
Witches Of Ars

There once was a nation with amazing military power. They used the power of Witches, girls that had been injected with Ethera since they were newborns. This is the story of those Witches who rose to the top of the world and ended the era of Witches.

Rokuro_ · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Days Of Joy

Since that day waking up for school has never been so enjoyable. Eri and I had spent days since we met talking on the phone and hanging out together. We had been together for only 4 days and it felt like I had known her for years.

Today I was going to visit her dorm for the first time. The interesting thing was she did not have a roommate and neither did I.

After knocking on the door twice Eri answered, and she was dressed in casual clothes. She had on a black crop top t-shirt along with black shorts with her black hair up in a ponytail.

"How long are you gonna stare at me for?"

"Oh sorry! you look really cute in your casual clothes Eri."

Eri visually flinched when I said that and turned around so I couldn't see her face.

"...Just come in..."

I walked through the door and took my shoes off and set them near the door.

"Sorry for the intrusion."

"So Fana, I wanted you to show me the new Formula you had been working on for Fire Elemental Ethera."

"Does she really only want me to show her a new spell? That's so boring"

While blocking my thoughts from Telepathy. I didn't just come here to show her a new spell I wanted to spend time with her and hang out as friends.

"Eri I can show you that later."

"Eh? What other reason did you want to come here for then."

"Well, we can watch this movie together!"

I pulled out a DVD case for the movie "IT" out of my purse and handed it to her. Eri's facial expressions changed very quickly and she went from looking curious to scared.

"Wait, isn't this a horror film?"


"You want us to watch this?"

"Yup! It will be fun!"

Eri visually paused and began looking down at the ground while fidgeting her index fingers. I could tell she definitely didn't want to watch the movie. "Alright..."

Just for fun, I wanted to pressure her a bit so I leaned in and asked her. "Is there something wrong?"

"No! Not at all!" Eri's face was bright red and she turned her head from me to avoid eye contact.

"Ok! Let's watch it then!"

I could tell from Eri's response that she was not that enthusiastic to watch it so I just followed her to the Living room.

"Ohh you have such nice furniture in here Eri."

"Yeah, it was personally provided to me by Grandmaster Nina."

"Well, whoever your roommate ends up being will be super lucky!"

"You could say the same for yourself Fana."

"Eh? Don't flatter me like that Eri."

While I and Eri sat down on her sofa bantering I was reminded of how beautiful she looked when she smiled. You would typically never get to see it with how serious she is most of the time, but sharing this moment with her made me feel special like I was one of the only people to know this side of her.

"Alright, Eri are you ready?"


"Alright let's start it"

After popping in the DVD I sat down right next to Eri on the sofa. We were so close that I could hear her breathing. Throughout the movie, there were countless jumpscares and because I had watched countless horror films as a kid it never bothered me once, but Eri was jumping all over the place and clinging to me. She really is so cute.

"Ah, what a great movie that was!" I turned to look at Eri who was still visually shaken and holding onto my waist.


"What!" Eri quickly let go of me and turned to the opposite side of me.

"I'm guessing you don't like scary movies, Eri" I giggled and hugged her from behind.

"Why would anyone watch something like that!?"

"I don't know, but I guess they find it enjoyable getting scared like that all the time?"

"Well yeah, I absolutely hated that movie." Eri finally turned around and pushed out of my grasp.

"I could tell. Do you wanna do something that is more your speed?" The moment the words left my mouth I saw a smirk form on Eri's face which very much intrigued me.

"Yup, since you got to embarrass me with the movie it's my turn to do the same to you!" Eri quickly stood up and made her way to the door after quickly putting on her shoes.

"That being?" I followed her to the door and put my shoes on waiting for her to answer my question.

"The Arcade!"


Eri was not lying when she said that she would embarrass me at the arcade because she swiftly beat me in every single game that we played vs each other.

After about 2 hours we played almost every game and I never beat her once. Finally, I saw a crane game and decided to play it to grab a cute shark plushie in it.

"Eri I'm gonna try this one."

"A crane game... good luck Fana"

After spending about 200 perks on it I was not able to grab the plushie I wanted once, so just as I was ready to give up Eri walked up to me.

"I'll get it for you Fana."


In just one try she was able to grab the shark plushie and she then handed it to me. Not once in my life did I have moments where I was allowed to rely on other people like this. For the past 7 years, I have been alone. I'm not alone anymore.

"Thank you, Eri!"

"You have a really cute smile, Fana."

"You think so?"


Suddenly Eri's phone rang so she walked away from me to pick it up. As I sat down on a bench right outside of the Arcade and waited for her to be done it was taking a while and I was getting ready to just leave without her and go back to my dorm so I could make it before curfew. Curfew was every night before 10:00 pm and it was already 9:52 pm.

Finally, Eri was off the phone and walked back river to me. She had a look of anguish on her face and it looked like tears had built up in her violet-shaded eyes.


"I have to go Fana. I'll see you at school tomorrow."


Before I could even finish Eri disappeared through a shadow and left me sitting on the bench by myself. I got up from the bench and teleported to the entrance of my dorm room.

"I wonder what happened to Eri?"


"Eri, This is not the deal that we made."

"I'm sorry."

"You were only supposed to use the girl for her power. She is not your friend, she is just a tool to help bring Kaline to the top."

"I can't see Fana like that!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm starting to have second thoughts about this. I want to be genuine friends with Fana, I don't want to use her."

"Fine then! I will ruin your relationship with her completely then. If you are now too big to listen to me anymore then I will make sure that you don't get what you want"

"You won't be able to beat Fana in a fight."

"Who said I'm going to fight her? You will see what happens for disobeying me Eri."
