
With Sukuna in Naruto

This is dropped. However, I'm currently working on “As Mahito in Naruto” The reason I dropped it is that I didn't want to commit to a story, and I kind of imaginarily wrote myself into a hole. Kinda hard to put on paper

Korohh_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Death and reincarnation

In a garage somewhere in the city a white truck was sitting there seemingly unoccupied and silent until a voice came over the radio.

Bored OP God Guy: "Truck-Kun I have a job for you."

The empty silent truck suddenly starts and the lights come on.

Truck-Kun: "What do you need this time boss?"

Bored OP God Guy: "I need 2 souls for the reincarnation wheel"

Truck-Kun: "Finally I knew it was a great idea"

Bored OP God Guy: "Tell that to the guy who got reincarnated a a girl in a male ruled empire with a slave system"

Truck-Kun: "You're the one who put it on the wheel!"

Bored OP God Guy: "Whatever just send me 2 souls that won't become a slave or get sorta strong build a harem of a ton of women and do absolutely nothing but have sex all day"

Truck-Kun nodded rapidly as he drove out of the garage looking for some helpless bystanders.

As Truck-Kun was driving along he suddenly saw 2 guys driving a old Jeep with the top off blaring Firework by Katy Perry while singing along. Thinking about how to send them to the after life he shifted his gaze up to see a road roller paving the top of a parking garage, Smirking he started to drive the the top of the garage.

—————————(Matt and Steve Pov)—————

(Don't worry names will change)




Hearing a loud noise both of them look up only to see a road roller seemingly being rode by a white truck. Realizing this was their last moments Steve and Matt put their arms around each other and did what anyone would do in this situation….


Truck-Kun: "ROAD ROLLER DA!!!"


People on the street were horrified of the imagine in front of them, a road roller with the from all covered in blood stood on top of a crushed Jeep as the white truck that pushed it off sped into the distance the explosions lighting up the night sky, all while the radio was still playing….


——————————(Matt POV)—————————-

Matt: "ughh"

Grunting and opening his eyes Matt looked at the room around him.

Matt: 'Am I dead?… More importantly did that truck..'

Bored OP God Guy: "Welcome my child and yes Truck-Kun has a… extravagant personality"

Matt stared blankly at the old guy in front of him he had white hair and a long beard with big blue eyes wearing a white robe, Matt's eyes suddenly widened.

Matt: "Did I die?"

Bored OP God Guy: "Yes in quite the fireworks show I might add"

Looking at the smirking old guy in front of him Matt suddenly came to a realization

Matt: "Did steve live?!"

Bored OP God Guy: "unfortunately not but don't worry as both of you get the chance to reincarnate into a fictional world with abilities"

Matt: "Are you for real? ARE YOU GOD?!"

Matt replied in a surprised loud voice while the old man seemed to have a smile that never left it's place.

Bored OP God Guy: "Yes I am hot and yes you will be reincarnated but your your destination and main ability are random"

Before the God could continue Matt interrupted

Matt: "Is Steve going to the same world as me?"

Bored OP God Guy: "He does not have enough karma although it was luck to get chosen to reincarnate karma is the deciding factor for wheel spins and wishes"

Matt: "What can he get with his karma?"

Bored OP God Guy: "he has just enough to spin the wheel for what world he wants and to keep his memory's"

Matt: "Can you bring him here?"

After contemplating for a second the OP God Guy snapped his finger and Steve appeared on the ground, Matt then explained what was happening and Steve was disappointed with his karma.

Steve: "Old man why do I have less karma than him we've practically done everything together?"

Steve as kinda angry anyone would be they were missing out on a huge opportunity, the God didn't say anything and just took out a phone and a audio started playing. Barely 2 seconds into it Matt and Steve were both sweating as they realized it was a recording of their discord call…

Steve: "W-wait on second thought I think what I'm getting is fair"

The God just nodded and waved his hand suddenly 3 wheels appeared out of no where one was labeled worlds the other powers and the last one was person.

Bored OP Hod Guy: "Matt come spin the wheels"

The god interrupted Matt and Steve's conversation, not disobeying the random god Matt walked over to the first wheel labeled worlds and gave it the biggest spin he could, as the wheel was almost stopping Matt was sweating profusely not because he was nervous because it really looked like it was about to land on AOT. Matt started chanting a thousand prayers in his head until it finally landed on Naruto, Matt breathed a sigh of relief as he walked to the next wheel no matter how bad the Naruto world was it isn't as bad as AOT.

At the next wheel labeled powers Matt got exited thinking about the endless possibilities as he gave it a spin and prayed Steve looked on with envious eyes as the the arrow stopped on… Sukuna.

Matt instantly became exited not only was Sukuna bad ass he was strong we don't even know the full scope of his abilities yet he had his domain, his slashing ability and some fire manipulation thing

Matt turned to the god then becoming confused as the god didn't have his happy smile more like a pitying one before he could say anything Steve butted in

Steve: lucky his slashing and fire ability's are OP

Bored OP God Guy: "Not in this case"

Both of them turned their eyes to the god with questioning gazes

Bored OP God Guy: "Look at the wheel you're on, you're on powers not person"

Matt stood in confusion for a second before he gained a look of understanding then his face turned pale.

Matt: "You don't mean…"

Bored OP God Guy: "yes you will not be Sakuna but you will have him inside him like Yuji from the story"

Steve's envious gaze turned to a pitying one not only was he psychopathic but he probably wouldn't even let Matt use any of his powers he didn't even let Yuji do that in the anime he'd rather make life hell for him

Matt tried cheering himself up not only could he redeem this with a good character but also one of his wishes (Don't know if I said this before but he has enough karma to get some wishes and I'm not going back to fix it so cry about it) getting to the person wheel his mood couldn't help but brighten, looking at the names such as Gojo, Luffy, Zoro, Ichigo and even Naruto himself the abilities of these people were no joke saying a silent prayer he spun the wheel again.

Only to be disappointed when it landed on… Yuji itadori although physically strong he didn't even have a cursed technique the only thing special about him besides his strong body was the fact that he had Sukuna who's power he couldn't use,

sure Yuji was pretty strong but that doesn't matter when someone traps you in water or puts you into a genjutsu.

Matt: 'at least I can wish for unlimited chakra or something'

Bored OP God Guy: "Oh btw your wishes have restrictions they're more to assist you such as an affinity to lightning or natural energy something like that"

Matt was basically grasping at straws now

Matt: 'At least I can become a taijutsu master like guy'

Bored OP God Guy: "Oh and since your Yuji you won't have chakra but cursed energy"

Matt was on his knees at this moment looking in the sky muttering something like 'why hath god forsaken me'

Matt sat there for a while before finally getting up

Matt: 'It's okay I can still turn this around'

Matt looked at the God who still had the smile on his face and decided

Matt: "I wish for Steve to reincarnated with me"

Steve who was in the back was shocked he didn't expect this but before he could celebrate the god interrupted

Bored OP God Guy: "I'm sorry that can't be done the cycle of reincarnation is like Jenga tower place the wrong block in or to many blocks on one spot it all falls in already inserting yours and Sukunas soul I can't do another"

Matt and Steve were tearing up at this point nothing was working out for them when the God spoke again

Bored OP God Guy: "I can't insert a new soul "in" the Naruto world"

The god spoke with the same smile. Matt and Steve were confused for a while before understanding.

Matt: "You mean Steve can become Sukuna?!"

Bored OP God Guy: "Not exactly that would be to much for your wish but I can combine them making Steve's the dominant one"

Matt looked at Steve as if asked him he was basically saying the only way for this to work is to combine his friends soul with a psychopathic murderer.

Steve: "Well it's either this or leave it up to luck and after witnessing that I don't like my odds, especially without any wishes"

Matt was happy to have his friend since childhood follow him at least he could talk to someone while he was a baby.

Bored OP God Guy: "And your last wish?"

Matt: "I wish to combine my cursed energy with chakra"

Bored OP God Guy: 'these last wishes were obviously exceeding karma count but whatever I'll do it for plot convenience'

Bored OP God Guy: "That should be everything have a nice second life"

Matt and Steve slowly started to fade out of the room…

(Umm so you probably thought this was just gonna be Sukuna but no I'm really bad at copying personalities so I had to change it up a little also don't expect personalities to be exactly the same if you want that go somewhere else cause I can't give it to you also there's a lot of gray area around Sukunas abilities like the conditions for the slicing one and the fire one is barely touched upon so I'm makin shi up if you don't like that leave k bye ✌🏽)