
Witchblade. The rise of Sara Pezzini.

Sara Pezzini is a female detective who works in New York City and is also a vigilante superhero who wields the Witchblade. A ancient Egyptian weapon that gives her supernatural powers like. Adaptive armor, Shapeshifting, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Endurance, Healing Factor, Invulnerability, Pyrokinesis, Tactile- healing, and Summoning. Sara Pezzini most battle between thieves, drug dealers and drug lords, in order to keep her city safe. As time goes by Sara learns more and more about the Witchblade's true power, and what it can do. But sadly for her she will lose many friends along the way. Like when she lost her father who was gunned down, and her little sister Karen Bronte who was also gunned down. As time goes by a new threat comes into New York City a man by the name of Kenneth Iron's a billionaire and a drug dealer. Who doesn't care about others, since all he wants is the Witchblade. But sadly for Mr. Iron's only a female can wield the Witchblade, like in ancient times. And it chose the Irish Lady Sara Pezzini over him, as she and her female ancestors wore the Witchblade during Ancient Egyptian times. Now Sara Pezzini most battle Kenneth Iron's who is the dragon of Ancient Egyptian times and who is also known as the Devil. Who as his eyes on young detective Sara Pezzini and the Supernatural weapon the Witchblade. As Sara Pezzini grows stronger with the Witchblade, she and the Witchblade teams up to destroy Kenneth Iron's also known as the Devil and the dragon, and his demons sent to kill her. For the knight like the other ancient female knights before her, most slay and kill the dragon. Like many times before Sara Pezzini was born, her and her female ancestors were all reincarnated by the Witchblade. For they never truly died, as the Witchblade gets past down from host to host after one dies. For the Witchblade is a branch from the Tree of Good and Evil in the garden of Eden, when God created humanity known as Adam and Eve. And Sara Pezzini and the Witchblade that came from the Tree of Good and Evil become one and a team. Since she is not afraid to die, like the other's before her.

SaraPezzini1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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(Sara Pezzini. )

Chapter two:

Chelsea 545 P. M

Sara Pezzini speaking = Even when I was a little girl I knew I was gonna to be a cop. I recall reading a book a few years back that Starsky's wife died of Aids. Damn. It was Starsky and Hutch that did it. By the end of the show, in that red torino, they always got the bad guy. In third grade my best friend Lee and I were Sara Starsky and Lee Hutch. Lee's married now and lives where is it, Teaneck I think. And me? I get to wear dresses that my mom would slap me for- if she were still here .

People on the talking = Hey! Who's the--

Sara Pezzini speaking = I work in a system that favors the guilty- whether they be double- murders in L. A. Or convincing drug dealers here on my beat- as long as they have the cash... They'll walk. Unfortunately for them money doesn't always talk loud enough. The jury may have let him go- but that doesn't mean I have to. Starsky never had to do this make a bust. Then again he couldn't.

Guess I'm in the right place.

Sara Pezzini speaking = Smells like a cheesy bar bathroom.

First drug dealer speaking = Yes, well my client... has some pressing needs and needs capital. I'm prepared to offer fire sale prices 125 kilos of quality merchandise.

Second drug dealer speaking =Really must be my lucky day. Huh, Blitz?

First drug dealer speaking = Yrrhmm....

Second drug dealer speaking = Forgive me I'm a little wary a guy doesn't get to where I am trusting very short skirt that walks to the door...

Sara Pezzini = Oh please.

First drug dealer = So do we close?