
With Knowledge Comes Power

Previously called World of the Dead ---- Smashing zombie skulls or picking up babes? I just can't decide which I wanna do more ---- Do note- before you guys leave any other stupid reviews because of 1 thing So let me say it now so you guys don't waste your time... This is a harem...better yet let's say the mc partakes in polygamy since he's not collecting dolls What are dolls for those who don't know.... useless women who's only purpose is giving sexual relief This story contains multiverse travelling but it's in the form of a competition so that means he's not the only reincarnator, don't like that? fuck o.... I mean don't read ---- Do note if people continuing to give low reviews after I write this, when the competition is revealed in chapter 11, I'll delete them. For those who like the book, thank your for your support and I'll always be trying to find ways to improve and better my writing

Master_Livythan · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
129 Chs

Finale !!!!

I was busy, didn't actually get to write, so I'm doing it now in the middle of the night, so it may be much shorter than it could have been. Hope you enjoy


Michael stood at the forefront of his legion gazing at the growing army in the distance, 6 at least 7 kilometres away, one of the final obstacles standing in the way of his domination of this world. After dealing with these fools he only had to deal with the three stooges and he could finally say good riddance to this world

Though he had a sinking feeling in the back of his mind, keeping him on guard and telling him it would never be that simple even with the strength he currently held, annoying him to no end, to the point that he couldn't find the mood to make love to his women last night

Hence the expression

Speaking of his women, Michael glanced to the side, and found each of them standing with their individual weapons, each coming a long way from when they had first met whether in strength as they all reached Tier 1 in at least on stat with the others not trailing to for behind or the increase in their appearance.

Each having grown 10-15cm because of their exercise and increase in Tier, while having gained a massive increase in their body measurements, some even growing 2 cup sizes, he would know, he experienced it first hand every night. Michael found himself smiling happily temporarily pushing away the growing annoyance, as he found that even with his mental age, having them by his side helped him much more than he thought even if it was just being in their presence after a hard day of training

He truly found himself falling in love with each of them individually and this caused several plans to form in his head for when this was over

Glancing further behind, he looked at his legion now 8000 strong be it man or woman with the weakest having C Class strength causing him to grin slightly in pride before he once again shook his head at the ridiculousness of the Japanese government as they're just sending their soldiers to death

Michael was snapped out of his thoughts when a figure appeared out of his shadow, drawing his attention, Avrora tilted towards Michael's ear and told any and all news she had gathered about the army they'd face today, though Michael shook his head wryly internally at her actions as they both knew he could hear here even if she was several kilometres away

Turning his attention back to the front, he raised his eyebrow as he watched several uniformed men walked from behind the soldiers to the front before he watched speechlessly as the men set up a podium and speakers,before who he assumed to be the highest in standing took to the podium and spoke into the microphone

" Micheal Takami, this is the last warning you and your vaga - " Michael ignored his words as he spoke into his ear piece, why shout when there's technology , thought Michael

" break their limbs, kill those who continue resisting, they'll be your future comrades after all " ordered Michael, while he looked at the man who was still giving his righteous speech causing him to sigh before he nodded to Yuuki, who then proceeded to lead the charge silently as they blurred across the distance with Avrora disappearing into her shadow

Michael nodded his head in appreciation because he honestly didn't understand why armies shouted at each other as they charged. Momentum maybe? To strike fear? Because in his opinion it was much more unnerving to watch thousands of people charge towards you and the only indication you had of their arrival is when you saw them

And going by the panicked reaction the army had, it seems he was right. He had to stifle a chuckled when he watched them shoot blindly at his legion because they couldn't react to the speed as the legion reached them as tore into them

Michael tuned out the sound of gunshots, along with the screams of pain and desperation as the army tried and failed to shoot the legion, those more experienced coming close depending only on their instincts only for it to be stopped by the armor the legion wore, as they practically shrugged off the shots. He would be more surprised if they couldn't as those armors where his best creations second only to Makia and the Iron Mammoth

Michael sat on the floor and decided to just enjoy the show, it wasn't everyday you get to see thousands of people fighting. Sure it would be much easier if he was to join in but he was currently saving his energy, he sensed 3 presences last night and he had a good feeling who they were

Now that he thought about it, the completely ridiculous actions made by the government recently, would make sense....if they were being controlled by an outside party, especially one who didn't care about the death of their soldiers

But what he couldn't figure out is why they decided to make an alliance against him

Though he didn't bother to hide his strength or that of his women or legion for that matter, he didn't do anything worthy of any overseas attention only to pause as a certain memory from a month and more ago, entered his mind causing his face to darken

Getting to his feet his shot of in a certain direction, looking for something out of place when he suddenly found a trail of destruction which led a destroyed window front of a car dealer ship, looking inside he found something he never expected.....

' I was nearly nuked ' thought Michael as he remembered a night, he was mid orgy when he heard a loud thud of something falling in the distance , he never bothered to check it out since the dead zones took care of it

' I talk about people's arrogance and yet I could have died and I wouldn't have known how ' thought Michael with a frown before his annoyance started growing once more as he appeared back on the battle field

Only to pause and watch in fascination as Saeko and Yuuki destroyed the barrel of several tank before moving on as the dealt with the larger guns. Michael was in awe as they did it with such precision and grace that he wouldn't doubt it if he was told it was staged. As this was happening the rest of legion dealt with the rest of the army, at the beginning contained 100,000, now dwindling down by the hundreds as the seconds go by

As this was happening he felt a spike of malice towards him causing him to smirk internally as he glanced to the side, he squinted as he watched 3 figures quickly draw closer stopping about 4 kilometres away. As he was observing them, he could feel their gaze on him

Adopting a serious expression as he reached for the case he had on his back, as he had no intention of underestimating his enemy, no matter how high his chances of winning were.....the same couldn't be said for his enemies though as only the black man walked forward, leaving the duo as they posed off as if watching a show

Looking at his opponent, Michael raised his eyebrow in surprise when he took not of the mans size. He was at least 60 cm taller than Michael putting him at 265 and had the musculature to back it up and judging by the thumping he heard every time the man took a step, they weren't just for show

Michael held the handle of his weapon, the rest of it still covered by the case as he kept track of his opponents every move while also make sure to watch the others. He watched as the man started jogging, though it looked that way for him it would be a blur for normal people

Michael determined his speed to be 150m/s and judging by the way his muscles moved this was his top speed, though this thought froze as he watched as the man dropped to all fours, as a cheetah spirit appeared behind him before it disappeared into him and his body morphed, now taking on cheetah like features as his speed increased by 50% reaching 225m/s

Michael watched on neutrally as the man cleared the distance between them in about 15 seconds, excluding how much he ran before, Michael gripped the handle of his weapon tightly as he watched the man suddenly jump into the air as a gorilla spirit appeared this time as his body morphed once more

As this was happening, Michael finally had a change in expression as he thought

' is he fucking retarded? ' before he disappeared in a burst of speed only to appear right beside the still morphing man mid jump, time slowed as Michael looked into the mans widening eyes as they slowly turned towards Michael, Michael clenched his arm as he swung his still cased weapon into the mans stomach

Michael watched without a change in expression as the mans body folded around his weapon creating a more than sign as an unnatural amount of blood flew from his mouth, a shock wave was created rocketing the man away knocking him through several buildings before he embedded into the road

Michael gently landed on the ground, not even bothering to look at his fallen foe, because when his weapon contacted with the man's stomach, he sent his energy into his body destroying all his organs along with his heart. What flew out of his mouth was his liquefied organs

Michael wasn't one to let his enemies live longer than needed, he may have let the man approach unimpeded but that was because he was being cautious, after finding no threat he simply eliminated him

Michael was brought out of his thoughts by a cracking sound, lowering his head he watched as the case around his weapon fell apart, revealing a royal blue kanabo with the spikes being sliver

Only to suddenly tilt his head to the side to avoid a shuriken before mocking laughter was heard

" that stupid nigger,spoke so arrogantly only to be defeated in less than 20 seconds and that's because he spent 17 of it running " mocked a short man with his face covered and dressed in black ninja attire

Michael didn't bother to reply and only watched silently as the man circled him, bragging about how it is his honor to die beneath his sword etc etc causing Michael to zone out and remember several Mtl books he read in the past

" i'll let you experience through power before your demise " exclaimed the man as 19 more copies of himself appeared before all of them ran round Michael at a ridiculous speed causing a mini tornado to build up with him at the center

" I bet you can't even see me, further more tell which is the real me, after I kill you, I'll deal with that mind controllin- " his bragging was interrupted as several fist appeared in his vision before one connected to his face, knocking him off his feet as his head was planted in the ground creating a crater, as spider web like cracks spread out around it for several metres

Michael watched silently as the man's body twitched like a headless chicken before it settled down, Micheal shook the blood off of his fist as he turned and looked at his last victim while deciding how to kill him

One's organs were liquefied while the others was smashed to mush, maybe splitting him in half from his dick up? Thought Michael with his hand on his chin as he walked towards his quickly retreating enemy

Michael shot off behind him only to suddenly dodge to the side as several bullets flew past, causing him to frown before he suddenly jumped back in retreat

Raising his head he was met with his enemies smug smile which he ignored as he promptly looked around for his hidden enemy, his senses working in overdrive

" hahaha you barbaric fool, it doesn't matter how much you look, you'll never find them " then man said proudly gaining Michael's attention

" what do you do when you're outclassed by an enemy with inhuman senses? " asked the man with a disdainful smile

" you take away his senses " replied Michael calmly only for the manto shake his finger with an exasperated sigh

" disappointing, I thought you were smarter than this " said the man as he looked at Michael before he continued " you fool the brain!!!! . It doesn't matter how strong your senses of your brain can't process what you're receiving " explained Thomas with a cocky smirk

" thanks for the information " replied Michael causing a confused expression to appear on his face, only his eyes to widen cautiously as Michael raised his weapon and sent his energy through it causing it glow with a silver hue before did a complete 360 spin before lowering his weapon

Thomas looked around in confusion only to find nothing wrong and broke down laughing only to freeze and suddenly grab his neck as blood started pouring out of it, he looked at Michael in confusion only for his head to slide off his shoulders

Michael closed his eyes than reopened them, coming face to face with 50 bisected women surrounding him

" was cautious and still fell for a trap " muttered Michael " that's all of them and yet I'm still having a bad feeling, why is that ? " asked Michael out loud only for his eyes to widen as a giant fist appeared before his eyes and launched him before he could react, he spin mid air to regain his balance before he landed on the ground while holding his pained jaw

His eyes widened once more as a system notification appeared before his face

{ World Protagonist Has been corrupted by outside Influence }

{ Generating World Boss }

{ ( Undead )Takashi : Tier 5 }

Strength : 250 [ 12,500KG ]

Vitality : 320

Agility : 275 [ 687.5m/s ] ( Mach 2 )

Intelligence : 50

Energy : Nil

Michael eyes widened even further as he read the ridiculous status before him, only to suddenly raise his arm to block another punch only to be launch once more, this time crashing through buildings. Michael spit out blood as he felt his organs shift from the impact of hitting so many buildings, he raised his arm and looked at it, groaning when he saw how badly it was bruised, though he was grateful that it didn't break

Only to freeze when Takashi appeared before he could react and grab him by the throat lifting him as he ran, dragging him as he tried to pry off his fingers as it's nails dug into his swallow pipe only for him to be slammed into several buildings as he was dragged stunning him, when he was suddenly slammed into the road creating a massive crater

Before the undead Takashi proceeded to drive hundreds of bullet speed punches with the force of truck behind them, Michael gritted his teeth as he could only passively defend his most important body parts while looking for a way to escape from this position as his arms were fractured and his healing could no longer keep up.

He watched as his foe raised both fist in the air preparing to deliver a devastating blow, taking this chance, Michael ran his resting skill speeding up the healing of his injuries just enough to move his arms in time to to push aside his opponents fist causing them to hit the road with an explosive sound as they were buried up to the elbow

Taking this chance Michael released a full strength punch, utilizing his martial arts skill along with all his energy to the side of his opponents head causing a massive cloud of dust to pick up

Using this chance Michael tried to escape from his position on to feel a arm grip his leg tightly , glancing behind he saw his opponent with only half of his face looking at him with one good eye which contained endless anger as it released a soundless roar and raised him by the leg before throwing him through what's left of the building before them causing it to collapse unto of Michael


The undead ignored this and grabbed it's face which was slowly healing, only to snap it's head in the direction of the collapsed building with confusion in it's eyes as the rubble started moving away and it watched as it's prey started climbing out

The undead watched as it's foe raised it's head, the last thing it saw was a pair of blood shot silver eyes before it felt itself flying through the air before it's prey appeared above it and spoke in a cold tone

" let's try this again " it heard before it took a axe kick to the torso sending it rocketing towards the floor as a speed that put it's top speed to shame

The undead lied inside the crater it's body created when it impacted the pavement, only to watch it's prey appear before it with silver lightning around his body before it felt itself being ripped limb from limb before it's consciousness went dark


" hah....hah " Michael breathed haggardly as he dropped to his knees, his consciousness fading quickly as he fell over


( Michael Takami : Tier 5 )

{ Proficiency System, Perk Perfect Body }

Strength : 350 [ 17,500KG ]

Vitality : 350

Agility : 350 [ 875m/s ] ( Mach 2.5 )

Intelligence : 350

Energy : 35


so there you have it guys, I would have made it longer and even made the fight scene better but I'm falling asleep, hope you liked it