
Witcher: a mutant's story

This is a story about a young mutant named Andries. He was created in a lab by an Enchantress. The enchantress wanted a perfect son so she created a mutant in a tube and called him Andries. She made sure that Andries has psionic powers and a good connection to magic. The Enchantress was arrested and presumed dead after it was revealed she practiced necromancy and was creating monsters in her labs. Left alone with only his guardian, a mutant named Mathies, Andries decided to become stronger, it was something like an instinct that made Andries want more power. The first step was to strengthen his psionic power as his psionic powers were limited. To remove that limit, he had read that the brain of a source could do that. This brings Andries to Cintra after the slaughter of Cintra where he looks for a possible source he can possibly kill, princess of Cintra, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon or Ciri. Note: I don’t own witcher books or games, my only claim is to my own characters. This story will include adult themes like sexual content, drug use, cannibalism, violence, gore and other mature themes.

ali_soltani · Livres et littérature
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23 Chs

chapter 4

Andries woke up to the sound of loud arguments. Emerging from the tent, he noticed the soldier tents were mostly empty. Looking toward the commotion, Andries saw Tissaia in a heated argument with a tall man.


The man arguing with Tissaia had long black hair tied in a ponytail, black eyes, and pale skin. Clean-shaven and handsome, he wore a coat with a cloak draped over it and held a staff in one hand. The man's coat fit well enough to reveal his fit physique. A sword hung at his hip, and various pieces of jewelry adorned him, all imbued with a sense of magic.


"Absolutely not, Andries is too young for this." Tissaia declared.


"Haven't you heard the reports?" The man responded with a smile. "The Nilfgaardian army is delayed because ghouls and griffins are attacking their ranks around Cintra. Cedric reports it was this boy's doing. He and the mutant have a lot they can contribute to the war. Don't worry, I will personally accompany him."


"No, that will never happen." Tissaia said firmly. "I won't let Andries be turned into a pawn in your games. He will stay with me."


"He is not a pawn." the man insisted. "I've heard about his display of talent. I even saw him learning a new spells easily. Even the metal claws, those were very complicated spells and I heard he didn't stop trying until he succeeded. I am going to accept him as my apprentice. There is a lot I can teach a boy like that."


"We both know I am a better teacher." Tissaia countered.


"Yes, but in Aretuza." the man replied. "If I remember correctly, Aretuza is a women's only academy. You don't expect him to join there, do you?"


"No, but I know far better teachers than you for the task of teaching him." Tissaia retorted. "For now, as long as he is in the camp, I will be the one teaching him more."


"Why don't we ask him." the man suggested, pointing at Andries. "I think he is the one who should choose what happens to his life."


"Morning." Andries greeted.


"Good morning, Andries." Tissaia said, visibly calming herself upon seeing him. "This is Vilgefortz of Roggeveen. He is the current leader of the mages in the northern armies."


"Hi." Andries responded.


"I think you heard what we were talking about." Vilgefortz said. "I want you to be my apprentice. I will teach you everything I can. You can also put your talents to good use under my guidance and get paid doing so."


"In his care, you will be just a pawn." Tissaia warned. "The academy will have multiple teachers teaching you great things. The mages that achieve greatness usually come from the academies."


"Hey, Vilgefortz, right? Did you know my mother?" Andries asked.


"Selene Ebonhart, I knew her." Vilgefortz replied. "She was an excellent sorceress. One of the best. It was a shame she was hunted for her magic. Her magic was dark, but she would have made the world a better place for everyone if she had been given the resources."


"Listen, I love my mother, but you are lying." Andries said. "She didn't care about people or making the world a better place. She wanted to see more monsters in the world because a world full of monsters is fun. Sorry, but I prefer to listen to Tissaia. She doesn't lie to me. She told me to my face that my mother was a monster."


Andries's answer put a smile on Tissaia's face. Vilgefortz, however, showed no emotion, he simply nodded.


"You heard his answer." Tissaia said firmly.


"I did." Vilgefortz acknowledged. "But he's still in an army and must pull his weight. War is not a child's playground, he has to contribute."


"He is under my command and will contribute accordingly." Tissaia replied.


Vilgefortz nodded again and left. Tissaia looked very pleased by Andries's answer.


"This won't be the last time." Tissaia warned. "Not only will Vilgefortz try to get you on his side again, but others like him will also try. There will be beautiful seducers and powerful mages who will attempt to recruit you. Do not fall for them, you are your own master."


"I'll keep that in mind." Andries said. "And thank you for this. I really appreciate you looking out for me."


"Don't worry about it." Tissaia replied. "Now, why don't we continue some training? I have one of my students ready to teach you some healing magic. It can always be useful."


"Yeah, healing magic sounds good." Andries agreed.


"Yes, but first, call your friend and have some breakfast. We don't want you two to go hungry." Tissaia said.


"Good idea." Andries agreed.


"I will wait for you in the mages training area." Tissaia said.


"Okay." Andries replied.


Andries went back to his tent and gently woke up Mathies. They ate the rations they were provided, supplemented with some from their own packs. After gathering their things, they left the tent.


As they walked toward the fort, soldiers cast curious and suspicious glances their way, whispering amongst themselves but making no move against them. Noticing the distrust in the soldiers' eyes, Andries suggested to Mathies that they help out with some manual labor to ease the tension.


At first, Mathies's presence intimidated the soldiers, but as he began to assist with various tasks, his immense strength quickly proved useful. Whenever they finished a job, Mathies would innocently ask if his hat was pretty, which made some of the soldiers smile, easing the initial tension.


Eventually, Andries reached the mage training area where he saw Tissaia instructing the mages on how to practice without expending too much energy. Andries told Mathies to continue helping the soldiers and warned him not to harm anyone. He then informed the soldiers that Mathies was a unstable and instructed them to direct Mathies but not to provoke him.


Mathies could be childish but he wasn't completely an idiot. He would know when he was taking advantage of by other people and when he was being made fun of. Andries also ordered him to only help with physical labor so he was going to be good.


"Where is the big one?" Tissaia asked as Andries approached.


"I thought if he starts helping around, people wouldn't feel as threatened by us." Andries explained, pointing towards Mathies, who was busy helping move supplies.


"Do you think that is a good idea?" Tissaia asked, her tone concerned. "That simpleton might get angry and kill someone. That could complicate things."


"I told the soldiers to be careful around him." Andries reassured her. "I know prejudice exists everywhere, but I doubt they'd be foolish enough to provoke someone as strong as him. Also a lot might think he's a mindless construct so that would be another layer."


"You'd be surprised how stupid people can be." Tissaia said with a sigh. "Let's hope these ones are smarter. Now, why don't you come and help me with some healing spells?"


"Help you with healing spells?" Andries asked, intrigued.


"Yes, help me." Tissaia confirmed. "Healing magic is very risky, and we can't have you test it on human subjects without proper materials. The best way to teach you is to have you add your power to others and heal together."


"Sure, sounds awesome." Andries said, excited.


"You seem very interested in learning healing magic." Tissaia observed as she led Andries to the infirmary.


"What can I say, healing magic is great." Andries replied enthusiastically.


Tissaia smiled for a moment, recognizing Andries's potential for good. She was unaware of Selene's teachings and her belief in the connection between necromancy and healing magic.


The infirmary wasn't filled with wounded as the armies were still preparing for battle, but there were some injuries from skirmishes. Apothecaries, mages, and alchemists tended to the injured.


Tissaia scanned the room until her eyes settled on a young, scrawny man. He looked to be around nineteen and was diligently tending to the wounded. Wearing mage attire, he was casting healing spells. His eyes lit up when he saw Tissaia.


"Lady Tissaia." he greeted with respect.


"Keep to your work, Devin. We'll talk after." Tissaia instructed.


Devin nodded and returned to his task. Tissaia turned to Andries, her expression softening.


Devin had blond hair tied in a wolftail, and his blue eyes seemed to enhance his good looks. Pouches of herbs and amulets dangled from his belt, tools of his healing craft.


"Look at what Devin is doing." Tissaia whispered. "The simplest healing spells are connected to earth. Earth and water together can create more complex healing spells. For now, focus on earth. See how Devin is using earth to accelerate the soldier's natural healing?"


"What about negative energy? I heard it's great for healing." Andries said.


"Don't talk about that in front of anyone." Tissaia cautioned.


"Okay." Andries agreed.


Andries observed Devin with keen interest, noting how Devin's hands moved and how the energy felt as the spells were cast. He practiced the hand motions without channeling any energy, trying to commit the movements to memory.


Despite his youth, Devin was adept at healing magic. He managed to heal a soldier's wounds, leaving almost no scars. Once he finished, he walked over to Tissaia.


"Devin, I want you to meet Andries," Tissaia said.


"Hi." Andries greeted.


Devin looked a bit concerned when he saw Andries's eyes but quickly composed himself and nodded in acknowledgment.


"Devin, I was hoping you could teach Andries some healing spells." Tissaia continued.


"I… teach him? I'm a novice myself. How can I teach him?" Devin asked, sounding unsure.


"Don't worry. This will benefit both of you." Tissaia reassured. "Just let Andries see what you're doing and allow him to add the energy he channels to your spell."


"I… I can do that." Devin said hesitantly.


"Perfect. Now, you two keep at it." Tissaia instructed. "I have to oversee the war preparations. I'll send someone to check on your progress later." She then turned to Andries. "Please behave."


"I will… probably," Andries replied with a mischievous grin.


As Tissaia left, Devin stared at Andries, unsure of what to do next. Andries, unbothered, glanced around at other mages healing the soldiers.


"So… um… what am I supposed to do?" Devin asked awkwardly.


"Cast a few spells and tell me what you're doing." Andries suggested. "As Tissaia said, I'm supposed to cast the same spell and let you guide it."


"Right, I can do that." Devin said, but remained rooted to his spot.


"Okay, then do it." Andries prompted.


Devin nodded and moved toward one of the soldiers. Andries followed. The soldier looked confused at the sight of Andries with Devin but trusted Devin enough to remain silent.


Devin explained the incantation, the hand movements, and the way to channel the energy. Andries followed his instructions, casting the spell. Devin then showed Andries how to let him take the lead. Again, Andries managed to allow Devin to guide the spell.


Andries paid close attention to Devin's careful movements. Devin's hands moved slowly, ensuring the wound was completely healed.


Initially nervous, Devin began to calm down as the process went smoothly. He found confidence in Andries's eagerness to learn and the success of their combined efforts.


Hours passed as the two worked together, healing soldier after soldier. By the end of the day, both felt a sense of accomplishment. Devin realized that teaching Andries had not only helped the boy but had also improved his own skills and confidence.


Devin soon grew more confident and began explaining the properties of various herbs that could be helpful in healing. Andries, as always, listened carefully and committed the information to memory. After they finished with the last soldier, Devin let out a sigh of relief.


"So, Andries, are you from Ban Ard academy?" Devin finally asked.


"Nope." Andries answered.


"Gweison Haul Academy? Rissberg?" Devin asked, trying to guess.


"Nope." Andries repeated.


"Don't tell me you are from Aretuza? That can't be possible." Devin said, incredulous.


"Nope, not from there either." Andries said. "Although my mom was from there. She taught me a lot of the things she knew."


"Oh man, I wish I could visit Aretuza." Devin said wistfully.


"Why? Are they that good in magic?" Andries asked.


"It's not just magic." Devin said with a grin. "Aretuza is a girls-only academy with beautiful tutors. It would be heaven going there."


"That would be nice." said the soldier they had just healed, chiming in.


"See? He agrees with me." Devin said.


"Sure, that sounds kinda good." Andries said. "But that would be scary too. My mom was a real monster. I really don't want to meet an academy filled with girls that could be like her."


"What do you mean your mother was a monster?" Devin asked, curious.


"She treated me very well, but boy, she was cruel to everyone else." Andries said. "I remember her burning a group of guys because they said they wanted to sleep with her while, as she put it, being not pretty enough."


"Where is your mother now?" Devin asked, a touch of concern in his voice.


"Dead, probably." Andries said nonchalantly. "Last I remember was me playing in her lab, then a group of sorcerers attacked. They took her away for trial. They probably killed her. The last thing she did was to burn her lab and help me escape."


"Oh, I'm sorry about that." Devin said sympathetically.


"Yeah, that lab was amazing." Andries said, as if reminiscing about a favorite tool.


"I meant your mom." Devin clarified.


"Oh yeah, her too." Andries added.


"This guy is crazy." the soldier muttered under his breath.


"Thank you." Andries said with a smile. "Now, if you don't mind, I have to get my friend. I told him to help around, so I want to make sure he is fine."


"Sure, I was going to stretch my legs a little too." Devin said.


"Yeah, I think you might need some rest before the fights start." Andries said.


Andries and Devin exited the infirmary. Devin stretched a little as Andries moved to find Mathies. Mathies was in the middle of moving a ballista on his back. He carefully set it down in the designated spot, earning praise and even some food from the soldiers, which he accepted happily.


Mathies seemed genuinely pleased with the praise. His face brightened even more when he saw Andries walking toward him.


"Hey, Mathies." Andries greeted.


"Hi." Mathies responded cheerfully.


"Making new friends?" Andries asked.


"Yup, many friends." Mathies said with a wide smile.


"Would you kill them if I asked you?" Andries whispered, testing Mathies's loyalty.


"Yes." Mathies said in the same cheerful tone as before.


"Perfect. Don't worry, I don't want your friends dead. Just wanted to know." Andries said, patting Mathies on the back.


As Andries and Mathies talked, they saw officers moving around, ordering the soldiers to get ready for battle. Suddenly, everything became chaotic with people rushing about, preparing for the fight. Soon, Tissaia hurried toward Andries with a group of mages in tow.


"Andries, you are here," Tissaia said, a hint of relief in her voice. "Listen, I've enlisted you as one of the healer mages, so you don't have to worry about getting into trouble."


"Is the battle starting?" Andries asked.


"Yes, the Nilfgaardian army is marching." Tissaia confirmed.


"Okay, good luck then." Andries said casually.


Tissaia thanked him and left. Once Andries was sure she was gone, he and Mathies moved out of the fort.


Andries waited for the armies to march forward, then he veered away from the main direction of the march. The Sodden Hill area was mostly a plain, offering a clear view of the armies clashing in the distance. He observed the infantry locked in stalemate while the archers, cavalry, and mages caused significant damage with explosions and displays of magical power. The air was thick with wasted magical energy.


Moving north of Sodden Hill, Andries aimed to flank the Nilfgaardian army, hoping to catch a few mages off guard and loot their items after killing them. To most, this would seem like a suicide mission, but to Andries, it was just a calculated risk thanks to his abilities and Mathies's strength.


As they moved north, they encountered two groups with similar flanking intentions, one from Nilfgaard and another from the Temerian Army. The Temerian soldiers were losing, as the Nilfgaardians had two mages among them.


"Mathies, throw that boulder toward that mage." Andries pointed at his target.


Mathies roared loudly, startling soldiers on both sides of the skirmish. He lifted a giant boulder and hurled it at the mage. The mage reacted quickly, shooting a powerful bolt of lightning at the boulder. On impact, the lightning exploded, shattering the boulder and showering the mage with small pieces of rock. As the dust cleared, the mage saw a bolt of lightning coming toward him, but it was too late.


Andries had shot the lightning bolt, which, though not the strongest, was amplified by the element of surprise and his amulet. The bolt struck the mage, injuring him severely but not killing him.


As the injured mage struggled to rise, a Temerian soldier rushed at him, decapitating him with a swift swing of his sword. The other mage, enraged, cast a fire spell, incinerating the soldier who had just killed his comrade.


The second mage then turned his attention to Andries and Mathies, sending a ball of flames toward them. Andries leaped in front of Mathies and quickly cast the protective sign Tissaia had taught him. The sign created a shimmering orange shield of energy that shattered upon impact with the fireball. The shield absorbed most of the energy, but enough of the flames passed through to burn Andries's hand and scorch his robe.


Mathies let out another roar and leapt into the air. The mage tried to aim at Mathies mid-air but was forced to halt when Andries cast an earth spell, sending multiple small spikes of earth toward him. The mage quickly erected a protective shield to deflect the spikes.


Mathies landed heavily, causing the ground to tremble and staggering the mage. Regaining his balance, the mage attempted to cast another spell but was interrupted again when Andries used his mental power to hurl a dagger at him.


With an air spell, the mage deflected the incoming dagger. This proved to be a mistake as the dagger was not a significant threat and now Mathies was upon him.


In a panic, the mage sent a weak wave of flame toward Mathies's face. The flames harmlessly washed over Mathies's stone-like visage. Without hesitation, Mathies raised a massive hand and brought it down on the mage.


The mage conjured a blue energy shield around himself. Mathies's fist crashed through the shield, shattering it and connecting with the mage's head, slamming him to the ground. Mathies then lifted the mage, tearing his head off with his bare hands.


Mathies roared again and the Temerian soldiers roared with him. Witnessing the fearsome duo of Mathies and Andries on their side boosted their morale immensely.


Andries and Mathies plunged into the battle. Andries, leaving most of the fighting to the soldiers and Mathies, used his mental powers to occasionally send weapons flying toward enemy soldiers, often resulting in lethal hits. He also cracked open the skulls of fallen Nilfgaardian soldiers, keeping their brains handy for when he felt a headache coming on.


Mathies was a beast on the battlefield, ripping heads off and pummeling soldiers to death. He picked up fallen spears and hurled them with great force at distant enemies. His terrifying presence bolstered the Temerian soldiers and instilled fear in the Nilfgaardians.


Soon, flaming arrows shot into the sky, signaling more northern soldiers to join the battle. As they killed the last Nilfgaardian soldier, a commander in his fifties approached Andries.


"You are one of Lady Tissaia's mages?" the old man asked.


"Please don't tell her I joined the fight. I was supposed to be in the infirmary." Andries said.


"Well, thank the gods you joined." the old man said. "I am Rodric, officer of this strike team. We are going to meet other strike teams and flank the Nilfgaardian army. Are you going to join us?"


"If I get to steal some things from the Nilfgaardian mages, then sure." Andries replied.


"Good. Just one more thing, why are you holding human brain pieces in your hands?" Rodric asked.


"It helps with my power." Andries explained. "Don't worry, it's only Nilfgaardian brains. I wouldn't do it to your soldiers."


"Good, fuck those bastards." Rodric said, and some of the soldiers echoed his sentiment.


"Now if you don't mind, I'm going to search the mages while you guys get ready." Andries said. Rodric nodded.


Andries went about searching the fallen mages for any valuable items or magical artifacts, methodically checking each one. Meanwhile, the Temerian soldiers prepared to rendezvous with the other strike team, ready to flank the Nilfgaardian army and turn the tide of the battle.


As Andries discreetly consumed the brains he held, he did his best to avoid the soldiers' gaze. Some of them did notice, but they were more relieved than disturbed. Their lives had been saved by these two mutants, and in the heat of battle, they would have accepted help from actual monsters if it meant survival.


Andries continued to search the fallen mages, discovering a couple of talismans, two potions to aid mental focus, a potion that stopped bleeding, some bombs, and a scroll explaining how to make these bombs. He stashed the items in his pack, placing the three bombs in the pouch around his belt before moving on to the next mage. This one lacked bombs but had similar other items, which Andries collected.


Soon, another strike team joined them, this one heavily reinforced with mages. Andries cursed under his breath when he recognized one of the sorceresses who had been with Tissaia when they departed. Rodric addressed this sorceress as Lady Lytta.


The sorceress, Lady Lytta, was stunningly beautiful, with long, flowing fiery red hair and striking grey eyes. She wore a white gown that seemed ill-suited for war, revealing a lot of skin yet showcasing her fit and attractive figure. Her fingers, neck, and ears were adorned with powerful-looking magical jewels. Rodric provided Lytta with a report of the battle, including the contributions of Andries and Mathies. Lytta frowned upon seeing Andries, who merely waved at her. She then stormed over to him.


"What do you think you are doing here?!" Lytta demanded.


"Right now, looting bodies." Andries replied casually.


"Tissaia told you to stay in the infirmary." Lytta said sternly.


"No, she didn't." Andries countered. "She said she put my name in the healer mage group. Before that, I told her I would do small things to help the fight in the battlefield."


"Battle is not a child's playground." Lytta said.


"I know." Andries responded.


"Gods, you even got hurt." Lytta remarked, noticing Andries's burned hand.


"Don't worry, my body heals all of its wounds." Andries assured her. "The other day, I cut three of my toes off, now they're almost regrown."


"You are not normal." Lytta said, exasperated.


"I know." Andries repeated.


"Fine, you can stay, but stay behind the other mages." Lytta instructed.


"Sure." Andries agreed.


Lytta and the other mages positioned themselves between the soldiers and ordered Andries to join them. Once gathered, the mages began casting a complex spell that rendered their group invisible. They moved cautiously toward the Nilfgaardian army, observing the fierce battle raging on.


The group maneuvered to the rear of the Nilfgaardian forces. The Nilfgaardians had dispersed their mages and siege weapons to avoid concentrated attacks. Andries's group targeted an area with the most powerful mages and numerous siege weapons.


Upon getting close, they launched their attack. The mages unleashed spells at distant Nilfgaardian mages while the soldiers ambushed those nearby. Spells and weapons clashed as chaos erupted behind enemy lines, disrupting the Nilfgaardian forces and giving the northern armies a strategic advantage.


Mathies seemed to notice something others hadn't. He jumped high into the air and landed near a ballista, lifting it effortlessly. With a mighty heave, he threw it toward an empty area behind the siege weapons. The impact revealed a large group of invisible soldiers and mages, crushing many of them and alerting the strike team to their presence.


Andries retreated from the thick of the fight, occasionally sending a lightning bolt or two toward the enemy. He didn't like the Nilfgaardians but wasn't about to risk his life for their downfall. The battlefield grew increasingly chaotic as spells of all kinds were cast and countered by mages on both sides. Mathies focused on the siege weapons, lifting and hurling them at the enemy. The Nilfgaardian mages, primarily prepared to defend against magical attacks, were caught off guard by the flying ballistae and catapults.


Andries, along with two other sorcerers, kept a vigilant watch, ready to protect Mathies from any attacking mages. Mathies's presence became pivotal, the mages had to choose between defending against his physical assaults or countering the spells of other mages. His relentless attacks also significantly damaged the siege weapons.


Portals began to open, bringing reinforcements as more mages teleported onto the battlefield. Occasionally, a mage would disrupt an enemy portal, causing it to explode and kill those nearby. The Nilfgaardian army sent more soldiers to the rear as the skirmish escalated. The Northern armies began to push the Nilfgaardians back, now attacking from both sides.


Andries saw a Nilfgaardian mage conjure a powerful lightning storm that wreaked havoc until Lytta countered it with a wind spell. Another Nilfgaardian mage cast a spell that shot rocks from the ground, but Mathies hurled a massive piece of a trebuchet, crushing her.


The battle raged on for what felt like an eternity. Andries was at his limit, his spells nearly exhausted. He had thrown every spell and bomb he had consumed enough brain matter to feel sick and his head throbbed from overusing his psionic power, only rest could fix his headache now. Mathies, though tireless, was healing from multiple injuries.


The Nilfgaardian army began to retreat, seeking a better position while the Northern armies pressed their advantage. The area where Lytta and the other mages fought was filled with smoke and explosions. Andries took a moment to catch his breath, drinking one of the potions he had taken from the fallen mages. He recognized it, the potion helped him focus and recover slightly from his fatigue.


As the potion took effect, Andries felt slightly better from his exhaustion. He looked around, surveying the battlefield. The tide was turning in favor of the Northern armies. The Nilfgaardians were in disarray, and their retreat signaled a potential victory for the North. Andries knew the battle wasn't over yet, but for now, they had gained the upper hand.


As more portals opened, the Nilfgaardians began their retreat. Mages were evacuating as many other mages as they could save. The smoke began to clear, revealing Mathies moving to Andries, killing any Nilfgaardian who got too close.


Andries was preparing to retreat when he saw Lytta on the ground, both of her arms severed. She was too shocked to scream, only able to cry. The other mages had left her, considering her a lost cause. Andries wanted to leave her too, but then remembered a spell his mother used to perform. He smiled darkly.


"Mathies, grab her." Andries ordered, pointing at Lytta. "And grab as many hands as you can, we're going to need them."


Mathies rushed over, picked up Lytta, and started tearing hands from the corpses around him. With Lytta and a collection of severed hands, Mathies ran back to Andries.


Once they were far enough from the battlefield, Andries instructed Mathies to lay Lytta on the ground. He reached into his pack and pulled out some potions, a mixture of those he had stolen and some he already had.


Lytta didn't resist, too shaken to understand what was happening. Andries administered the potions, which stopped the bleeding and rendered her unconscious. Then, giggling, he took out a sewing kit.


"I've always wanted to do this." Andries said. "Mom loved doing this to people, it filled her with joy. It was always funny."


Using his knife, Andries cut away the remaining flesh on Lytta's stumps, leaving only her shoulders. He sorted through the hands Mathies had collected, finding ones that resembled Lytta's original hands, but he decided that wasn't fun. Instead, he selected a slightly larger left hand and a right hand of a different color.


Drinking another potion to replenish his magical energy, Andries got to work. He used blood from the hand pile to coat the chosen hands, then sewed them onto Lytta's arms. Tapping into negative energy, he used hemokinesis to bond the hands to her. The flesh and bone rotted and regrew over and over, transforming the mismatched hands to match Lytta's original ones.


By the time Andries finished, he was exhausted but very pleased with his handiwork. He had to admit, it was funny seeing the mismatched arms on Lyetta's body.


"Mathies, take us both back to the fort." Andries ordered, packing up his things.


Mathies slung Lytta over one shoulder and Andries on his back, then ran back to the fort. The soldiers, initially ready to fight, recognized the pair and let them in.


As they entered, a group of mages, including Tissaia, rushed toward them. They took Lytta from Mathies, and upon realizing she was alive, hurried her to the healers.


"Andries!" Tissaia shouted angrily. "What were you thinking?! You rushed into the battlefield like an idiot?!"


"I didn't, I went to the back of the army." Andries replied, exhausted, as he collapsed to the ground.


"Come with me, we need to get your wounds healed." Tissaia commanded, her anger tempered by concern.


As Andries lay on the ground, he whispered to Tissaia, "That red-haired lady, I healed her hands. I used negative energy to reattach some hands to her and make them work again. I hope that isn't a problem."


Tissaia glanced over at Lytta, who was being attended to by the healers, then back at Andries. "No, she will be fine, but I will check on her."


"And can you check on Mathies too? He is wounded." Andries added. Those were his last words before he succumbed to exhaustion and lost consciousness. Andries had a smile on his face, he was very pleased with what he did.


Tissaia watched him for a moment, her expression softening as she saw the toll the battle had taken on him. She motioned for some of the mages to attend to Andries and Mathies. As they carefully lifted Andries and carried him to a makeshift infirmary, Tissaia walked over to where Lytta was being treated.


The healers were marveling at the state of Lyetta's hands. Lytta's new hands, were functioning perfectly. They could feel something was done to the hands but they didn't know what. Tissaia examined the hands, her fingers tracing the lines where they had been attached. She felt concern for Andrie's unique abilities and the methods he had inherited from his mother. Necromancy wasn't something one could take lightly.


"Keep a close watch on her." Tissaia instructed the healers. "Make sure there are no complications."


She then turned her attention to Mathies, who stood stoically, his wounds already healing thanks to his monstrous resilience. Despite his stone-like exterior, the signs of battle were evident. Deep gashes and burns marred his body, yet he remained unfazed.


"Mathies was it?" Tissaia said. "Come, let's get you some proper care. You don't have to worry about Andries, I make sure he is fine."


Mathies nodded and followed Tissaia, his heavy footsteps echoing through the fort. The soldiers and mages parted for them, their expressions a mix of respect and fear. Mathies had become a legend on the battlefield, a creature of immense power and loyalty.


Inside the infirmary, Andries was laid on a cot, his breathing steady. He seemed to be fine, just tired a little. Tissaia knelt beside him, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. She placed a gentle hand on his chest, channeling a soothing spell to aid his recovery.


"Rest now, Andries." she murmured. "You've done more than enough."


She turned to the other mages. "Ensure that both of them receive the best care we can provide."


The mages nodded and set to work, tending to Andries and Mathies with a mixture of traditional healing methods and spells. The fort buzzed with activity, the aftermath of the battle bringing both relief and urgency.


Tissaia stood, taking a deep breath. The battle was won, but the war was far from over. She looked back at Andries and Mathies, two unlikely heroes that probably did all of this for fun or personal gain. With a final glance, she walked out of the infirmary, ready to face the next challenge that awaited them.