. And that it will get better with time, when he had less work. But its only getting worse.

"Honey, don't cry. Please... " he said with a soft voice as he kissed me.

"Don are you cheating on me?"

"What baby, no... I would never do that to you."

"Then why don't i give you an erection anymore? Why are you never with me? Why do you never home?"

I started crying. He put his forehead on mine and held my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry my love. You know my job is very demanding. I had to physically be there to make sure everything goes well. Even at our other airports. I'm sorry I have not been home as much as i should be."

"I understand running an airport isn't easy, but i feel abandoned."

"Don't say that my love, please. I will never abandon you ever. I'm so sorry i made you feel that way."

"I don't want you keep saying you're sorry. I want you to be here with me. I have needs Don and you never fulfill them. If we need to go to a doctor..."

"No no.. There is no need for that i told you. Soon it will all be fine again."

"But then, we can't even have children right now because its like you haven't settled down yet."

"I have settled down, with my Elissa. And.... From today I'll be here with you as much as possible."

"You promise?"

"I promise my love."

"I'll make it all better, Okay?"

He got in between my legs. He started sucking my clit slowly.

I kept my hand on his head  as i felt his tongue flicking me.

Even though it was slow and gentle, it did feel good and at least my husband made me come.

I felt a little better. This was a start.