
Witch Tamer In Half-Isekai World Of Monster Trainer

Jun had led a common life on the earth. But to the moment he was dead, the guy was detested for his bad look. Which was once ruined by an accident, where he carried that sin to his grave. There was not a soul which helped him to his grave. That is why was burned inside the regional police office burner. A normal pattern of burning those who had died. Without any family or relationship. Shaking his head Jun loathed his mindset, even in this empty world. He never felt lonely because it was just like before even when he was alive. He never realized that when the time he closed his eyes, he opened them to another world. His friends from the past were still there, at the time when he was not ruined by that accident. But the world he knew was not there, he was back at the time but in an alternate dimension.

Shubham_Gosai_0895 · Fantaisie
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54 Chs

New enemy and Details...

Heading out of the venue when the battling emotion of victory and challenge vanished within Jun's chest, he realized that right at this moment.

He was hanging out with Mira, just like a single date with her.

Though! Jun shook off those thoughts from within his mind. But his emotions were dancing inside his heart, not letting him fend off those feelings.

So, he just tried not to look at her, given the moment he could lay eye on her. He was sure, that he would not be able to face her directly at the moment, without blushing out in this situation.

"Jun! Is there something inside your mind, given we are about to cross the section? So, be aware of the teleporting people around here."

Mira looked at Jun as she spoke to her, but her words were making him feel more apprehensive.

As he just nodded silently, while dashing thinking if he could tire himself.

That way he could say that his face was red due to running. Mira was stunned as she looked at Jun, not knowing why he was acting like that.

But looking at him who seemed quite energetic, she thought it was fine for him to be like that.

After Jun has calmed down his emotion, his rationality returned back to him.

As he entered the hotel with a red face, but this time it was because of the tiredness he felt after running for a long period of time.

When Jun thought about how his tired body was gnawing the mana inside him, Jun planned to use running and jogging every morning to train his body.

That is without using mana at all, with which his physics will improve tremendously on the daily basis.

While he will be able to use nighttime, to train with Bolt and Fil in the Icy-world.

Where he would also use as much time as possible, to train his physics too.

Given in the battle with 3 monkeys the previous night, which lasted for 2 months time in the Icy-world.

Jun was their weak point, he was targeted again and again by those 3 battle monkeys, with rod combat tactics.

"I had to be stronger but! Human increase in physical strength is very hard and slow. I am unable to move further like Fil and Bolt."

Jun who entered his room sighed and sat, where Ashflame appeared and looked at Jun with a complicated expression.

After all, at this moment he needed to find his own way out of this, or he will not be able to move on his own path.

'Your cultivation path was weird, to begin with, Jun. Also! It is something that you have chosen, so go as far as you can, given even I am helpless at this.'

Amanda also looked at Jun! Who was sitting on the bed and sighed, while shaking his head and thinking it out clearly...

'There is nothing which can be done thinking like this, so I just have to find out a way to improve myself, the way I can.'

Clearing all his thoughts, Jun felt that his mind has been cleared out like that where he can clearly think about his next aim.

As he heard a knocking sound, where Mira came inside with Jun's permission.

She was there to call jun for the dinner, as they both made their way to a restaurant. Given! lady Ermine along with Alicia was waiting for them in the vicinity.

Jun thought of asking lady Ermine, how trainers usually deal with the problem of self-defense like that.

Jun entered the restaurant and looked at Aunt Ermine and Alicia waiting for them.

Alicia waved at Jun and smiled while congratulating him for winning through the first day. Lady Ermine was happy to see him win, so she brought a special treat for Jun.

While eating Jun looked at aunt Ermine and took a deep breath to ask her.

"Aunt Ermine! Can I ask something from you, given it has been bugging me a lot lately? But no matter what, I am unable to find the right answer to it for all this time."

Ermine was surprised but still looking at Jun's earnest face, she allowed Jun to ask her whatever he want to know.

Then while hearing jun's question, she ended up smiling at Jun.

"That is a silly question Jun, at the lower level at which you are. There is a good saying for you, the best attack is always the best defense for trainers."

Hearing Ermine, Jun went silent for some time. While they continued to eat and Alicia was looking at him, who was deep in his thought and recall the fight from the video.

That Mira had sent them in the evening, which made Ermine and Mira shocked.

This was the first time, that Ermine was shocked like this but those moves of Chimchar were truly shocking.

Jun and Bolt's partnership solid way too solid, as if they had fought in a life and death battle again and again.

To form such a beautiful partnership, they did not need to interact with each other to convey what to do.

During the battle, most of the moves were made by Bolt his own thinking, while Jun was only speaking at the main time.

And every time Jun spoke, Bolt was able to take the finest action, to put himself at the advantage.

It was something they all learned from battling the 3 battle monkey formation and tactics.

"Okay! Aunt Ermine then I will be heading to my room. I am pretty tired today, with all that battle and learning. So, I will hit the bed now and Good night Mira, and Alicia."

Saying good night to everyone, Jun walked inside his room to lay down on the bed.

Where Aunt Ermine also walked to her room and Mira was thinking of analyzing Jun's battle video with Alicia.

"They are already working for Jun. It seems my daughters will team out with jun for sure now, though! That is also a good thing."

Back inside his room Jun lay down and entered the training world.

While Jun who was waiting for the cold current or cold wind felt humid air and opened his eyes, to find himself standing in an open area.

While a tall tree by his right side, there was a lake near that tree, with was flowing all the way to the forest.

Where it joined a river, which might be the reason why this pond water seemed so fresh.

On the left side, there was a huge plain while some hills were around the corner.

But one would be able to find that, there was a slight inclination in the land toward those hills, and by Jun approximation.

The area ahead could be mountains and other kinds of high terrains.

"So! The system finally changed the map, thinking I could have beaten those monkeys this time and was afraid to give out a good prize for winning."

Jun was grinning at his own thought when he found a shadow heading toward him.

When he looked up and found a huge bird with red and orange colored feathers, while ablaze on its 2 tails.

"A blazing bird of two feathers, that means it could be level 3 or above. But by the speed and the amount of flame, it could be level 3 at most."

Looking at the feather tail of the beast, jun was able to predict the opponent's strength easily.

While Fire nemesis Ice Fil has appeared as they had used [Blizzard] to scare away that monster.

When Jun looked at the bird and thought, why it was attacking Jun so hardly? Given he did not meet or harmed this bird.

When Ashflame appeared and pointed at the tree, there were several fruits hanging and according to her, they were similar fruits that have enhanced Bolt and his strength the previous night.

"Hmm! These are good stuff, I will take all of them so for that I might have to kill the thing in front of me."

Jun looked at the bird and smiled...

Where a battle between Jun and the battle bird was about to begin.

Where Fil was about to evolve into Level 1.