
Witcher: a mutant's story

This is a story about a young mutant named Andries. He was created in a lab by an Enchantress. The enchantress wanted a perfect son so she created a mutant in a tube and called him Andries. She made sure that Andries has psionic powers and a good connection to magic. The Enchantress was arrested and presumed dead after it was revealed she practiced necromancy and was creating monsters in her labs. Left alone with only his guardian, a mutant named Mathies, Andries decided to become stronger, it was something like an instinct that made Andries want more power. The first step was to strengthen his psionic power as his psionic powers were limited. To remove that limit, he had read that the brain of a source could do that. This brings Andries to Cintra after the slaughter of Cintra where he looks for a possible source he can possibly kill, princess of Cintra, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon or Ciri. Note: I don’t own witcher books or games, my only claim is to my own characters. This story will include adult themes like sexual content, drug use, cannibalism, violence, gore and other mature themes.

ali_soltani · Livres et littérature
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23 Chs

chapter 3

The camp was theirs. While Cedric, Henrick, and Gwen argued about what to do with the supplies, Andries and Mathies reveled in checking them out.


They found sausages, cheese, bread, vegetables, salted fish, pickled vegetables, and many other things. Mostly interested in the food, they ate their fill. They also found some barrels of wine, tasted it, hated the taste and decided to avoid the barrels after that.


"Andries, come here. I need your help," Cedric called.


"Hold on a moment, I'll be there with you." Andries replied as he checked the weapon racks for new weapons. He grabbed two new metal daggers, one silver dagger and a short sword, sheathed them on his belt, and went to see Cedric.


"So, did you guys decide what to do with the supplies?" Andries asked.


"Yes, we've got some ideas." Cedric said. "We found a map and some notes. The soldiers were sending supplies to Red Port. The armies are going to meet in battle in an area to the west of Red Port, called Sodden Hill."


"That wasn't the answer to my question." Andries pointed out.


"It's connected." Cedric said. "We were thinking of getting these supplies to the northern armies. I think we can contact some of the mages in the northern armies."


"How do we do that exactly?" Andries asked.


"With your help, I can do it." Cedric said. "I can cast a spell to amplify your telepathic power. I can contact some of the sorcerers I know."


"Sounds complicated." Andries said.


"I can teach you to do it on your own later." Cedric said.


"I'm in." Andries agreed.


The group went to the commander's office. There, Andries saw many interesting items, some magical and some mundane. Cedric grabbed a few items, including a big chalice, a silver liquid, and an amulet.


"Wear this." Cedric handed Andries the amulet.


"Okay." Andries said, putting it on and feeling a form of power within it. It was magical, but he didn't understand its nature.


"What is this thing?" Andries asked.


"It will help you control spells easier." Cedric explained.


"Okay, sounds useful." Andries said.


Cedric filled the chalice with the liquid and held out his hands for Andries to hold. With Cedric's instruction, Andries focused his mind on the liquid. The liquid itself amplified his power, and Cedric added energy to the ritual. Andries allowed Cedric's mind to choose the target of the telepathic message.


"Who is this?" a stern female voice came.


"Lady Tissaia, it is me, Cedric Noctis of Cintra." Cedric said.


"Cedric is dead. He died in the slaughter of Cintra." Tissaia replied.


"I didn't, my lady." Cedric said. "I wasn't in the city when it was attacked. I was outside the city… meeting someone."


"Ah, it is you, Cedric." Tissaia said. "Interesting that your sin saved your life. Now, what matters is why and how you contacted me. If I remember correctly, you weren't good with mental powers."


"I have help with co…" Cedric began.


"Hello." Andries interrupted.


"Who is this?" Tissaia asked.


"This is Andries, a mutant child." Cedric answered.


"A mutant? Is this the one who helped you with the mental power?" Tissaia inquired.


"Yes, that's me." Andries confirmed.


"Why is this child in your company?" Tissaia probed.


"He has a gift for magic." Cedric explained. "I promised to teach him if he agreed to help me. We are doing all we can to damage the Nilfgaardian army."


"And now you want to join the northern armies?" Tissaia asked.


"A little more than that." Cedric replied. "This child... he has ways of harming the Nilfgaardians. With his help and another mutant, we managed to capture one of the Nilfgaard supply camps on the other side of the river. We were hoping for a way to get the supplies to you."


"Really now?" Tissaia said, skepticism evident in her voice. "I can't trust you completely, but I would be a fool to refuse this. Some of the other sorcerers and I will scry your location. If it is the truth, then we will see what we can do with the camp."


"Thank you for considering, my lady." Cedric said.


"Bye." Andries added cheerfully.


With that, the connection ended, and they returned to reality. Andries was thrilled by the new experience. Cedric relayed what happened to the others, who understood they had to wait for Tissaia's confirmation. They busied themselves in the meantime.


Gwen, with the help of Mathies and Henrick, prepared ammunition for defense, including spears for Mathies to throw if needed. Cedric continued teaching Andries more magic, focusing on lightning spells. They were challenging, but Cedric wanted to test Andrie's limits.


Andries' wounded arm was healing rapidly and his toes were slowly regrowing. While his toes needed a few more days, his arm would be fully healed by nightfall.


During this period, Griffins attacked the camp but were repelled when Mathies hurled a giant cart at them, scaring them away.


After some magic training, Gwen decided to see if Andries knew how to ride a horse. As it turned out, he had no clue. Gwen, feeling sympathy for the two mutants and seeing them as victims rather than monsters, decided to teach Andries. By night, Andries could stay steady on the horse, though he had a long way to go to become a competent rider.


As night fell, Andries decided to use the blood of the soldiers to cast some spells. Cedric watched with interest. Andries took an hour to ritualistically write runes all over the wooden walls of the camp.


This spell was a necromantic one, using negative energy. It wasn't a typical protection spell but a calling spell. It summoned wraiths but didn't allow them into the camp. Soon, wraiths of all types started to roam the area mindlessly, ready to attack people outside of the camp. The war had created many monsters and wraiths. These wraiths were mostly mindless, making it easy to call them to the area.


"Okay, now we can sleep with ease." Andries said.


"How do you expect us to sleep with so many monsters around us?!" Henrick exclaimed.


"With your head on the pillow," Andries replied.


"Those wraiths, are they going to attack us?" Cedric asked.


"No, not as long as you stay in the camp." Andries explained. "The spell calls them, but they wouldn't touch the source of the spell which is the walls nor will they go past it. They will also disappear by the morning, so…"


"I don't like this." Gwen said, looking uneasy.


"Try not to think about it." Andries advised. "Now, if you don't mind, Mathies and I are going to get some sleep. Goodnight."


Andries and Mathies headed to the barracks and found a place to sleep. Cedric, Henrick, and Gwen, though worried about the wraiths, eventually convinced themselves they were safe within the camp and settled in for the night as well.


The next morning, the group woke up, had some breakfast, and went about their activities. Cedric continued teaching Andries more magic, while Henrick tried to teach Mathies some swordsmanship.


Cedric was pleasantly surprised when Andries managed to cast his first lightning bolt. Though not as powerful as an adult mage's spell, it was an impressive feat for someone so young. On the other hand, Andrie's horse-riding skills remained mediocre despite Gwen's continued efforts.


As the day progressed, Cedric felt the familiar sensation of a telepathic connection. Recognizing the signature, he allowed it.


"Cedric, I have good news." Tissaia's voice came through. "We scried on your location and think the supplies could be useful. We sent boats with troops across the river, I will be with you in a few hours."


"Thank you, my lady." Cedric replied before the connection ended. He turned to the group with a smile. "Guys, I have good news. The northern armies are sending soldiers to collect the supplies."


"What about us?" Andries asked.


"What do you mean?" Cedric asked.


"What are we going to do?" Andries elaborated. "Are we going to join the armies or stay here and keep messing with the Nilfgaardians?"


"Fighting the Nilfgaardians here is a better idea than meeting with the Northern armies." Henrick suggested.


"For once, I agree with the dumbass," Gwen said, pointing at Henrick.


"That wouldn't matter if the war starts." Cedric said. "Andries has already done enough on this side. I don't think we can do much other than find the rest of the supply camps."


"Well, why don't we find the other supply camps?" Andries asked.


"The other camps are near Kagen." Cedric said. "Kagen is south of Red Port. The Nilfgaard's main army marches through those areas."


"So, we wait for the northern armies?" Gwen asked.


"Yes." Cedric confirmed.


"I know the supplies are for the armies, but can we take some of their things?" Andries asked.


"Sure." Cedric said.


"So, Mathies can keep his hat?" Andries asked.


"What hat?" Cedric asked, puzzled.


At that moment, Mathies walked out of the storage rooms wearing a large hat. On Mathies, it looked like a normal hat, but its oversized feature on top made it clear why he liked it so much.


"That." Andries said with a smile.


The sight of Mathies in the oversized hat brought a moment of levity to the group, a rare but welcome break from the grim reality of their mission.


The group stayed in the camp. Henrick and Gwen kept watch on the surrounding area while Cedric continued to teach Andries and Mathies about magic. Cedric didn't tire them out too much, knowing they would need their powers if they were attacked. Mathies kept an eye on the sky, ready to throw something big whenever Griffins got too close.


After some hours, Gwen spotted soldiers of Temeria approaching. Cedric went to one of the watchtowers and saw that the soldiers were following Tissaia herself and a couple of other sorceresses.


Tissaia was a woman who looked young, but like most sorcerers, she was probably older than she appeared. She had long, wavy black hair, blue eyes, and a fair complexion. She was a beautiful woman with a slender body. Her clothes didn't look the most practical, she wore a dress that covered her whole body and was adorned with many pieces of jewelry that radiated power.


Seeing Tissaia, Cedric moved to the front gate to greet them. Tissaia and the soldiers moved towards the camp. The others joined Cedric at the front gate, but Tissaia stopped when she saw the blood markings on the walls. Her eyes went wide for a moment, then narrowed in anger.


"Lady Tissaia." Cedric greeted as Tissaia finally reached the gate.


"Cedric." Tissaia greeted back.


"It is so good to see a familiar face in these dark days." Cedric said.


"And it is good to see you alive." Tissaia said. "We brought soldiers, but we couldn't get any carts across the river. We had to move quietly in enemy lands."


"There are carts and horses here we can use." Cedric said.


"Good, good." Tissaia nodded. "When we scried on this place, I saw two mutants with you. You were teaching one of them magic, I might know that child. Are they still here?"


"Yes, let me call them." Cedric said, then shouted for Andries and Mathies.


Mathies was lying down nearby, and Andries was practicing his horse riding. Mathies got up, yawned, put on his hat, and moved to see what Cedric wanted. Andries, having a little difficulty getting down from the horse, took a moment to join them.


"Hello." Andries greeted.


Other than Tissaia, the soldiers and sorcerers with her took a couple of steps back when they saw the two mutants. They were mostly scared by Mathies's hulking figure and the dried blood on his knuckles.


"We should move fast." Tissaia said. "Get the supplies into the wagons. I want them moved to the river before the patrols see you." She then turned to Cedric. "As for you and your companions, my sorcerers and I will teleport all five of you out of here."


"Why would you teleport us?" Andries asked. "There are Griffins in the area. Mathies and I trained them to attack soldiers. They mostly target Nilfgaardians, but they might attack you. Mathies can scare them off, and I will always stay with Mathies."

"I wish you hadn't said that out loud." Tissaia remarked, her tone clipped with frustration. "Fine, we will accompany the soldiers. We will make sure they are safe."


The soldiers, now visibly calmer knowing the sorcerers and the mutants were on their side, got to work with renewed focus.


"You are staying too?" Andries asked, his curiosity piqued.


"Yes, we are." Tissaia replied, her gaze steady. "I came here in person because of you. You are of interest to many mages and I... I promised someone to find you."


"Oh, you probably knew my mother." Andries said.


"I never said that." Tissaia countered, her expression unreadable.


"She's the only person who would give a damn about me." Andries said.


"Yes, I know Selene." Tissaia admitted.


"Do you know if she is alive?" Andries asked.


"She is dead." Tissaia said bluntly.


"Okay." Andries replied with a shrug.


Tissaia looked concerned by Andries's apparent apathy. Inside, Andries felt the sting of the news but he had long learned to bury his emotions deep.


Mathies, meanwhile, helped the soldiers pack the supplies. Initially wary of him, the soldiers soon calmed down upon seeing his willingness to assist.


As the team started to move, they were fortunate to avoid any Nilfgaardian patrols. They did face attacks from ghouls and griffins, but Mathies's immense strength and the sorcerer's powers quickly repelled these threats.


When they reached the boats by the river, Tissaia and the other sorcerers began to open portals. The air crackled with energy as Tissaia de Vries prepared the teleportation spell. Her dark, neatly styled hair remained immaculate, even in the swirling winds of arcane power that surrounded her. Standing with an unwavering posture, her sharp, eyes focused on the young boy and his towering companion before her.


Andries, with his short, wavy raven-black hair and faintly glowing red irises, watched intently, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension in his pale features. Mathies, the giant with stone-like skin and blue crystal eyes, stood by his side, his immense form casting a long shadow over the ground.


Tissaia raised her slender hands, fingers weaving intricate patterns through the air. She murmured words of power, her voice calm and steady that contrasted with the growing intensity of the spell. A shimmering rift began to form in the fabric of reality, a swirling vortex of light and shadow that grew wider with each passing second.


"Stand still." Tissaia commanded, her voice carrying the weight of authority. Andries and Mathies complied, rooted to the spot as the magic took hold.


The portal widened, revealing a view of the fort near Sodden Hill on the other side. The sturdy stone walls and battlements were bathed in the light of the sun. The distant sounds of soldiers preparing for battle drifted through the portal, mingling with the arcane hum of the spell.


Tissaia stepped aside, gesturing towards the portal. "Go through." she instructed, her tone leaving no room for hesitation.


Andries glanced at Mathies, who nodded simply. Together, they stepped into the swirling vortex, feeling a brief sensation of weightlessness and disorientation. The world around them blurred and then, with a final surge of energy, they emerged on the other side.


The plain was gone, replaced by the bustling activity within the fort. The scent of earth and blood was replaced by smoke and the distant clamor of preparations for war. Soldiers hurried about, sharpening weapons, mending armor, and fortifying defenses. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and grim determination.


Tissaia stepped through the portal behind them, her composed demeanor unchanged. With a flick of her wrist, she closed the rift, the swirling vortex collapsing in on itself until only a faint shimmer remained in the air.


Mathies, towering over everyone, looked around with childlike curiosity, his simple mind processing the new environment. Andries, however, felt a thrill of excitement mixed with dread. He was about to witness or partake in a real battle and that excited him.


Two more portals shimmered open, and Cedric, Gwen, Henrick, and the other sorcerers stepped through. Cedric looked a bit disturbed that Tissaia had chosen to teleport the mutants but not him.


"Cedric, I want you and the others to meet with Vilgefortz of Roggeveen." Tissaia instructed. "Vilgefortz is the closest thing the mages have to a commanding officer. I have something to discuss with this boy."


"Yes, ma'am." Cedric replied, then departed with the others.


"Follow me." Tissaia directed, her gaze fixed on Andries.


"Stay close, Mathies." Andries told his hulking companion as they followed Tissaia through the fort.


They arrived at a massive tent, its interior luxurious and brimming with arcane energy. Andries felt the energy pass through his body as he entered.


"Come in, have a seat." Tissaia said, settling into a comfortable chair beside a table.


Andries took a seat while Mathies opted to sit on the ground, his immense size making the chairs look fragile in comparison.


"So, what do you want from me?" Andries asked, a note of defiance in his voice.


"As I said before, I knew your mother." Tissaia began. "She was a madwoman, practicing all sorts of horrible magics and alchemies. She was obsessed with creating monsters and mutants, caring little for the pain she caused."


"Yeah, that sounds like her." Andries replied with a smile.


"Selene was a hated sorceress." Tissaia continued. "But she was also my friend. We were classmates when we were younger."


"That sounds horrifying." Andries remarked.


"She had her quirks." Tissaia admitted. "But we're not here to talk about her quirks or the hardships of being close to her. We're here to talk about you. You know she was infertile, correct?"


"Yes, but I promise I'm her son." Andries affirmed.


"I know." Tissaia acknowledged. "She created you in a lab using her blood. I visited you when you were just born. Even then, you looked like a five-year-old and were very wild."


"I remember everything from the moment of my birth, but I don't remember you." Andries said.


"I observed you from afar." Tissaia said. "You were dissecting a toad to see what it was like inside. It was quite gruesome."


"I do remember dissecting the toad." Andries admitted. "So, what's all this about? If you're telling me that my mom and I are monsters, I already know."


"No, I'm trying to remind you of events." Tissaia explained. "This is my way of proving I knew your mother. I want you to understand because I have an offer for you. I'm offering to teach you and help you get into one of the magical schools, but I want you to stop using dark magic."


"Cedric already offered that, as long as I help the northern armies." Andries said.


"Cedric." Tissaia sighed. "Cedric has lost everything. I don't think he has the means to pay for your entrance into any reputable academy."


"He's a mage, I'm sure he can make the money." Andries countered.


"It's not just about the money." Tissaia said gently. "It's about your future. Cedric's resources are limited, and his path is uncertain. My offer stands because I see potential in you. You have a choice to make, Andries. One path is filled with danger and dark, the other with discipline. Think carefully."


"Okay, let's get things clear. What do you mean by dark?" Andries asked.


"The markings I saw on the camp walls." Tissaia replied. "I can tell you have your mother's talent for the darker sides of magic."


"That was Hemokinesis and Negative energy." Andries explained. "Those spells are completely safe and very useful."


"I understand, but others won't." Tissaia said. "Your mother wasn't targeted because of her horrible experiments, mages often praise those. She was targeted because she was powerful and they used her necromancy as an excuse to hunt her. Most mages will do the same to you if they see what you can do."


"Then I'll hide my powers." Andries said resolutely. "No reason to stop using what I'm good at, just hide it. I'll keep learning what you call dark magic, just in secret."


"Fine, I don't think I can stop you." Tissaia sighed. "But remember, the schools will have ways of keeping an eye on you. Never practice your magic on their grounds."


Tissaia grabbed a parchment, ink, and a pen, and began to write a letter.


"What are you doing?" Andries asked.


"I'm writing a letter to Ban Ard Academy." Tissaia replied. "Ban Ard is the most prestigious academy for male mages. I have many contacts there and they will be happy to have you. Just remember, none of the mages there are your friends. They will do anything to use you. As for your mutant friend, say he's a family golem or something. He does look like a golem, so they might accept your word."


"Why don't you introduce me personally after the war?" Andries asked. "Are you afraid that you might die, or is there something else?"


"You're leaving before the battle." Tissaia said.


"Why would I do that?" Andries laughed. "I'm a mutant necromancer. Battle is a great place for me and Mathies."


"No! War is not a child's playground." Tissaia said sternly.


"I know." Andries replied. "I don't plan on being in the main army when the battle starts. I plan on doing what I did on the other side of the river. I'll rile up ghouls or create monsters to create chaos in the Nilfgaardian ranks. Or maybe we can grab a few mages and run away, that way I can steal some things from them without getting hurt."


"Do you hate the Nilfgaardians so much that you want to fight in a war?" Tissaia asked.


"Nope, this is just practice." Andries said with a nonchalant shrug.


"There are better ways to practice." Tissaia insisted.


"The best practice is field practice." Andries countered. "Don't worry, I'll be safe. Mathies here can rip people's heads off. I know a lot of spells that can help me and I heal really fast."


"I... you are a strange child." Tissaia said, shaking her head. "I've dealt with apprentices sneaking out for sex and drinks but I've never had to worry about one joining a war to practice necromancy."


"Well, there's always a first." Andries said with a grin.


"Fine, you can stay." Tissaia said, her voice firm but resigned. "But I want you to stay with until the battle, after that I want you to avoid fights. I will test your powers and teach you as much as I can before the battle."


"That would be great." Andries replied eagerly.


Tissaia shook her head but allowed herself a small smile. She finished the letter she was writing, then handed it along with a pouch of coins to Andries.


"I want you to have these." Tissaia said. "If I don't survive this battle, I still want you to get a good education and hopefully find a way to better your life."


"Thank you." Andries said, his voice apathetic.


"Now, let's go outside." Tissaia said. "I want to first see what you can do, then see what I can teach you. We still have a lot of time before the Nilfgaard army reaches us, so let's make the most of it. Just remember, don't use necromancy in front of anyone."


"Sure, let's do it." Andries agreed.


He tucked the coins and the letter into his pack and followed Tissaia out of the tent, with Mathies rising to follow close behind. As they exited, they noticed people giving them strange looks, mostly directed at the hulking figure of Mathies.


Tissaia led Andries to an area where mages were practicing. The air was thick with arcane energy, crackling and shimmering as mages of all types honed their skills in preparation for the coming battle.


Tissaia motioned to one of the apprentices, who promptly brought a light-looking basket and placed it in front of Andries before stepping back. Tissaia was about to speak when she noticed the amulet Andries had pulled from under his robe.


"Where did you get that?" Tissaia asked, her eyes narrowing.


"From the office of a dead Nilfgaardian mage." Andries replied nonchalantly.


"Do you know what it does?" Tissaia asked.


"It makes it easier to tap into energy for spells." Andries explained.


"All right, you can keep it." Tissaia said, then pointed to the basket near her. "Now, please show me what you can do. I want to see the extent of your training."


"Sure." Andries said confidently.


He tapped into the energy of the air and, with a quick motion of his hand, shot a lightning bolt at the basket. The sudden sound startled the other mages, who turned to see the young mutant child responsible.


Tissaia glanced around nervously before leaning in to whisper to Andries.


"I thought you only knew necromancy." she whispered.


"I've been practicing other magics." Andries said with a grin.


"I didn't expect this." Tissaia admitted.


"What did you expect?" Andries asked.


"I was expecting you to move it." Tissaia said. "Usually, that's what apprentices do. They tap into energy and then release it to move an object a little. Better apprentices would cast a telekinesis spell. That was just too much."


"I have psionic powers." Andries said. "I can move things with my mind. Learning telekinesis spell feels pointless."


Tissaia looked at him with concern. "You are a remarkable child, Andries. But you must be careful. Your talents could make you a target, just like your mother."


Tissaia looked around and sighed as she noticed the mages staring at them. She quickly ordered them to return to their training, her authoritative tone leaving no room for argument.


"Do you know any other spells I am unaware of?" Tissaia asked.


"I know some earth and air element spells." Andries replied. "I also have some ideas on how to make my telepathic power stronger but I still have a long way to go."


"I guess I can teach you some more." Tissaia said.


She first instructed Andries to remove his amulet, explaining that learning spells with the amulet could make them harder to control without it. Andries handed over the amulet and prepared himself.


Tissaia began by explaining the basics of an earth spell. She aimed to teach him a simple but effective shield spell that could be cast by creating a sign in the air and could be reinforced by adding more power. Despite its simplicity, Tissaia was surprised to see Andries manage to cast the spell after only a few tries.


Noticing the mages still glancing their way, Tissaia glared at them until they returned to their own training.


Next, Tissaia decided to teach Andries another simple sign, an air spell that could push enemies back. Depending on the mage's power, this spell could feel like a hard push, a punch, or even being hit by a bull. Once again, Andries mastered the spell with ease.


Encouraged by his progress, Tissaia decided to test Andries with a more complex spell. She chose one dangerously close to fire magic, an earth-based spell that allowed the mage to grow metal claws and heat them until they glowed. This spell was risky, without enough focus, the mage could burn themselves.


This time, Andries struggled. Tissaia ordered a table and chair brought to her and enjoyed some refreshments while Andries continued practicing. She felt a strange sense of satisfaction seeing him struggle, it meant he still had limits, which made the other mages see him as gifted but not inhumanly so.


As the day wore on and darkness began to fall, Tissaia was about to tell Andries to stop. However, just before she could, Andries succeeded. He created metal claws that glowed with heat, showing them off to Mathies, who clapped in approval.


"All right, that's enough." Tissaia said. "I have arranged for you two to have a tent outside of the fort. Your rations will also be sent to you there. You should go get some rest, you've earned it."


"Thank you." Andries said as he retrieved his amulet.


Tissaia ordered one of the soldiers to lead them to their tent. Though initially frightened of the two mutants, the soldier did his duty and led them there. Andries and Mathies thanked him, which calmed the soldier, and they entered their tent.


The tent was spacious enough to comfortably fit both of them. Inside, they found a blanket and a sleeping bag, with the blanket large enough for Mathies. A pack containing soldier rations awaited them as well.


Andries and Mathies settled in for the night. The tent provided a semblance of comfort and security amidst the tension of the impending battle. As they lay down to rest, they both felt a sense of accomplishment and readiness for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Sorry for the short chapter.

ali_soltanicreators' thoughts