
With MUSIC to break into Marvel

In my BGM, no one can beat me, not even O-A-A! Lee from the heart to cross into the world of comic books, but also awakened a god-class BGM system, each background music has a different effect. With the sound of each background music, the whole world's style of painting has changed bizarrely ...... ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 153: A New BGM, "The Rite"

"The Rite"

Level: 1 (0/100)

Effect: Inflict pain upon the world. Allows the host to target anyone within the range of the music, making them endure 1 to 2 times the pain of any injury during the playback of the BGM (intensity adjustable by the host); it can also envelop everyone within range, making them suffer 1 to 1.5 times the pain of any injury (intensity adjustable by the host).

The effect of this BGM seems somewhat malicious!

Clark's eyes lit up, and he immediately maxed out its level.

Thus, the effect of "The Rite" became...

Inflict pain upon the world. Allows targeting anyone within the music's coverage... to endure 1 to 10 times the pain (intensity adjustable by the host); it can also make everyone within range... suffer 1 to 3.5 times the pain (intensity adjustable by the host).

Ten times the pain, perhaps even a needle prick would be unbearable?

This is definitely the ultimate tool for interrogation. Even the toughest of men would have to bow their proud heads under this music!

If used in battle, could it possibly inflict psychological trauma on the enemy?

As Clark contemplated the various uses of this BGM, he felt his entire being relax, the previous pressure dissipating.

As if the outcome of victory or defeat seemed less significant.

Perhaps, this is the mindset one should have before a great battle?

Clark was ready for battle, but the expected counterattack did not come immediately. Instead, the internet was ablaze with arguments.

After the Nirvana Group leaked a training video of Captain America, the internet was in an uproar! Old movies relied on real skills, but now, most rely on special effects. However, the effect is completely different when the actor possesses genuine skills.

The explosive power demonstrated by Captain America, smashing a heavy punching bag to burst, shocked everyone.

What kind of strength is required to achieve this?

Having seen the live-action video of Black Hero vs. Iron Man, everyone knew Clark was formidable. But for him to bring out an actor this fierce was excessive.

This led to skepticism, as doubting the unknown is a human instinct. Thus, a wave of skepticism spread across the internet, accusing the Nirvana Group of faking the video.

But truth counters falsehood. Professionals in computing and special effects began to step forward, presenting facts and logical arguments, using image comparisons to prove the video's authenticity.

Then, some older viewers noticed something interesting—the man punching the bag resembled Captain America!

This sparked another uproar.

If the man in the video was Captain America, then it must be a 70-year-old video, yet the calendar in the video showed 2009. Isn't this clear evidence of tampering?

Professionals retorted: Are you stupid? World War II era movies were in black and white. Do you think the clarity of this video could be from that era? It's good to have a brain, but it seems you critics lack one!

As for the resemblance to Captain America, it's not hard to explain. There are many look-alikes in the world. What's so strange about that?

Insiders revealed they had seen a playboy named Johnny who looked strikingly like Captain America, adding fuel to the fire.

The online battle intensified.

On one side were experts in computing and special effects, attracting a following with facts. On the other, baseless critics, although lacking in neutral supporters, had a formidable presence.

The saying goes, "Three men make a tiger." Even baseless claims can seem credible if repeated enough.

Clark chose not to comment, adopting a detached demeanor, as if above the fray.

For him, both praise and criticism were beneficial. As long as the narrative wasn't derailed, the more intense the argument, the higher the topic's visibility, enhancing the movie's promotional effect.

However, this effect was bound to be short-lived, as public interest has its limits. A topic overdone will naturally cool down.

Two months passed in this seemingly calm but actually turbulent atmosphere.

During this time, Clark's strength improved dramatically, from 15 to 26, mastering Blood Sky and advancing in martial arts, significantly increasing his overall power.

He was confident in winning a direct confrontation with the Manchu leader, regardless of the secrets hidden in the latter's nine rings.

Meanwhile, in the Marvel world, not just Clark was progressing. Visible to him, Captain America and Yi Long, both serum-enhanced soldiers, also made rapid gains in the gravity room, doubling their strength in a few months.

Captain America's potential appeared higher, but Yi Long, practicing dual cultivation of qi, wasn't far behind. Although there was a gap, many factors, including combat will and on-the-spot performance, would play a role in a real fight.

Bucky's progress, however, was slower due to his physical limitations and the lesser resources of the secret base he was placed in by Clark. His strength increased to only about 4, a clear gap compared to Captain America and Yi Long.

As Clark and his team grew stronger, others were not idle.

Tony Stark's research progressed rapidly. Clark didn't know the specifics of Stark's new armor but was aware that the entire US airspace was locked down, a testament to Stark's breakthroughs in just two months.

Meanwhile, Ivan Vanko and Justin Hammer officially began their mech suit project, and the covert struggle between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra intensified, with each day bringing changes.

Internationally, especially in the Middle East, the Ten Rings organization continued its chaos under the leadership of Killian, unaffected by the Manchu leader's brief ousting.

The situation was complex, with various factions pursuing their agendas. Tony Stark aimed to regain his footing, while others plotted against him and Clark, each seeking their own advantage in the chaos.

As online debates began to wane, Nirvana Company released a bombshell—the cast list for their new movie, with Steve Rogers playing Superman, reigniting public interest and ensuring the movie would remain a hot topic for a long time.

Clark had planned for the eventual cooling of this debate, with a third major reveal—the movie's trailer, and the film itself to premiere at the height of the trailer's popularity, aiming for a box office success.

Just as things seemed favorable, a video titled "Captain America Injures Civilians, Should Superheroes Be Monitored in Peaceful Times?" spread across the internet overnight, thrusting Captain America and Clark into controversy.

The video, clearly set in modern times, showed Captain America fighting several criminals in what appeared to be a warehouse, resulting in collateral damage and civilian casualties.

"I remember this place. When I was captured, I nearly escaped once. They even hid a quality shield there, not as good as my previous one, but very sturdy," Captain America said, stunned. "But, I remember there were no civilians in that warehouse!"

As he reflected on his memories and viewed the realistic footage, doubt crept into his expression: "Could this be a side effect of their attempted brainwashing?"

"Is there something wrong with my memory?"


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